A Fishing Disaster
"I'm going to head over to Impulse and Bdub's to get them to help me enchant!" Scar shouted over his shoulder as he mounted his horse.
"I'll work on the base!" Grian shouted, and Scar rode his horse towards the modern home of Bdubs.
"Hey Scar!" Impulse welcomed.
"Hey Impulse." Scar said, getting off his horse.
Bdubs walked out of their house and Scar whistled.
"Looks like you got some shiny armor there. Mind helping me get some?"
Impulse and Bdubs looked at each other, but then Bdubs shrugged,
"Why not? I just went down there."
"Great!" Scar clapped his hands, and he rode off with Bdubs and Impulse to the Deep Dark.
"It's just down there." Impulse said, "I'm going to stay up here to eat for us in case you get in a pickle."
"Okay, love you." Bdubs said, waving goodbye to Impulse.
"Follow me." He then said, leading Scar into the Ancient City.
"Woah." Scar said, his voice echoed off the walls.
"Shhh!" Bdubs hushed as he pointed into the distance.
Scar squinted his eyes and saw a shrieker.
'Oh' Scar mouthed to Bdubs as they crouched on the wool path to the enchanter.
Halfway through, Scar and Bdubs heard someone blow their horn.
The horns can be heard from more than two miles away, but luckily the shriekers didn't set off.
Scar grabbed his horn and Bdubs grabbed Scar's hand, shaking his head.
'It's part of the horn club code' Scar mouthed, but Bdubs didn't let go of Scar's hand.
Scar sighed and put his horn away, continuing on the path with Bdubs.
But right when Bdubs let go, Scar blew his horn, setting off a shrieker.
"SCAR!" Bdubs shouted at him as the shrieker set off.
"That's one strike. Two more and the Warden will spawn." Bdubs hissed.
Scar shrugged and they made their way to the enchanter.
"I want you, Bdubs, to smack me if I take the enchanter. Tell me to put it down." Scar said before he started enchanting.
Bdubs nodded and stood outside of the little wool hut built around the enchanter.
When Scar finished enchanting, he didn't think about lowering his voice and made the shrieker go off a second time.
Scar and Bdubs were surrounded by darkness.
Now's the perfect chance.
Scar mined and picked up the enchanter, Bdubs not noticing.
"You'd think whoever made this wool house would make it safe against the shrieker." Scar whispered as they made their way back to the surface.
"Thanks, Bdubs." Scar said when they climbed up the stairs from the Deep Dark.
"Yeah, we're really lucky the Warden didn't spawn. You owe me." Bdubs said.
"Well, keep this quiet, but look." Scar showed Bdubs the enchanter and he gasped.
"You took the enchanter!? You told me not to let you!"
"I don't know what came over me. But when the darkness came, I just took it. Besides it is sort of your fault since you didn't stop me."
Bdubs sighed.
"You and Impulse are welcome to enchant anytime." Scar said.
"No thanks. I don't want to get caught up in that."
"What do you mean?"
"Guarantee Joel and Etho will have your head if they find out you have the enchanter."
I haven't thought of that.
"It'll be fineeee. Besides, they're still on their yellow lives."
"I wouldn't count on that." Bdubs said, "Just don't bring it with you when you come to the pool party later."
"There's a pool party?"
"Yep. Me and Impulse are planning on just chilling with everyone. No deaths, hopefully, and no red names allowed."
"Sounds like fun! Me and Grian will definitely be there."
"Come on Grian! We'll be late if we don't leave now!" Scar shouted as he started walking to Bdub's.
"Do we have to?"
"I told them we would though."
"Just... fine."
Scar smiled.
I love you.
"Eyyy!" Everyone welcomed Scott.
Just then, Grian grabbed a fishing pole and launched Pearl five feet into the air.
"GRIAN!" Scott shouted, mad.
Pearl laughed chaotically, "Me and Grian are playing fishing pole!"
Grian towered high into the sky and launched Pearl, now twenty feet into the air.
"OWWW!" Scott fell on the ground from the damage taken.
"Chain reaction, chain reaction!" Pearl said, grabbing her fishing pole and fished Joel, who fished Etho, and Grian launched Pearl into the air, and then.
"OH NO!"
Scar stood there, shocked.
Joel wasn't able to make a water bucket clutch and died. Etho following.
"PEARL!" Scott shouted, walking over angrily to his soulmate.
"It was just a joke! I didn't mean it!" Pearl said.
Grian destroyed the tower and ran over to Scar.
"You killed Joel and Etho!" Bdubs said, shocked.
"Did no one think of the fact that since Joel and Etho are soul bound, they'd take twice as much damage?!" Scott asked.
"Umm... maybe not?" Grian said sheepishly.
"You guys are idiots." Scott sighed as he and Pearl started putting Joel and Etho's stuff in a chest.
"This is not all their stuff. Some people have some." Scott said.
Just then, Etho and Joel appeared, both had Red Names.
Red Names means that the pair is on their last life.
Red Names can kill other players and are very dangerous.
"SOMEONE HAS OUR CHEST PLATES!" Joel shouted angrily.
Some people started to back away from them, fear in their eyes.
Joel was starting to get unhinged.
Scar cleared his throat, "It appears that the scarlet Pearl is holding both chest plates."
Everyone turned to Pearl and Joel started chasing after her.
"PEARL GIVE IT BACK!" Joel shouted.
"Impulse, can I borrow your horse." Etho asked.
Impulse nodded and Etho rode after Pearl.
"GIVE IT BACK!" Joel shouted.
"NO!" Pearl laughed.
"Pearl, give them the things! My life isn't worth it!" Scott shouted from inside the house.
"Yes, it is Scott! It is." Pearl said, still running.
"PEARL, I WILL MURDER YOU!" Joel shouted.
Just then Etho swooped in and shot Pearl with his crossbow.
"Alright! Alright!" Pearl said, stopping.
But just then, Joel murdered her.
And Scott died.
"Should've listened to us Pearl! Don't mess with us Red Names!" Joel said chaotically.
Luckily, Scott set his spawn in the house and respawned to grab his stuff before anyone else took it.
"How does it feel being on Yellow Lives?" Scar mocked Scott who death stared him.
"This is why, I live with Cleo."
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