2 hearts that beat as 1
At night Abhi jumps into pragya's room through the balcony and sees her standing Infront of the mirror wearing a shirt above her night dress...
Abhi slowly went near her and hugged her from behind... pragya was startled and about to scream but abhi closed her mouth with his hand..
Ab: it's me... don't shout...
Then she relaxes in his hold...
Pr: idiot... what if I got heart attack in shock..I would have died..
Ab: I will not leave you to go that soon...not for atleast a thousand years
Saying he nuzzled her neck, pragya giggled and said
Pr: that is the most stupid thing I have ever heard...
Ab: don't understand logically.... understand with your heart..
Pr: oh god... what happened to my rockstar today...
Ab: love..
Saying he kissed her nape...she freezed when his wet lips touched her bare skin...
Abhi murmured in between,
Ab: Is this mine..
Saying he tugged her shirt..
Pragya looked at him through the mirror and nodded...
Ab: when did you take
Pr: I didn't take ,you yourself gave me..
Ab: me?
Abhi stopped his naughty acts and looks at her through the mirror and listened to her..
Pr: do you remember..five years before,one night you saved a girl from rogues..
Ab: yes... is that you
Pragya nodded..abhi frowns
Ab: tell me one thing...are you running behind problems or problems are running after you..
Pragya pouts...
Pr: I went for sightseeing..
Ab: at that time....that too alone..what if I haven't came that day...
Pr: i wouldn't have loved you then...
Ab: kyun
Pr: that is the day I have fallen for you...you became my hero that day...then slowly my life..
Hearing this abhi just stared at her..there existed a silence...abhi slowly turned her towards him and their eyes locked...he caressed her cheek and tucked the hair falling on her face behind her ear..she lowered her eyes shyly not able to meet his intense gaze..
He moved close to her by bending a little.she trembled in his embrace but he calmed her by hugging her..he gently kissed her forehead and then her cheeks ...
When he was about to near her lips....they heard a knock on the door...
Both came out of the daze due to the Knock...
Pragya panicked
Pr: it must be mom... what she will think about us if she sees you here..
A: relax....I will hide somewhere .....you just answer her without panicking...
Saying he hided under the bed... pragya removed the shirt and threw that on the bed and went to open the door...
As soon as pragya opened the door ,bulbul rushed inside cursing someone in anger...she sat on the bed
Pragya asked nervously,
Pr: whom are you cursing bulbul.
Bulbul showed her comb to pragya and said
B:see this Pragya... sometimes I wonder how am I still not bald..
Pragya chuckles hearing her ...
Abhi thinks," these girls...."
Pr: this is casual bulbul
Bu: how are you maintaining your hair..
Pr: you know I never take care of my hair....but Arjun Bhai will apply oil to our hair every night...I and shonu will run from him but somehow ajju bhai will apply...after I came here I never took care of my hair.. nowadays taking care of hair is the last thing that comes in my mind...
Bu: I wish I had ajju bhai..
Pragya smiles hearing her...
Bulbul mentally smacks her head for making pragya's mood off..
Bu: okay today I will sleep with you...
Pr: super
Pragya squeals and gets on the bed ....
Abhi's pov;
Oh god....she forgot me... okay after bulbul sleeps I will move from here ..
A little later, pragya slowly checked whether bulbul is awake,but bulbul was in her deep sleep... then pragya rolled to the corner of the bed and bends down to see abhi scrolling his Mobile..
Pragya whispers
Pr: abhi
Abhi whispers back
Ab: she slept?
Pr: yes...
Then after chatting for some time , abhi left from there...
Next day in pragya's house..
Pu: today we should know the truth
Pr: yes
Bu: guys.....he came...I saw his car entering the gate..
Pu: ok then start...
Bulbul shouts
Bul: are you going to have this medicine or not...
Abhi came there and saw bulbul shouting at pragya..
Pr: no no no...I will not have
Then bulbul sees abhi
Bu: abhi bhai....she is not eating medicine...you itself tell her to eat..
Abhi gets the medicine from bulbul's hand and goes to pragya...
Ab: why are you not eating this....you are a doctor but behaving like this..now keep quiet and have this
But pragya turned her face...abhi gives a defeated look towards purab and bulbul...but they shrugs
Ab: fine....you won....tell me what you want..
Pragya smiles brightly hearing him
Pr: you will do whatever I say
Ab: yes
Pr: pakka
Ab: this Abhishek Prem Mehra is man of his words..
Purab mutters to bulbul," now ball is in our court"
Pr: then tell me how did you find me
Abhi looks shocked hearing her,he didn't expect this,his naughty pragya trapped him cleverly..
Ab: that...that is a secret , only for myself
Pragya imitates him ," this Abhishek pr..."
Ab: pragya...
Pr: okay don't say....I will also not eat..
Ab: fine.....I will say... before that I am telling you I am really disappointed..
Pr: haan okay...you just tell..
Hearing her reply abhi looks startled..
Purab and bulbul settles near abhigya ....abhi sighs and starts his flashback..
Flashback begins:
One night Abhi hears someone's murmurs and wakes up from his sleep..he slightly opened his eyes to see a girl trying to free her dupatta from the hold of sleeping purab..
He can only see her back...he listens her murmers
Pra: paagal purab... god I came to see my love but this boy caught my dupatta... know one should wake. ...
Then pragya turned to check whether abhi is disturbed but abhi closed his eyes and acted like sleeping..then he opened his eyes and saw her struggling...
His world stopped when he saw her angelic face...
Abhi's pov;
Oh god... how pretty she is .... even the darkness of the night will be ashamed of the blackness of the eyelids of her eyes...her eyes are speaking..i wish to spend my whole life just by seeing her eyes...i am madly in love with those eyes...god if she is single then please give her to me...but why did she come here.. what is she doing near purab, she said she came to see her love,that means she loves purab...oh no...my love got end before it could start..
Then he mentally chuckles thinking about his thoughts ,then he sees pragya leaving from there after releasing her dupatta from purab's hold..
When she jumped from his teracce to the nearby teracce he saw her bracelet..
Abhi's pov:
I have seen this bracelet in someone's hand but whose.....yes she ....that stalker...I saw it in her hand when I caught her hand in the market..
But whom does she stalk..is she loving purab..
Then he gets up and goes near the edge and sees her walking on the road with one boy..
Next day:
Ab: sleep soon purab
Purab doubtfully looks at him
Pu: why are you compelling me to sleep.
Ab:..n..no..I am not compelling
Pu: the whole day you are behaving wierd...
Ab: nothing like that purab
Pu: hmm
Purab layed down to sleep..abhi sighs..
Abhi closed his eyes and waited for pragya then after some time he heard some noice and saw pragya jumping to their teracce..
She came near them slowly and turned the table fan towards abhi's side and sat Infront of him and admired him silently...
She whispers," sometimes I feel good that you are not working late night and sometimes I am feeling bad ..,if you go for work then when you are returning at night I can see you peacefully to my heart content...but nowadays you are not going for work so I should come here and see you..this is also nice but I am little scared..."
Then her phone vibrated..
Abhi hears her one sided conversation..
Pragya whispers.
Pr: won't you let me to see him peacefully..
Ay: Shona...I am scared of his dadi... please come..
Pr: shonu...how will dadi come to terrace now.. please use your brain..
Ay: you use your legs and please come.... please...
Pr: fine..I am coming...
Saying she patted abhi's head and went from there....
Abhi who controlled his happiness for a long time jumped up and started to do a victory dance..
Purab who got disturbed by abhi's jump opens his eyes to see abhi dancing like crazy ..... purab frowns and goes near to abhi...but abhi danced around purab increasing his irritation..then abhi hugs purab and kissed deeply on his cheek and went to sleep leaving a shocked and confused purab behind..
Flashback ends..
Ab: then from that day I started to notice you...in the theatre I identified you by your eyes...then after coming to Mumbai,I said about you to purab..I thought of coming to you after making my dadi happy..
Pragya smiles with tears seeing him.... She heard him silently...he wiped her tears gently and said
Ab: you are the most beautiful part of my life...
She kissed his nose tip and smiles whereas purab cleared his throat..
Pu: we are also here..
Bu: Haan...haan ..... don't spoil us by your PDA..
Pragya's face flushed in embarrassment and she hided her face in abhi's chest..abhi chuckles seeing her blushy face..
Ab: guys...don't tease my fuggi....
The three together shouted ," phuggi"
Ab: it is not phuggi....it is fuggi
Pragya pushed him harshly..
Pr: am I looking like that..
Abhi casually said
Ab: haan
This irks pragya..
When she is about to start her fight..abhi says
Ab: first have your medicine then you can fight
Saying he feeded her..
Then they all heard calling bell sound and went down..
Priya opened the door and found many people standing outside..
Pragya who sees them ,rushed near them and hugged ayaan and Arjun together...
Arjun kissed her head..
Ay: your head..is it paining still...
Pragya nodded negatively...and hugged ayaan tightly and whispered in-between tears," I am sorry shonu"..
Saanj wiped her tears...then pragya hugged saanj and Maya..
Abhi,purab and bulbul smiles seeing pragya's joy....Priya is looking at the pragya with confusion..
Pragya slowly said her,
Pr: they are my brothers..
Priya got shocked hearing her..
Thank you for reading friends....
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