smiles in the dark
Bakugo was preparing to use his explosion quirk on a scrawny boy who's shaking in fear. The scrawny boy had beaten Izuku earlier in the day. Of course, Bakugo wouldn't think twice about 'showing them their place' if they got in his way, would he? And if the snippets of the conversation we're anything to go by he got in his way of teaching Izuku 'his place'. The shaking boy fell accidentally due to the advances Bakugo was making towards the kid. A whine left the boy as he made contact with the grounds of the park. Weakly staring up met with Bakugo's piercing eyes. 9-year-old Izuku standing behind Bakugo in a faltering state. He never wanted Bakugo to hurt others, especially when Izuku was around him. He always thought of what happened to his friend to make him like this. Bakugo always and will want to be a hero no matter, but recently and thinking of how much a mean thought to think about. Bakugo was acting like a villain toward others that he deems as weak or below him like himself. Izuku couldn't deal with Bakugo's actions towards the scrawny kid, so he jumped in between him and the already beat-up-kid. A big boom sounded throughout the playground there were surrounded by. The wind stirred as the heat of explosion fanned Izuku's face. Bakugo had used his explosion quirk making a cloud of dust so thick it made it seem like smoke to anyone's eyes. Bakugo was taken by surprise including Izuku, who brought himself out of realization and turned to the kid he shielded. The kid escaped with Izuku's help telling the kid to scram in a surprisingly good impression of his friend Bakugo. The kid promptly took the hint and ran off without a second thought. Izuku didn't have time to think about the incident he had to make an escape. Izuku ran too before the smoke clear he didn't want to get caught by Bakugo's rath. Heavily breathing after running for his life, he made it home but he knew he wasn't out of the woods quite yet. While the sun started to set, Izuku snuck into his apartment quietly then stealthily into his room which was kind of plain cause his family didn't have much money for anything to decorate his room. The late-night-hours but Izuku couldn't find the urge to sleep. His mind blurred by the hopes for the boy's safety. He pondered what the sound of the boom of Bakugo's quirk. Starring at the ceiling was even though he knew what it was. Another thought stuck Izuku.
His voice was manipulated. By how Izuku little brain could really comprehend. One thing is for sure, he would be having a massive headache the next bloody day. The only thing keeping Izuku from drifting off to sleep was him rethinking the whole incident. Over and over.
The sound of bakugo's explosion kept ringing in his ear until he manages to hit the stack. In his pumping heart, he had the quirk he wished for as a kid so long ago. A wish he had long given up on.
3yrs later
Izuku spent the last three years trying everything to earn some money. He ended up doing some odd jobs most involving random civilians just wanting help and him assisting them by giving information they either asked or favored. The rest of the jobs were definitely more on the suspicious side but he didn't question it. His desperate need for money didn't make him question others at the time. He currently was in the work of running away from home. Early, Saturday morning Izuku was almost done packing. He needed to make sure to bring his pencil and a bunch of blank notebooks. Izuku passion for music made him want to write his own music. The late-night practices every night when his mom was asleep. He wanted to perfect everything before taking his voice to the streets. He took his runaway money he saved up for and toss it in the front pocket of his bag. It could be stupid for him to do that but he had to make sure no one touches his bag. MP3 player laying on his bed which he had gotten for his 6th birthday. His parents gave him to much money by accident he's still confused as to how that happened. Izuku's dad left without a trace when he was nine. Three years ago, it was kind of weird he never felt little sadness about his 'trip' down the strip never to be seen again. His father leaving made him feel not sadness but anger. Mom needed his support even if he wasn't getting any of it in return. Now he was running away 'maybe this will make him come back and help her' Izuku thought while he finished packing. That's one of his dumbest thoughts he could ever have. Dad wasn't coming back or he wouldn't have left. He wishes to free his mother of both her suffering and debts. Izuku promised himself he would send his mother money and notes.
His 'connections' able to get him a good fake passport. His 5,5 was surprisingly enough not to be asked questions. Plus due to his passport he 'had' the option of gender and which he 'choose' young female adult since everyone already thought he was a girl. From the girly baby face to his voice that could match a female pitch. After leaving his apartment he took off walking to the nearest airport; he didn't need the train that would only diminish his money supply walked on his way, there was no interruption until he passed by an alleyway.
The sound of whimpering coming from the alleyway caught Izuku's attention. Halting his movements, looking deeper into the alleyway. Again the sound of a cry for help filled the alleyway. Izuku didn't waste any time nor thought rationally, as his feet moved on their own sprinting into the alleyway. Spotting a few kids surrounding a purple-haired kid. Few of the teenagers around his age surrounding the purple-haired teen who was on the ground with his hands flaring up to shield his face. The group hadn't notice Izuku yet so he took a better look at what they were doing.
"Aw, well look at that, the monster is going to cry. Go on cry!" One boy advances towards the fallen kid.
Kicking the purple-haired kid in the stomach. The injured teenager tried rolling away but his back hit the brick wall. The dirt brown-haired male struck him again in the same area making the beaten kid yowl. The purple-headed kid notice Izuku looked right at him with a desperate look of help. Izuku could tell he needed help but what could he do. He glanced around the wet and dim alleyway for anything he could use. Nothing caught his eye that would be useful in this situation. He decided to drop his luggage, grabbing the kids' attention.
"What do you think you're doing!" Izuku shouted gaining both deathly stares and smug looks. He had used his girlish voice not realizing it.
Setting that thought aside, Izuku began to devise a plan quickly, or else he'll end up like the injured kid. He already gained their attention but he needs to keep their attention on him, so the boy could make a run for it.
"Ooo, look guys a girl came to the rescue the monster. What do you think your doing walkin' down here and getting nosy?" A punk-looking dude steps up though he wasn't the guy who kicked the beaten teen.
He gripped a bat that was originally hidden from view earlier. Twirling it in his fingers before resting it on his shoulder. Izuku did his best to control his escalating anger. That will only cloud him of what's in front of him. He quickly took a glimpse of the fallen teenager. Blood both dripping from his nose and mouth, he smeared it in an attempt to wipe it off. He managed to lean his back against the brick wall covered graffiti. Clutching his abdomen in clear pain, though his facial expression didn't show it, both his eyes and the kid's body language was pleading the opposite. Izuku looked back at the five teenagers now that they were closing in on him. "You really pick a pretty little gal mindless--ack!" Another teen step forward bitten his tongue at the end of his words.
The brown-haired male step forward, the same one who inflect the injures upon the purple-haired male. Izuku giggled finding satisfaction in the teen's stupidity.
"Quit your laughing the only thing you will be doing is screaming when my crew beats the shit outa ya. No matter if you're a girl, maybe we'll get some fun out of you while we're at it." The male grinned tauntingly. Izuku shook his head gritting his teeth in spite. Anxiety now knocking at the back of his mind.
"Your one of the worse kind of people--tainting and ruining others either for selfishness or jealously. You know what, just by looking at you l can tell which you are. You hurt others for there pain expressions. You take pride and satisfaction of your victims. You do it for your own selfishness needs. You're an actual wolf, your the monster here!" Izuku shouted in his actual voice. Izuku's hatred overcomes him.
He didn't realize his quirk flip the off switch mid-speech. The group of guys stared with shocked expressions but it quickly faded away. Deathly stares stab into Izuku soul.
"I had enough of this--ah!" The dark-haired male unsheathed a knife and started advances towards him.
Izuku quickly glances to the side of him and saw his luggage. He kicked his luggage in front of him, then kept stepping back every moment, as the guy waving the knife made it closer and closer to him. The male running didn't have enough time to stop himself from tripping over Izuku luggage. Izuku sidestepped and reach his arm out and pushed the male face-first into the cement. Izuku grabs the knife outta his hand while performing this move. He brought the knife down to the back of the guy's neck.
"You should really watch where you're going...Sir." Izuku fisted some of the male's hair as his words filled there surroundings, sure enough for his lackeys to hear.
Izuku slams the male face into the ground once more. -Crack- "Argh!" The dark-haired male brought his hands up to his profusely bleeding nose. Shock and a little of fear were splashing against the male that managed to turn on his back and glare at Izuku.
"I will be taking the kid now so scram! If you don't want to end up like your friend here." Izuku pointed at the male behind him on the ground. They ran past Izuku after hearing his words and out of the alleyway.
"You'll regret this! We will find you asshole!" The guy with the bat said before leaving.
Izuku didn't have to turn around to make sure there were gone. His attention was on the purple-haired teen. Izuku now remembers he had a knife in his hand so he turns around to the injured boy behind him and grips the scabbard from his belt. Sheathing the blade in his scabbard and attaching it to his jeans he ambles towards the teen. Izuku did the only thing he could think of while walking toward the teen. Izuku mustered up the greatest smile he could manage.
"It's okay, it's over now. Smile you will look and feel much better if you smile at your bullies. Don't let them have the satisfaction of making you upset. Hey, I know, why don't you join me for a walk and l can get you patched up."
Izuku picks up his luggage off the cement.
"Why not." The purple-haired teen shrug as he got up, using the brick wall as support.
They ended up walking out to the sidewalk before the teen asked. "Where are we going?" /-/ "Well originally l was heading to the airport if you could notice my luggage." Izuku stated back lifting his luggage so the teen could see.
The purple head stated freaking out now inquired. "What, why? You're like my age at least if l were to assume."Izuku pause thinking if he could trust him with that information. After arguing with himself for less than a minute he decided to tell him simply but with something in exchange. "I'll tell you why if you tell me about yourself." Izuku gave a genuine smile and after he thought. Izuku wouldn't want him to run away too. Not down he's shifting path of good between evil. He needs to show people the real him. "Sure, you go first though." The purple-haired motion him to talk. Though he kept his eyes straight ahead. "Okay, to put it briefly I'm running away." Izuku scratches his cheek in embarrassment. The other snaps his head towards him his mouth open similar to a fish.
"What, why are you doing that." The corpse kid's surprise expression faded but was replaced with curiosity. "One that's technically two questions and secondly it's your turn, only say what you are comfortable with sharing," Izuku said completely ignoring the question now with a small genuine smile. The emotionless teen sighed briefly keeping up beside Izuku down the sidewalk. There are not as many people out and about in this area from Izuku's field of vision. "Okay, my name is Hitoshi Shinso, but you can call me Hitoshi," Hitoshi answered while brushing dirt and grime off his uniform. "Okay, Hitoshi, my name is Izuku, Midoriya, " He said with a beaming smile. After walking a lot of distance, chatting back and forth they reached the airport.
While their 'chats' were mostly about their days, their favorite heroes, quirks, and views of current life. Izuku limited his answers in that department. Not wanting to give away anything that could make Hitoshi question his reasons. Not wanting to have that conversation ever. The subject of why Izuku was running away came up as crowds of people at the entrance of the airport were in the line of sight. Izuku felt that he should answer after all Hitoshi was walking all the way here with him. "I'm going to travel to gain experience, so I can come back and be the hero everyone needs. A hero who smiles in the faces of danger. I want to be a hero for everyone, not just for fame and greed, just a hero that everyone can lean on. So that's why I need to get an early start. In addition to that, I need to escape from those who pull me down..." Izuku's smile in his words of determination and commitment. Now, this is the part where Izuku anxiety kicks in. Did he say something wrong, why hasn't Hitoshi said anything, he saw his tears forming. Blinking them away. Hitoshi wide-eye for several moments before replacing it with a smile.
With Izuku head high now. His emerald eyes staring up above at the clear and serene sky. "I could come wit-" Izuku snaps his neck towards Hitoshi. "No, absolutely not. You need to prove you can be a hero to others on your own. Plus your parents will worry about you if you were to leave." Izuku said with a sense of finality in his tone.
When the two were inside the airport. Izuku had finally figured out where he wanted to travel first. He bought his ticket. Hitoshi still by his side following close behind "Hey, Izuku when will you be back?" Hitoshi asked through his face and voice pinged of loneliness but things never work out in peoples' favors.
"I will be back before you know it. Now I have to go to the bathroom stay right here so I don't lose you if you get restless, go to gate 5b." Izuku walks off towards the restrooms. Hitoshi stood alone in the crowd of passing people; soon felt the need to move around and headed to where Izuku said. Gate 5b. Izuku came back but he looked quite different then he was four minutes ago. He wore a white ruffle top that compliments the coat. Black ironed pants cause out of Izuku choices he picks pants instead of a pencil skirt. Hitoshi expresses his confusion towards Izuku to which he didn't reply. Not wanting to trust his voice.
When Izuku sat next down waiting for his plane number to be called out. Hitoshi took the seat next to him. They sat there not speaking a word to each other. The awkwardness was real, Izuku dreaded mentally having his head down. "Why are you wearing that?" Hitoshi snapping his neck towards him, cutting the awkward atmosphere with his plain tone. Izuku jolted at the sudden question and began to scratch his neck in embarrassment.
"W-well, I h-have to the l-look the part." Izuku stuttered, feeling his cheeks burn. His quivering smile fell moments later. Looking back down -
after a moment of awkward silence, a loud woman's voice could be heard over the intercom saying, "Gate 5b now boarding, first-class and disabled please board first make sure you have your plane ticket and passport." After a while of waiting, they hear the woman tell them its time for Izuku to board, he gets up and hugs Hitoshi. Hitoshi felt calm he sank into Izuku. It took everything he had not to start crying right there and then.
Izuku said, "Don't worry we'll see each other again I know it and I need you to know that too."
Izuku stepped back and went to get in line smiling at his new friend and said, "Remember whenever you think of the miles between us just smile."
and with that, they parted ways
The italics are his voices if Izuku were to speak with his quirk activated. - A/N
Okay, this is what Izuku is wearing try to imagine him with a lot less *ahem* breasts *ahem* and a lot more of the color red on his cheeks you know cause this is actually a boy for the sake of the story... yay if you can't tell I hate looking up pictures of fem Deku, cause that's what it took to find this picture. God help me. I love and hate this

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