Yoongi x Jimin x Reader - Believe in yourself
This wasn't a request but I thought I'd do this because today, on April 26, it's our lol-whatismylife's birthday and she deserves only the best so yeah I wrote this for her! Let's give her a lot of love everyone!
Girl, you now know why I asked you who your two ultimate biases are lmao! Happy birthday and I love you ❤️ Also you know my knowledge of basketball, I made some research but it's definitely not perfect, I barely understood what I read so please don't kill me 😩😂
"Come on, Y/N, you can do better than that!" the coach screams at me and I sigh, knowing already that I'm doing my damn best. Grabbing the ball again to try and make it through defense against a higher level is a pain in the arse and knowing that Yoongi is the one I'm against makes this even worse.
He just won't ever let me through. That man is an art himself and his talent for basketball is too much for me. I don't know why the coach made me play against him. He's the unbeatable, the one no one can win against.
I shake my head and get into position. Trying to avoid making eye contact with him proves useless since he captivates me so much, but who cares, he's going to block the ball again and then I'll have to go home disappointed with myself.
"Come on, Y/N! You can do it! Beat him up, I give you permission!" Jimin shouts from the side and I resist a smile. Shooting him a fake glare, he only gives me a thumb up before I focus back on the game.
On Yoongi. His glorious frown on our common friend. The man quickly brings his attention back on me though, his little tilt as he gets ready to block me with all of his heart captivating me once again.
I sigh. I swear if I can't throw even one ball in the hoop, I'll be crying all night. I huff strongly and get in position, Yoongi facing me from the other side, ready to block the path. He looks majestic. I shake my head. The match, Y/N, focus on the match. Jimin's here to cheer me on, I can't waste his time like that.
On the coach's signal, I start running, ball dribbling from one hand to the other as I think of a way to avoid him. It doesn't take much to steal a ball and Yoongi does it marvelously well. He smirks when I get nearer and I groan before avoiding his hand and move to the side without letting my eyes off him.
"Come on, Y/N, don't let me scare you" he coos, playful eyes on me, as if to tempt me into bravery, but I know him enough to know that it's never that simple. Still, I know I can't stay here forever, time is running out and the coach is mere seconds away from starting to scream.
I move forward and notice Yoongi running to me, eyes set on the ball. In a moment of panic, I turn on myself and make a side step, which brings me right behind him, between his body and the hoop. Eyes wide, I take this moment to turn around and decide to simply throw, knowing I won't have a second chance like this.
I see Yoongi turn towards me and jump to stop the ball in mid-air, but lucky me, he's one second too late. With a smooth noise, the ball falls right in the middle of the hoop and I stare at it in shock before hearing the loud cheer from Jimin.
"YES!". I smile and turn to look at the coach, see him nod in satisfaction before getting his pad of notes. "Very good, you're going to have to practice more but you're improving. Good job, you two, you can leave now".
Jimin jumps on his feet and starts walking to our position.
"Good job, you took me by surprise and reacted quickly, you're not too bad". I turn to see Yoongi smiling at me as he offers his hand for a handshake. Internally screaming at this, because the unbeatable Yoongi is impressed by me, I shake his hand and watch as he nods at Jimin before leaving the gym.
The blond man grabs me by the shoulder and turns me around before locking me in his arms. "That was awesome, girl! You're so damn good!" he says and I laugh while shaking my head. "Nah, I'm not. Yoongi is a lot better than I am, what happened was only luck" I reply but he frowns.
"Y/N, he's four levels higher than you, of course he's better. But the coach also believes that you can make it, so that means you can, you just have to believe in yourself" he counters. I smile and nod, knowing it's totally useless to fight with him about that. He won't change his mind.
"Okay, okay, whatever you say" I exclaim before moving away from his arms to get to my bag. "Let me get changed and then we can leave, alright?" I tell him, hear his hum as I walk through the doors to the changing room.
It's empty, which is amazing. I take a towel to dry myself off a little, the last two hours having been an absolute nightmare, a pool of sweat covering my body a disgusting feeling that needs to leave.
Stepping out of my clothes, I grab clean ones and get dressed again before making my way out of the room and into the corridor.
Where Jimin awaits with Yoongi.
"You were taking forever" Jimin whines as he stares at my immobile form by the door. I meet eyes with Yoongi, not expecting to see him here. Shooting Jimin a look, the latter completely ignores my shock before locking arms with the both of us to lead us out of school.
"Where are you taking me?" Yoongi asks him, not sure whether to be annoyed or to just take things as they go. Jimin grins. "We're going to a coffee place to grab something to eat, I'm sure you're both exhausted".
He then turns to me with a even wider smile. "And I want to spend time with my two favorite people". I almost choke on my saliva. That man-
"Is wonderful? Gorgeous? Splendid? I know" Jimin completes my mental sentence as if the most natural thing ever and I can't deal with him. I scoff and look him straight in the eyes. "And sexy? Absolutely".
He freezes and I watch as his cheeks become a bright red. Yoongi starts laughing and pats the man's back. "She got you there, Chim".
Yoongi takes over the pulling and leads us out of the school grounds. "I know a good place around here. Jin's cooking will make you want to go everyday, maybe he'll give me a discount for getting him new regulars" he says, which causes me to laugh.
"You're using us to save money!" I exclaim and he turns back with a gummy smile. "I am, you'd do good to get used to it now".
My eyes widen at that. Is he saying that we're going to spend more time together? With me? Jimin pinches my side and I scowl at him before pinching him back, which makes him laugh before he tries again. I scream and jump away from his touch, which pulls him and Yoongi backwards as well because Jimin won't let go of my hand.
"Stop playing around if you're going to hold my hand!" Yoongi groans, but Jimin decides to threaten him with his fingers instead. "Don't you dare" the dark haired man warns him, but the blond man has other plans.
Springing forward after letting go of my hand, he starts tickling Yoongi, which causes the older man to stare at me with eyes begging for help as he purses his lips, ready to fight back. I decide to stay out of it and to watch, loving the interaction the both of them have right now.
"Jimin!" Yoongi screeches when the blond man finds his sensitive skin near the neck. I burst into laughter at the sound of his voice breaking, but that only causes them both to turn to me.
"Oh no" I let out when their eyes narrow at me.
I run away and start screaming, their feet following behind me closely.
"You can't get away, Y/N" Jimin shouts with a giggle as he purposefully run slower than me to keep the suspense running.
Yoongi has other plans though and feeling his fingers almost grab my hand pushes me to run faster, panic rushing through me as he laughs.
"You should've seen your face when Yoongi finally caught you" Jimin chirps for the thousandth time while we eat our little cake.
I groan and lean back in my chair, wondering if he'll ever stop talking about this humiliating moment. "It was pretty funny" Yoongi adds and I huff a smile, willing to admit it a little. "Okay, you got me good, I concede".
They both grin and hum in satisfaction.
You see, when we were running earlier, Yoongi decided to just pick a sprint and stop right in front of me. So when I realized that he was just blocking the path and not moving anymore, I didn't have time to stop running before hitting him with all of my weight, taking us both to the ground with his arms wrapped around me.
Thankfully, he did this as we were running through the park, so there was no pain. Just a fright. And strong arms. But I won't say that out loud. He doesn't seem to mind too much that our bodies collided so I'm just going to keep things that way.
We continue talking and Jimin counts stories from both sides to help Yoongi and I get to know each other better. It's weird how well we click, the three of us, as if we've been friends all our live, but it's an enjoyable feeling.
The next month of training is exhausting and I'm not progressing as well as I would like to. The coach is getting stricter and it shows in the way he slowly seems to give up on me.
It's highly frustrated against myself that I get to the bench after being sent away to let the others train. I grab my bottle of water and gulp it down. Although I'd much rather throw it away to express my anger, it wouldn't do much.
Someone comes to sit by me and I turn to see Yoongi. He smiles softly at me. "Don't give up, Y/N, progress isn't something that happens quickly". I turn to the coach and point at him with my chin. "He doesn't seem to think the same way". He turns to look at the man.
"He's always like that, it doesn't mean that he holds the absolute truth. I see the way you carry yourself, I see the extra training you do alone, you're not as bad as you seem to believe. You're talented" he says, his words certain.
I lean my back against the wall and sigh. "Maybe I should just stay at my level, this doesn't make sense anyway" I mumble, not having the energy anymore to fight.
Two hands suddenly grab my shoulders and he turns my upper body to face him. "I'll tell you what. Starting tomorrow, we'll meet after school and I'll train with you. Not to show him that you can do it, but for yourself. Do your best for you".
I look into his determined eyes, wondering where this comes from. "Why do you believe in me that much? What do you gain from this?" I ask him, see how seems to be taken aback. He puckers his lips and nods. "Because I see myself in you. We're not that different, you know?".
I stare at him in light disbelief. This man? Like me? I almost want to scoff in his face and tell him how preposterous this is, but he looks more than serious.
"You don't believe me, but I was just like you before. I wasn't always at my level, I started from the bottom, we all do. How we get higher is determined by how much we believe we can do it" he says, shaking his head before continuing.
"I was just like you, wondering why the heck I was forced to try and be better when it clearly wasn't going well. I'd train all the time and overdid it many times. Jimin was the one to find me one day and forced me to take a breather even though we didn't know each other. Starting from there, he started to follow me around, making sure that I would take care of myself. At some point, I had to take care of him as well when his health started going downhill, something about needing to be better, thinner, stronger. We all pushed each other out of our bad habits and worked hard to do our best, which is why we now stand where we are".
He then turns to me and pats my hand. "You can do the same. I don't know all of your struggles, I don't know how much life hurts you, how much your thoughts hurt you, but I can see that they do. You know, our minds are either our greatest friend or our worst nightmare. Don't let it determine what you can or cannot do. Go with your heart and keep going. Jimin's there to support you. I am too".
I look down to try and hide my tears but he uses his free hand to gently take hold of my chin and makes me look at him.
"You're not alone, Y/N. You're strong, wonderful. I've noticed you for a while now, you deserve to prove to yourself that you're more than what you want to believe. I want you to see what I see".
His eyes are so warm, his words shooting straight through my heart and I nod. I want to give this a try. I want to see what he sees.
"Thank you, Yoongi" I let out, feel his hand slide to my cheek and get rid of a stray tear. He's so gentle with me, always treating me like porcelain, yet never talks to me like I'm weak. I'm strong porcelain. I don't break easily. That's what I want to believe.
The coach calls me back in the game and I breathe in before leaving Yoongi behind. I can do this.
Now the weekend, Yoongi and Jimin organized a full schedule of training for me. I didn't expect Yoongi to really apply his words, but I've come to realize that what Yoongi says, Yoongi does.
The same goes for what Yoongi wants, Yoongi gets.
Which is why I'm now sitting with him and Jimin on a picnic under a tree, nowhere close anywhere we can go to practice basketball.
"Yoongi" I start, wait until his eyes fall on me. "Yes?" he responds, knowing exactly what my problem is from my tone.
"Why are we here?" I ask, see as he smiles and throws a sandwich at me. "To eat. And relax. And enjoy the scenery" he responds, Jimin nodding along to every words he says.
I turn to Jimin. "For real, aren't I supposed to train?". Jimin shrugs. "Yoongi decided to come here, I have no say in this".
I sigh and start eating the sandwich which has me humming loudly at how good it is. I stare at the dark haired man with wide eyes. "Did you make this?!" I ask, a hand covering my mouth as I finish eating. He chuckles and nods. "I did. All this is purely homemade" he says as he motions his hand over the food he brought.
I stare at the strawberries. "So you made these too? You must truly be made of genius, I didn't know you could make strawberries by hand" I say as I point at the fruits. Yoongi stares at me with deception. "I cut them in half. That's what makes them homemade".
Jimin snorts and looks away. I giggle and pat the man's arm. "I was just teasing you, I'm not that stupid" I say, see him huff with a badly hidden smile. "You're forgiven". I scoff and continue eating the food.
We enjoy the sun for a bit longer and I have to say, it's quite nice. I guess relaxing once in a while isn't so bad. Then it hits me. That's why we're here instead of training. I stare at the two men who are both laying down on the grass with their arms crossed under their heads. They're taking care of me their own way and I really appreciate it.
But it won't make me better. I stand up from the floor and stretch. Looking around me to try and find a place where I could possibly train a little, even if it's alone, the cold hand holding my arm suddenly startles me. I turn to see Yoongi standing behind me. "The break isn't over yet, sit down" he says but I shrug and turn back to the park.
"Y/N" he warns me again, but not thinking he would do anything, I get my arm out of his hold and lean down to grab my ball. I point to a place a little away from where we are. "I'll just get over there and train a little" I say but in a few seconds, my hands become empty and I'm suddenly on the ground between two arms holding me in place.
With wide eyes, I turn to see Jimin grinning at me. "You should've listened to him" he says as he scoots over to me and grabs my hands to play with my fingers.
What is this. Why is this happening? Why am I on the floor? How did I get here at all?!
"Don't even think about leaving, sweet girl, you're taking a rest here and you'll train later" Yoongi says, the nickname giving life to butterflies in my stomach. Jimin rolls around after releasing my hands and stares at me.
"You're red, Y/N, are you shy?" he teases me, his hand going to caress my cheek. I shake my head slowly, warmth taking over my whole body, their body warmth not helping at all. "J-Jimin" I stutter, which seems to please him. "Yes, cutie?". Oh snap. I sigh in and hesitate before concluding that it's better now than too late.
"What are you two playing at? Because if you're just doing this for fun, it's not fun to me" I say, see the hurt flash through his eyes before he sits up to face me, Yoongi also releasing me to sit by him, the two of them looking serious.
"We're not playing around, Y/N" Jimin says, his voice the most serious I've ever heard it. Yoongi takes hold of my hand and squeezes it tight.
"You wanted to know why we're here picnicking instead of training? We're here because Jimin and I talked about how you're overdoing it. You're doing exactly what I used to, which is not taking care of yourself and instead trying to be exactly what others expect of you. Except, it's slowly killing you. That's why I chose to take it easy today. Doing more won't certify that you'll get better faster, it'll only make you sick" he says, his eyes so intense I want to look down, but I can't.
Jimin then takes my other hand and brings it to his lips where he kisses my skin softly. "We're taking this to heart because we love you very much. The both of us" he says, his words bringing an end to my breathing. "So please, let us take care of you. We're not making you take a break just because we think it's necessary, we know it's necessary. Please?" he adds, his puppy eyes set on me making me lose the will to fight.
Anyway, I'm pretty KOed already. "Why would you love me?" I ask them as I look down at my hands still stuck in theirs. Yoongi huffs.
"What's not to love? You're smart, gentle, kind, determined, strong. But the best reason of all is that you're Y/N. Anyone with the same qualities still wouldn't be you, it wouldn't be the same".
Jimin hums. "Anyway, do we really need a reason to love someone? It happens when it happens, we just discover reasons to love you more as we get to know you and my last year with you has given me more than enough reasons as to why I don't want to let you go" he says with a soft smile. "And you're not pulling your hands back so...would it be right for us to believe that there's a chance you could like us back?" he adds with hopeful eyes.
I think back to how I feel when I'm with them. The way my heart beats faster, but also how I always feel so comfortable, at home with them. They're the only ones who can do both to me, make me nervous, and make me calmer, all at once. And most of all, I can't see my life without them.
I shyly nod, unable to meet their eyes. "I do. Seeing my life without the two of you doesn't sound like the kind of life I want" I whisper softly. It doesn't take too long before I'm getting pulled into both of their arms, their chest surrounding me left and right as they hug me tight.
"Then you won't mind if we do this" Yoongi says and proceeds to make me lie down again, this time between the two of them with our fingers intertwined, one with Yoongi, the other with Jimin. "Now, you're going to close your eyes and relax. We got you".
After spending the rest of the day and the next day training with Yoongi, Jimin cheering us from the side, it's now time for my next basketball class. Which means I need to show my progress.
The coach sees me enter the gym and walks to me right away. "Alright, Y/N, today's your last chance. If you can't pass this test, we're going to keep you in your current level, so whatever you need to do, do it now". I breathe in slowly and nod. It's now or never.
With Yoongi standing at the side, his eyes encouraging me silently with Jimin sneaking his head in from the door, I head to the court and get to position with a few other players on both teams. I need to prove myself. To myself. Screw what the others think, what they say. If I make it, then it's great, but if I don't it's also great, because at the end, I'll have improved. There will always be next time.
I make eye contact with my teammates and the game begins. Applying everything I learned so far, I make us win points one after the other. It now seems all too easy to play with the usual people. After training with Yoongi, an experienced player, this is too easy.
We get through a few matches and we all have to come to the same conclusion.
"You passed the test Y/N, I'm going to make you play with the higher levels now" the coach says and I can't believe it. With wide eyes, I barely have time to turn around that a pair of arms wrap around me.
"I knew you could do it, Y/N! I'm so happy for you!" Jimin exclaims, causing everyone in the gym to stare at us in confusion.
"Who are you?" the coach asks him and I purse my lips to restrain a laugh. He's not supposed to be here, yet he just burst inside as if we were the only ones in the room. While Jimin proceeds to bow and apologize for breaking in, Yoongi pulls me by the hand into his arms.
"What did I tell you, sweet girl? Believe in yourself".
Now now, lol-whatismylife the reason why I wrote about this is because I really hope you would believe in yourself more, believe in what you can do! You're a beautiful, sweet and bright young girl and you're so, so talented, so in that sense, just like Yoongi and Jimin believe in you, so do I! I love you lots and lots ❤️
I shall now proceed with the memes as is custom.
And lastly, your reaction to all this:
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