My hero...
Pragya's pov:
Two weeks passed after reaching India but still I didn't see it's beauty,I have heard my friends saying India is a beautiful country but in these two days I went to college to get admission and successfully I got admission for mbbs in the best college. I always wanted to become like my dad and this is my first step to fulfill my dream. Then we got admission for Ayaan after so much pleadings from my dad ,as his percentage is not good. First we thought he will not get admission but my dad was a hero as always he did magic and got admission. Arjun Bhai didn't have any trouble as he was in final year as house surgeon,he was also in my college. Then we opened our new hospital ' SOUL REPAIR HOSPITAL' . Dad and ajju Bhai are very busy. But me and Ayaan are bored sitting simply in our house,our new little 'AP manzil' house in Dehra dun. Dad strictly informed us both not to go out so we both are waiting for ajju Bhai to take us out as he promised in morning.
Then dad and Bhai reached we all had our dinner. I was excited to go out but all of sudden Ayaan's stomach got upset as his stomach is not adjusted with Indian food,so to my displeasure we postponed our plan to the next day. Then we all went to our respective rooms after wishing good night to each other. It was ten but I couldn't sleep so I decided to go out and see nearby places. I thought of calling Ayaan as he was my partner in crime always but then dropped my idea as he was not well. Then slowly I sneaked out of our house and started to walk . After walking for few minutes then I realized what a foolish idea was this as it started to drizzle. Even though I love rain but the roads at this place is not fine and the roads are filled with puddles. It was very dark as some street lights are not on. I was wondering how my friends found this place beautiful then I thought to return to home before anyone finds me missing as I left my phone at home.
When I turned back to go home I saw some men nearing me ,not some men but drunkards. Seeing them walking towards me made me to freak but I didn't show my fear on my face and walked past them fastly. My dad always said us that we should never allow our opponent to find our fear. When I crossed them a man held my hand now I got hell scared and pushed him and started to run . while chasing me some one from them pulled my scarf which made me to shiver in fear. As it was dark I couldn't see clearly then I slipped and fell in a puddle. Now they surrounded me but somehow I managed to run but my chasma was knocked off and one man pulled my sleeve and it tore then they rounded me as I fell down I wanted to scream for help but no sound came from my mouth. I pleaded them to leave me and mentally scolded me for not listening to Dad's words. One creep touched my face and I closed my eyes in fear praying to God to save me as if this happens then I can never able to survive after. I paused my prayers when I heard the man who touched me screaming in pain .I opened my eyes to see a young man hitting them . In the dark I couldn't see his face but then in between his fight he came near me and helped me to get up and he removed his shirt and covered me . Then one rouge came to hit me with a rod but my savior protected me that's when I saw his face in little light and shocked to see a handsome man.
Then he pushed me aside and started to fight and at last some rouges ran while others were lying unconscious on the ground. Then that handsome man came to me and asked whether I am fine , at that time my eyes locked with his concerned eyes for a moment and at that moment I fell in love with him,my savior. I gently nodded him then he asked me where was my house as he will come with me till there but before he complete I slowly said him which is more like a whisper that I will go and thank you for saving me. He nodded negatively and started to say something but cut off my another young man . The another man who was also a good looking man but not more than my savior came near him and scolded him asking where did he go. Then my savior said him all the happenings. That's when the other man noticed my presence then he turned to me and asked whether I am fine now. I politely nodded to him . Then he turned towards my savior and said him to go home and take rest as he will drop me in my house. My savior nodded and started to walk at that time I noticed his hand which is bleeding lightly and I said his friend to take care of him as I can go home alone as my house is near. First he denied then gave up and turned to walk not before saying me to be careful here after. Then I glanced one last time at my savior and turned to walk towards my home with my newly found feelings. When I came few distance I heard him saying," you should have gone with her Purab". Then I didn't hear anything as I turned to the other street and when I entered the house I saw my panicked dad rushing towards me and he hugged me . On seeing my state the three got more tensed and keeping on asking me what happened, whether I am alright but I was simply smiling thinking about my savior. Then I came to sense when ajju Bhai twisted my ears ,I sreamed in pain and begged him to leave me saying I am fine . Then he left my ears and asked where did I went . But my reply shocked them,
pra: dad,bhai and dumbo I saw him ,I saw him today.
Ayaan: whom did you see and what did Bhai ask and what are you blabbering.
Pragya: I met my prince charming today he came as a savior to help me, MY HERO .
I closed my eyes cherishing my newly found love ,"yes it is love", I thought.
Dad: whom did you see princess.
Then Pragya explained all the happenings and she screamed dad you should have seen his fight,wow what a man! She exclaimed happily.
Then Arjun started to scold her for being a spoiled brat but Pragya cut him saying
Pra: Bhai I just realized my love for my hero and please don't spoil my moment.
Ayaan: hello madam did you conform it as love.
Pra: haan .I never believed in love at first sight but the moment I saw his eyes I fell for him.
Dad: princess are you serious
Pra: haan dad I am cent sure.
This shocked the three whereas Pragya went inside her room to fresh up . A happy and confused Ram asked Ayaan is she serious but before Ayaan could reply they heard Pragya screaming and rushed to see her who was standing in front of the mirror all shocked.
Pra: dad dad omg he saw me like this my first impression was this bad ,nooo...
She was shocked to see herself in the mirror as she was looking like a mess ,her face is filled with mud ,her hair is like bird's nest,her dress is dirty and torn here and there but above all his shirt made her to smile.
Arjun: Pragya baby it's not a big deal as he knew ur situation.
Aya: even though you look like a professional beggar it is not that scary like ur normal face.
Pra: Ayaan ki bache ,how dare you
And she started to chase him and as usual their Tom and Jerry fight started. Then Arjun scolded Pragya to fresh up as she stink. Making faces Pragya throwed a pillow at Arjun which directly hitted his face . With a victory smirk she walked towards the washroom. After she changed ram made her to drink milk.while drinking milk ram asked
Ram: princess what is his name
Pra: I don't know dad
Arjun: then how you gonna find him.
Pra: mm🤔
Aya: what's there to think we can check in nearby cctv footages.
Ram: this is India here neither all the places have cctv camera nor all the cameras are in working condition.
Hearing this Pragya's face lost it's color.
Arjun: let's try at least, tomorrow I will go and find him princess you don't worry.
Pra: I am sure I will find him so I am not worrying about that, I was thinking about his injury in hand.
Aya: hello madam you can think later now go to sleep.
Ram: haan princess it was a long day for you so take rest now we can talk about your hero later.
He said little irritatedly as he didn't like her daughter calling someone as hero.sensing his jealousy Pragya hugged him saying dad don't get jealous of my hero, he may be my hero but you are my superhero.Ram chuckled at her saying my baby is in love.hearing this Pragya pouted saying dad I am not a baby.
Then they got up to leave the room at that time Pragya said his friend's name is purab.
Hearing this Ayaan said then we will find your hero for sure, this made her eyes sparkle with happiness.
Other side dadi was treating her grandson's hand and adviced him to control his anger. Abhi made faces and scolded purab for saying this to dadi. Then he hugged dadi and said," bhuddiya I am fine ,please don't get tensed as I am completely alright" and he kissed her. Then purab joined them in their hug . Dadi mentally felt very proud of her both grandson's good hearts and prayed to God to fulfill all their wishes.
To be continued...
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