The heroes stared at him for a minute before Kid Flash laughed, "You can't be Godzilla, he doesn't exist."
"Believe what you want but I am real, and believe me if I decided to change my form right now I could easily crush you."
Several of the heroes glared at Kid Flash and the speedster went quiet, Godzilla just growled slightly and crossed his arms. Batman looked at him, "Even if you are Godzilla we can't let you leave, you're injured and we still have questions."
"I don't give a damn about your questions and I've already healed, I heal faster then you humans do."
Batman eyes narrowed, "Why did you save Atlantis?"
"The ocean is my territory, the Kraken got out of line and when I told him to leave he refused so I killed him."
Aqualad spoke, "You killed him because he would not leave Atlantis alone?"
Gozilla raised an eyebrow, "Would you have preferred that I let him destroy it, because believe me he wouldn't have stopped. Now if that's all I want to go home, this is incredibly irritating and I don't like being too far away from the water, and this is very far away from my territory."
Black Canary spoke, "But you attacked me when you woke up."
Godzilla growled, "The Atlanteans captured me, you took me from my home, I was injured and in an unfamiliar place. Even most humans would do the same in that situation, you kept attacking me so I fought back, what did you think was going to happen?"
The heroes were silent and Godzilla waited for their response, when they didn't do anything he rolled his eyes, "Are you going to just stand there or do something?"
Batman gestured for the other Leaguers to follow him, they moved to the other side of the room and talked amongst themselves. Robin looked at Godzilla, "So are you actually Godzilla?"
The hero looked confused, "Then why do you look human?"
"All titans have a human form but most of them don't like them, I just don't mind mine."
The team had gotten a little closer and Miss Martian spoke, "What do you mean titans?"
"Monsters, kaiju, towering goliaths humans have made into myths and legends."
Superboy gave him a strange look, "And your one of them?"
The Leaguers then came back and Batman spoke, "We'll let you leave the watchtower but you won't be going home yet."
Godzilla looked irritated, "You do realize I can and will kill you if you won't let me go home right?"
"If you're telling the truth and we let you go you could destroy entire cities."
Godzilla looked like he might kill someone, "Don't you think I would have done that by now if I wanted to do that? Don't you think I would have let the Kraken destroy Atlantis if that were the case, are you brain dead or just incredibly dense?"
Wonder Woman crossed her arms, "We're cautious."
Godzilla growled a little and Robin spoke, "Wait, where's he going then?"
Batman spoke, "The mountain." The team looked outraged and many of them protested but Batman shut them up with one look. "He will stay at the mountain until further notice, is that clear?"
None of them dared to argue, Godzilla was slightly impressed, he'd never admit it but he was. From what he'd seen while fighting the bat human didn't have powers but many of the others did yet he seemed to be the leader. At the very least it was unexpected, Godzilla couldn't help but feel some respect for the human, even if he was weak.
But he'd also noticed that the one who hadn't hurt him seemed to know the bat better, for what reason he could only guess. Batman then had them follow him, Godzilla didn't like the look of the machine he walked into but went inside nonetheless. There was a bright light and when he walked out, the room they were in was made completely out of stone.
He was sure this was a mountain, likely hollowed out by the humans for one reason or another. Regardless of the reason it irritated him, they hollowed out an entire mountain when they could have simply constructed a building like other humans. Admittedly those are much more prone to getting destroyed by natural disasters or creatures like him but still.
If they already had that thing in space why would they need this, he didn't understand humans at all. It took him a minute to smell it, the smell of the ocean, his territory, his domain, his home was just beyond the stone walls that confined him. He wanted to go back, he thought about changing into his other form and busting through the wall but decided against it.
He knew that humans needed to sleep, when they all went to bed he could find a way out and go home. He could feel his eyes flicker slightly at the thought of going home, that thought alone calmed him. He wasn't sure what time it was but hopefully it wouldn't take long, no one seemed to be paying attention so they didn't see his eyes flicker.
Batman was saying something to the children, by the time he started listening the bat had turned his attention to him. "If you try to hurt anyone we will stop you, we do have surveillance and will be watching, understood?"
Godzilla raised an eyebrow, "Are you trying to be intimidating, because that won't work on me." Batman glared at him, "Yes I understand, I'm not an idiot, but it's not going to do you any good either way."
Batman didn't look particularly happy but seemed to have decided not to comment, he looked at the children again who nodded and he left. Robin looked at Godzilla and it seemed like he was more calm then before, not entirely calm but still. Miss Martian checked the time, "Oh, it's almost time for dinner."
Artemis spoke, "Speaking of food, what do you eat?"
She looked at Godzilla and he shrugged, "Radiation."
The heroes stared at him in shock and Kid Flash spoke, "Radiation, that's not possible it would kill you, at the very least it'd make you sick."
"Not if you're like me."
Miss Martian spoke, "Can you eat normal food?"
"I can, but I prefer radiation."
Most of the heroes looked like they were at a loss for words, many of them just walked out of the room. Godzilla didn't know what was so strange about that, the human that had been nice to him was staring at him in amazement, he didn't understand humans.
I mean to post this earlier I apologize. It's my birthday and it's been hectic because I got sick and I still went to school, so sorry.
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