His wish is my command
One Sunday abhirab are talking with dadi near the temple...from behind group of girls followed them a girl from the group,gave flying kiss to abhi ...this is unnoticed by abhi but seen by pragya..
Ayaan thinks,"today that girl is dead...my tigress is going to attack her,in that attack this girl is going to get heart attack"
Then he turns to see pragya who rushes near the girl and pulls her and punches in her face and gestures her ," he is mine and you stay away"..
One day pragya,ayaan,Arjun are attending their colony's Holi celebration.
Arjun: even today dad is not free
Ayaan: Haan bhai...
Then he sees pragya who is lost some where..he shooked her
Ay: Shona...what are you thinking
Pr: I was wondering where did this abhi went ...I am searching....
Before she could complete Arjun says
Ar: 100 years..
Pragya confusedly asks,"what"
Arjun turns her head towards abhi's direction..
She smiles seeing him and says
Pr: 200 years Bhai...even my 100 is for him..
Ar: one year passed,still you are stalking him , following him, taking care of him secretly,why don't you propose him Shona...it is high time..
Pr: will propose but not now..
Ay: ok Shona...go and apply colours on him...you should be the first one
Ar: but how can she apply colours... he will see her
Ay: oho..Bhai you don't know about Shona...after falling in love she became half superman and half Spiderman..
Pragya takes hands full of colour and applies it on her face,then she takes some colours and casually walks towards abhi and when she nears him she turned her face the other side and applies colour on his face and ran away...abhi after wiping the colours opened his eyes and searched for the white t-shirt girl to bash her but he couldn't find her...
Hear pragya smiles and her brothers hugs her for her victory...
Arj: you did it..
Ay: I said right..she will do
Here purab laughs loudly seeing abhi...
One day
Ay: pragya today that sultan challenged abhi to be with a woman Tonight
Ay: even your hero accepted... today night in sultan's beach house..
Pr: I will not leave him
Ay: who ...sultan??
Pr: no that abhi.... nowadays always hearing that sultan's words..last week he drank now this...oh god..
Then pragya and ayaan went to sultan's house with vasu's gundas
Pragya said Vasu that sultan is spoiling ayaan... sultan even distributes drugs to students..as Vasu stopped hurting others for pragya's sake..he sent his gundas ....they went and made sultan into a pulp..
Then later abhirab came there ,abhi went near pragya who is facing her back towards him and asks
Ab: hey girl..did you see sultan
Pragya who was hiding her face with kerchief slapped abhi hardly...and went from there after pushing purab down..
Shocked abhi went inside to find sultan,but seeing him nowhere abhirab went home..
Ab: god....it is hurting...
Pu: why did she beat you...
Ab: whatever ....I will never forget this slap in my life.... whenever I think to do something wrong I will remember this slap..
Pu: but abhi we thought just to talk this whole night and make that girl to tell tomorrow that everything happened
Ab: hmm... everything happens for good
Purab teases
Pu: even that slap
One night,pragya and ayaan came to see abhi but before pragya could jump to abhi's terrace ayaan stops her and they saw Abhi ,aliya, purab are sitting in terrace .
Ay: we will hide here till that brat goes down...
Pragya smiles seeing his dislike for Aliya... sometimes seeing her attitude even pragya wondered whether she is really abhi's sister.
Abhi: common Aliya... within one night you can't learn to sing
Ali: Bhai ...you teach me I will learn...I should teach that neha a lesson for messing with me..
Ab: ok first I will sing ...you listen carefully and repeat it
Ali : ok bhai
Ab: saaaaa.....
He sang softly..
Ali: saaaaaaa....
She screamed loudly.... hearing her ayaan and pragya cannot control their laughter.. purab and abhi looked at her in shock
Pu: enough enough Aliya.... hearing you abhi will forget his music...
Aliya hits purab
Ali: now only I am learning... can't you encourage me..
Abh: what should we say...
Purab sighs loudly
Pur: hearing your sa itself my ears are paining then if I hear your re ga ma then I think my ears will bleed..
Ab: shh purab.
Pu: what abhi...we should tell her the truth now itself other wise tomorrow someone will tease her
Ali: you both are waste..I am going down
Pu: why are you getting angry now...ok abhi teach her let her scream...
Seeing her glare he says
Pu : I mean sing..
Aliya furiously went down
Seeing all these pragya and ayaan are laughing silently....when they couldn't control they both rushed from there ...when they were walking along the road towards their home both are rolling in laughter..they controlled thinking others will get disturbed in night ..
But when ayaan said,"saa"...they both burst into laughter again..
Then they went home..
Next day is culturals in abhi's college..
Ayaan waited for pragya near the gate...she rushed near him and hugged him saying
Pr: sorry shonu...I and Vasu were talking, I couldn't avoid him but some how I lied and came.
Ay: nowadays you love others more than me..no one is there to love me..
Pr: don't act okay.... now tell me where is your saanj...
Ay: she went to get ready for her dance performance.
Pr: chalo...we will go and see her
Ayaan teases her
Ay: see her or
Pr: okay to see both... come
When they were about to move someone pushed pragya down.eventhough mistake is not hers pragya suddenly says
Pr: sorry ...I didn't notice
She turns to see a fuming Aliya
Ali: don't you have eyes...
Ay: hello mistake was yours..
Ali : you shut up.
Pr: don't talk to him in that tone...
Ali: why ...is he prisedent's son
Pr: no .... but he is elder to you...so give respect..
Ali: don't teach me manners
Pr: if you are behaving like this to everyone then one day you will have no one..
Ali: shut up...I am not interested in your craps
Pr: why are you getting angry... just think me like your elder sister...
Aliya chuckles mockingly
Ali:you ....my elder sister...this aliya's...
Pr: listen aila
Aliya sternly corrects her
Ali : Aliya
Pr: whatever
Ay: oh...god...you just go from here
Ali: why should I go
Pr: ok then we will go
Saying she pulled ayaan with her and went inside..
While going
Ay: how much attitude
Pr: she is a little girl...
Ay: hello she is of your age...
Then they both seated in one row and waited for saanj's performance.
after saanj's performance she comes and hugs ayaan , then pragya sees one professor shouting at a girl..she goes near that bubbly girl and asks
Pr: hello...what happened..
That girl turned to see pragya... the other girl is bulbul..
Bu: actually I am from Mumbai college..I am our college's cultural head ...the girl who should sing next is missing so our professor is scolding me..we are lagging more in score..if we win in this competition then only we can atleast get third prize..
Pr: why don't you sing
Bu: no no... this is my boyfriend's college,if I sing then hearing that he might break up with me..
Pr: don't worry...you will win surely...your competitors are not that talented ....
She thinks of aliya's singing practice
Bu: no ....I am very bad at singing...if I sing in bathroom then water will stop coming...then see how much I am bad...
Pragya chuckles and says
Pr: don't worry... do as I say...
Then she said something in her ears which made bulbul to smile brightly..bulbul hugs pragya excitedly, they both felt happy to be in that hug ...they both felt some unknown peace but they brushed their feelings aside..
Bul: then after five minutes I will wait for you near stage..
Pu: abhi I am so excited....bulbul is going to sing next
Ab: why suddenly..
Pr: don't know abhi....but we were in love for nearly six months by now she have never sang for me...I asked many times but she will neglect it...
Ab: let us see my bul's talent today......I hope it is not like aliya's..
Hearing this both chuckles and hi-fi's.
Then after diverting ayaan and saanj pragya came near stage...ayaan and saanj sits Infront of abhirab.
Here bulbul came to stage and blushes seeing purab giving her flying kiss..
Bulbul shouts ,"so ready"
All shouts ,"yes"
Again bulbul shouts," ready"
All are confused but shouted ,"yes"
Pu: to whom she is asking again and again
Ab: may be to you
Again bulbul shouts,"ready"
All are confused but bulbul hears pragya's faint count down from behind the screen in the stage..
Pragya: 3 2 1....
Then pragya starts to sing whereas bulbul mouths as if she is singing...
All are enjoying the soulful voice...
Purab thinks," this is not like her voice"..
Abh: purab see she is singing beautifully..
Ayaan: I have heard this voice before..
Saanj: ayaan idiot....this is shona's voice..
Ayaan slowly goes from there to the back stage and sees pragya singing and gets shocked... pragya who sees him🤫🤫 gestures him to keep quiet while singing..
Shocked ayaan went and sat near saanj..
Purab who heard ayaan's conversation went near the stage... bulbul who sees purab coming near panicks ..then he came and saw some girl singing from behind the screen and gets shocked...bulbul pleads through her eyes to Purab...he went and sat near abhi and said everything...
Abhi who is already mesmerized by this voice goes to finds its owner but before he goes near the stage the song gets over and pragya rushed from there...
Then bulbul is announced as winner and she ran and hugged both purab and abhi...
Bulbul said everything about that girl and was searching for the girl who helped her ignoring purab's lectures on cheating,blah blah..
Ab: she must be a nice girl...
Bu: of course abhi Bhai...she herself offered me help...
Then abhi 's performance started...pragya stood near the stage and recorded his performance....
After his stunning performance whole auditorium is filled with silence which is broken by pragya's scream," rockstar abhi"..then whole auditorium claps and gave standing ovation for abhi...
Abhi came down and hugged Purab saying
Ab: I am so happy purab..
Pu: I think more than us the girl who screamed ROCKSTAR ABHI must be happy..
Ab: may be little girl...but she is the first one to call me rockstar...
Then pragya went to many music companies with abhi's performance..but many rejected,many said her to come again..
Then ram suggested her one music director's name saying he was his patient ... pragya went to his house and showed him abhi's performance but he said her to come again..but pragya daily went and stood Infront of his house for nearly two weeks..
One evening when pragya was waiting outside his house in heavy rain,he called her inside and said he will give abhi one chance....
Then pragya made ayaan and his classmates to give the offer letter to abhi...
On his concert day before the concert starts pragya and her family went to temple...after praying
Pr: dad shall we thank god
Ram: you are going in again
Pr: no dad...give your purse
Then she took money and went and bought food and gave food to poor people..
Arjun smiles proudly and says
Ar: she is our princess
Ay: Haan...
One old lady asks her name
Pra: abhi...bless him ... today he need all your blessings
Ram smiles
Ram: she loves him selflessly
Arj: yes dad...I hope she expresses her love to him soon.
Ram: Maya said even pragya said her to pray there..
Arj: hmm
and then all went to abhi's first concert...ram sees her daughter cheerfully shouting abhi's name and the concert was a huge hit...
Then two years passed...abhi grown in his career and became a real rockstar...his family shifted to Mumbai permanently....
Pragya was very happy seeing his success..
Even though she loves him without expecting anything in return nowadays she feels as if he is moving far away from her..
In these two years she never missed any of his concerts..she knows his every songs by heart...she became his crazy fan...
In Mumbai;
In abhi's mansion
Aliya: Bhai this is my friend Tanu...
Abhi smiles seeing her...
Abhi: hi Tanu...nice to meet you
Aliy: Bhai I am going to sleep... please drop Tanu in her house...
Abhi: where is Purab
Aliya fumes
Aliya : he went to meet his girlfriend
Abh: ok I will drop her then
Abhi moves near the car..
After abhi left Tanu smirks at Aliya who winks at her in return..
Thanks for reading my dear friends.... please do vote and comment if you like this story....
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