polar opposites
(A/N They're speaking the dominate language of the country they're in unless said otherwise or are not in a conversation with another person)
Izuku Midoryia, now Izuku Chisaka, has been in the Netherlands for a few days now. It's rained every day so far the streets are wet and dirty every-so-often you'll hear a few people swearing. 'Good thing I learned Dutch before coming here' a certain greenette, thought whenever he wanted to, talk to someone.
Izuku was wandering around the town he was currently in. He had gotten pickpocketed; he doesn't even know when it happened. Izuku doesn't care though he needs to find a place to learn kickboxing. He was lost in thought when he bumps into a young woman. Izuku falls on the ground, and the woman drops her stuff all over the dirty ground with a wet smack. Izuku hurriedly picks it up, apologizes, and hands it to her. the woman looks surprised for a moment, but it's quickly put aside for worry when she takes in what Izuku looks like. Izuku's face is splattered in dirt and grime, his clothes are tattered and torn in places from a couple of jobs he's done and has yet to be paid for Izuku doesn't want people to worry about him, but she won't do anything Izuku thinks. The woman then says, "Hey there, why don't you come with me." Izuku nods nervously the woman gave a reassuring smile and Izuku knew it was he had seen it being given to people by heroes and police on the scene of villain attacks he gave a weak smile, but on the inside, he was smiling like a kid at an ice cream parlor. She grabs his hand and pulls him away in a blink of an eye. He looks at her and is amazed, she's gorgeous. The way she was giggling made him feel something he hadn't in a while, happiness. Her smile was so bright, innocent, and comforting. The way her hair long golden-blonde streaked hair was shining in the light of the sun that decides to peak out of the clouds even it wanted to come out of hiding to see her beauty; she made the world around her light up. She turns around and gives a wide gleaming smile out at Izuku. His whole body screamed protect. He was brought out of his admiration when they were brought to a halt, then it hits him the fantastic smells of fresh meats, the spices, and the breads, all were mixing and making each other even better, making him realize how hungry he was. Then there were the beautiful sounds, street vendors were calling out for people to try their goods. The sights were just wonderous. Street performers were everywhere, they were performing acts, each with its unique touch. It filled Izuku with wonder.
Izuku was brought out of another trance when they walked into a dully lit-place, there were people everywhere. All different types and ages. They ranged from young adults to elderly and party-till-you-drops to the subtle and quiet, but even they were cracking a few jokes. It was obvious everyone was acquainted at the very least. The room they were in had light brown walls with paintings hung occasionally around the walls each, with various shades of blue. There was a large skylight lining the overhang above the far-side wall. It had large black curtains which had a small gap in between letting in a golden beam of light which settled perfectly on the lower part of one of the barstools, which every one had a golden bottom, making it shine perfectly it was in no one's eyes it made every other barstool shine brighter along with it, even the dark brown leather was glowing. It made Izuku want to glow too, but all good things must come to an end. when Izuku was knocked out of his wonder. By being pulled toward the back, the woman grabbing stuff as she went soon they stopped Izuku almost got knocked to the floor by the sudden stop but was quickly caught by the woman, she said, "Sorry about that, my name's Solana, I thought you would want a bath and some new clothes. So, I'll leave you to it."
when she left Izuku walked into the bathroom it was nice. It looked like something out of HGTV. It had dark brown wood cabinets, with light gray marble countertops. A shower with a dark bronze rim and frosted glass door, with and a comforting gray tile laid along the walls with a hypnotizing pattern, it made him relax just looking at it. The bathroom had a warm white. it warmed him to the core making his hands ease up he didn't even know he was tense, to begin with. Maybe it was because he was used to conditional kindness? He would need to find out if this was such, but for now, he fully intended to go with the people that were helping him. He put the shower on a moderate temp, he didn't want steam up their entire bathroom in the span of 15 minutes. He took his clothes off and cringed at how dirty they looked. He tested the water with his hand, after judging it good enough he stepped in basking in the warmth that seeped through his body. He wanted to stay there forever but knew he couldn't because water bills were expensive he put the shampoo in his hair scrubbing it around, it had been a while since he had taken a decent shower, or maybe one at all he thought. He could see the dirt coming out of his hair. reminding him how long it had been since he'd taken a decent shower. grabbing the shampoo and pouring a bit out, scrubbing his hair. It made him feel a lot calmer. It was amazing how much a good shower could make someone feel. He rinsed his hair and started scrubbing his body. He turned off the water and got out, picking up the towel from where he had left it. Izuku made his way over to the sink and looked down at the clothes Solana had gotten him and for the first time realized that she had gotten him girl's clothing. It's not like he hadn't worn it before it's just every time he did it of his violation. then a thought came to him, 'Why would she get a boy, girl clothes. Well, she must not know im a boy, I've been told I do look like a girl after all' and he put the clothes on complete with a pair of quite embarrassing panties and skirt that at least was not a short one. he could do this, Izuku kept telling himself.
He walked out of the bathroom and walked down the hallway into the common area. Izuku looked like a tomato and he knew it. While he was walking the noise kept getting louder and louder. Izuku walked out into the common area and was met with a cacophony of sound. Solana quickly noticed him and rushed over in no time at all. her eyes gleamed with joy at what he was wearing "You look amazing in that, dear. now come meet my sister I'm sure she would love to meet you" Solana said, amazed. not one to disappoint Izuku followed, even though he was more or less dragged across the room that was still booming with life. They stopped in front of another young woman she was quite the opposite of Solana in appearance. Her hair was a dark blue with streaks of silver and her irises were filled with colors of the galaxy. and now that he looked at solana her irises had every color under the rainbow. They were the rainbow they were polar opposites and it was surprising that genes could even manage this. 'Maybe it had something to do with their quirks' was the question that came to most people's minds when they saw these two but for Izuku it was that 'I wonder how two sisters could look so different' and 'genetics are a mysterious thing I guess' Izuku, was broken out of his thoughts when the young woman coughed he quickly looked back at her "You were muttering" she said it looked a bit taken aback but her voice remained calm, collected, and quiet. Izuku was made even more curious by her exact opposite attitude he hoped she would warm up to him but he quickly told himself that he might not even see her after this. Izuku decided he would help as much as he could for the time being. "Sorry, I tend to do that. It's just you two couldn't seem more apart in appearances and attitude and I was just wondering how genetics could even manage this," Izuku said getting quieter as he went on.
The sisters seemed to be surprised at this, most people would have thought it was their quirk and in all honesty, it was but that's what made it confusing this little boy thought of the thing that they had wanted people to think all this time they never wanted to be defined by their quirk they wanted to do what they wanted to do, but the world never let them, more importantly, the hero commission they didn't want to be heroes like the hero commission wanted them to be the hero commission was breeding them into heroes they didn't want to be that for some old hypocritical, greedy men that only saw them for their quirk they wanted to do what they wanted to do when they wanted to do it. It made sense if you thought about it like school, you dont want to read an entire assignment that the school forces you to read through but you thoroughly enjoy reading anything but what the school makes you read if you are not forced to do it you will naturally find you like it and this was the same feelings the sisters had they loved helping people but in their way and not forced to do it
solana jumping up and down with excitement cheered "this is the girl I was telling you about, lumina. She was super nice." Solana was now waving her arms around and hopping up and down. lumina seemed to be trying with all her might to stop from smiling, she wasn't very good at it however cause her smile gradually grew. Izuku felt fuzzy and warm when he looked back at Solana she was jumping up and down like she was having a sugar rush, it made Izuku feel good knowing that he made her so happy
"I was walking in the bad part of town and most people over there most likely would have run off with my books," Solana kept going on and on about Izuku's kindness, but Izuku was more worried about all the things he could have done instead of helping her it made him think of all the bad things that could have and had happened to him in the past few days and it hadn't even been a week and he was tired, cold, and dirtier than he had been in all his life it was strange, to say the least. A few words he caught brought him out of his mind "Inn" "live" and "here" he immediately shot his head forward and said, "I'm sorry could you repeat that I wasn't really paying attention?" Izuku rubbed the side of his arm nervously
"sure. My name is Lumina and me and Solana run this inn. We were wondering if you wanted to live here with us." said Lumina.
"Um, h-hi L-Lumina my n-name is Izuku a-and i-i wouldn't w-want to be a b-burden," stuttered Izuku
"nonsense, we would love to have you here. of course, you would have to earn your keep." Solana continued, "It's quite the opposite really."
'I do need a place to stay and it's not like I'm staying for free even though I dont have any money it should be fine as long as I help as much as I can. who knows maybe I can learn a thing or two, lord knows when the last time I had friends was.' Izuku looked up and saw the two, gleaming down at him it was like the sun and moon both were shining down upon him at once. He'd started mumbling again he smiled and firmly stated, "deal." He put his hand out to shake on it but ended up with being pulled into the best hug he had had since before he was four. It was noticeably quieter when he looked around it seemed that the room was completely empty except for the three of them he wanted to ask what he could do to help but they were quickly carting him upstairs to a bedroom and he suddenly got really subconscious.....
he'd forgotten something very important
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