BTS x Reader - Soulmate/Body switch
Here you go DreamaMubarak ! It was a bit tricky at first but I think I managed to salvage it a little! I hope you like it!
"Next question" I say as I pick a card from the pile, everyone staring with expectant eyes, wondering what it's going to be this time.
I grin and flip it around to reveal the question. "If you had to swap bodies with someone in the same room as you, whose would it be?" I read out loud, wondering myself who I would choose. Among my seven soulmates, just who would I choose?
Since it's directed to the whole room, we decide to go one at the time. "Well I for one would be curious to be Jin for once" Namjoon starts, eyes bright with curiosity. Jin laughs. "Me?! Why?". "Well, you're the oldest and you're good at cooking. I honestly wish I could make something in the kitchen without being such a danger" Namjoon explains and we laugh at that. It would be interesting indeed.
Next is Jimin, so we all turn to him. He shyly points at Taehyung. "I wanna know what it feels like to be as tall and handsome as him" he mumbles and it's so cute I can't help but coo at him. Taehyung beams with pride, chin looking up with a wide boxing smile on his face. "It's your turn Yoongi" Jimin says with a satisfied smile.
Yoongi turns to him with a sigh before looking down. "If I had to choose, I'd like to be Y/N for a day" he says and turns to me with serious eyes. I narrow my eyes at him. "Why?". "I can't say it" he answers and already, my thoughts start going in all directions, but mainly one.
Seeing my disgusted expression on my face, his face falls and his eyes widen. "No no no, not what you think, definitely not" he says before scratching his head. "I... I can't say but it's nothing like that, I promise" he says and I know by his eyes that he's telling the truth, so I let it go, for now.
"That's suspicious, hyung" Jungkook lets out while staring at our older soulmate, but the latter just shrugs. "I don't care. I know why and that's all that matters". Taehyung sits up and gets ready to bring the attention back to the game to change the mood.
"Alright, my turn! I want to be Jiminie because I want to experience what it feels like to have those cute tiny hands" he claims, causing the victim to giggle cutely. "I don't know why you're so fascinated by them, Tae" he says with a pleased smile on his face. Taehyung's eyes widen. "Look at them! They're so adorable! You can't not love them!". I turn to Jimin with a grin. "He's right though, I love holding your cute hands". The blond man looks down and hides his face in embarrassment. He's the cutest and I can't get enough of him, we all can't.
Next is Hoseok and he still looks pensive. "I wanted to choose Y/N too but... now that I think about it, being Jungkook would be fun". Jungkook's eyes light up. "I was thinking the same! I would love to swap bodies with Hoseok-hyung!".
We all laugh before the attention falls on me. "Well... being Yoongi could be interesting. Maybe I'd be able to get some of his genius and create a song for you all" I say, already imagining how great that would be. Yoongi looks down at that and I keep my eyes on him in confusion. I thought saying that would make him happy, but it seems to have done the opposite. I'm going to have a talk with him later, that's for sure.
"Well, I would be very curious to be Namjoon for one day. I want to know how it's possible for a man to be so destructive so easily" Jin then says and we all burst into laughter, because we've all been curious about that at least once since being a complete group of soulmates. Namjoon pouts and grumbles under his breath. "It's not like it's on purpose" the man lets out and Jin claps at that. "Exactly! That's why I'm curious".
I yawn as I put the card with the others, which starts a round of yawning.
"I think we should head to sleep now, we've been doing this for a while" Yoongi says before getting up from the floor. Everyone nods and Jimin starts cleaning the floor with Hoseok, putting all the cards in the box.
Yoongi walks around the circle, avoiding Namjoon who stumbles on his feet when getting up to reach me. Then, bending forward a little, he slides his hands under my arms and lifts me up. I giggle and let him pull me to my feet before turning around to hug him.
He hums as he wraps his arms around me. "Are you okay?" I ask him quietly to make sure the others don't hear. He nods against my head. "Yeah, don't worry. Let's go to sleep now" he whispers before bringing me with him to the bedroom after putting my feet on his so I can't run away.
"Goodnight guys! I'm being kidnapped by Yoongi so I'll see you all tomorrow!" I say and hear their laughter. "You seem pretty happy for someone being kidnapped, I wish Namjoon would be the same" Jin says as he pushes Namjoon's body into a different room, the latter being very grumpy since he's not tired at all.
I grin and giggle, which seems to soften his frown and there's a fraction second of peace before Namjoon's foot slips on the floor, bringing the two tall bodies down to the floor with a loud thump.
Yoongi and I burst into laughter at the sight of their entangled limbs as the others rush over to see the sight. Taehyung and Jungkook jump on the pile to increase their suffering and Yoongi decides that it's time to close the door since they're being too loud.
It's instant relief for our ears when the screaming subsides to a tolerable amount and Yoongi brings us to bed where he makes us cuddle close, his arms pulling me deep into his chest, my head coming to rest in the nook of his neck while his settles on top of mine.
We stay quiet for a while, just enjoying the comfort we find in each other while the others soon settle for bed, silence taking over the whole house to set into the night.
"Would you tell me if something is worrying you?" I suddenly ask him, breaking the soft silence. He shuffles a little and removes his head from over mine to stare at me, my body still flush against his.
His tired eyes seem to hold hesitance, stress and anxiety. My heart tightens at the sight and I caress his cheek with my thumb, the way he closes his eyes doing little to ease the concern I have for him since we played that turn of cards.
"I promise I won't judge. I can see something grudging at your energy from the inside. Something's bothering you" I say again, hoping he would open up, but ready to back off if he doesn't feel ready.
He sighs and brings a hand on top of mine on his cheek, keeping it in place while his own thumb now runs over the surface of my skin.
"I just... feel like I'm not giving you enough of my attention. If I could be you for one day... experience how I am towards you, maybe that'd be enough to either set my mind at peace or to show me that I need to do more" he starts and I open my mouth to counter his words, to tell him how happy I am with him but he shushes me gently.
"When you said earlier how you'd like to be me to create music, it made me sad because... that's what all of you refer to me as. The music genius, right? Not the good cuddler, the great cook, the joke teller but the music genius. That refers to when I'm cooped up in the room for hours without end and I feel guilty, because I neglect you all a lot to make those songs that ARMY will love without thinking about the love that you long for. It's like I'm putting the fans before the family and I'm not proud of that" he explains, eyes finally looking into mine to have my input on the situation.
I stay silent a moment to try and put order to my thoughts, not wishing to make him feel worse by mistake.
"First of all, you give me all the attention I need. Even when you're busy, you've never once turned me away to keep focusing on your job, you always put everything aside to indulge me. Every little moment we spend together brings life to a field of our love reunited together and it always brings so much joy to my heart. I know it's the same for the others. We all give you your alone time because we know it means a lot to you and we've never, never thought it was a bad thing" I say and I bring my other hand to cup his face from both side, thumbs going to catch the tears flowing from his eyes.
"We love you so much Yoongi, when we say you're the music genius, we mean that you're OUR music genius, we say that because we're proud of you. Listening to your music is like you singing us a personal love story, we enjoy what you make because you put your whole heart into it. You say it's for ARMY, but we know there are songs for us too, you pour your soul into what you make and we all feel it. But you don't do only that. You also care for us when we're sick, you cuddle with us in front of movies you don't care about just to please us, you help us when we make food, you're always asking if there's anything you can do for us and...".
I stop there to leave a kiss on his nose, gazing at him with all the love I can gather from the entire universe. As our eyes stare into each other, it's like a dam bursts open, his tears falling without end, but the smile that takes place across his face is one of a relieved man. "And what" he whispers, wishing to know what's next. I grin.
"And you give the best kisses. But don't tell the others I said that".
He giggles at that and releases my hand on his cheek to slide his own on my cheek this time. "I love you so damn much. We truly are the luckiest men on earth to have you as our soulmate" he whispers before leaning in to kiss me.
As our lips touch each other, it's a straight line of transfer for our love to go from one soul to the other and we both relax as our lips dance together. It's soft and gentle, fulfilling and when we part, it's to find ourselves smiling in contentment.
"I love you, Yoongi. You have nothing to worry about, I am perfectly satisfied with the way you are, you don't need to change" I say, my eyes closing when he kisses me one last time before pushing my head back into his neck. "Thank you, truly. Good night, love". "Good night, Yoon".
Waking up in the morning, there's something different about it. I couldn't tell exactly what right away. I remember falling asleep in Yoongi's arms, yet this morning, it seems to be me who's wrapped around him.
His small body. Body smaller than me. With long hair. Opening my eyes in confusion, I stare down at myself. What the- "Am I dreaming?" I ask, by doing so scaring myself to death with my now deep husky voice.
I get up from the bed and see myself groan before opening an eye. The other follows soon after as my body stares at me with wide eyes. "What the fuck?" she says, the hands coming to pat my whole body and I can't help but grab the wrists when they come to my breast. No one's going to touch my boobs until I know who the heck is in my body.
"What's your name?" I ask, still not believing my voice right now. I sound like Yoongi. "Yoongi" my body says, eyes narrowing on me. "Yoongi?! You're in my body? What's happening..." I mumble in confusion. "Y/N...?" he asks, my voice on his words being very weird right now. I nod.
"Did we... did we swap bodies? Am I dreaming? Because I don't feel like I'm dreaming" I ask, the same question being reflected by the eyes in front of me.
He goes to pat my body again and I stop him, warning in my eyes. Realization flashes through his eyes and he sends me a look of incertitude. "Y/N... I need to pee". Oh no. No no no. I shake my head, but he nods.
"Look, I'm just... I'm just going to pee and I'll be back, okay? I won't look, I promise" he says and after much hesitation, I nod. "Alright, I need to pee too anyway" I say and it's now his turn to stare at me. "No" he says but I sigh and nod. "Yes".
Someone screaming stops us in the middle of our incoming argument and my bigger body jumps out of bed so effortlessly I end up falling face first on the floor. Yoongi bursts into laughter and I grumble under my breath as I get back up on my feet.
Sending him a glare, he steps back a little. "Oh damn, I understand why everyone think I'm scary when I make that face. I look hot though" he says with a pleased grin.
I purse my lips and watch as he comes to stand next to me while making large hips movements left and right. "Why are you doing that horrible thing to my body? Just walk normally please" I say with a shake of the head. He pouts. "Just let me have my fun, won't you? Can't even walk the way I want to now" he mumbles before heading out of the room to try and pinpoint where the scream came from.
"I'm in Taehyung's body! My dream came true!". A body springs out of a room and when the eyes spot me, sparkling eyes set on me, I turn to Yoongi with a sigh, knowing how he usually is with his hyung. "Hyung!" Taehyung screams before jumping on me, causing us both to fall down on the floor.
"Y/N!" Yoongi exclaims after seeing my head about to hit the floor but luckily, Taehyung's hand managed to find its way under it to block the impact. His beautiful eyes look up to mine with confusion. "Y/N? Are you in Yoongi's body?" he asks and I nod slowly, eyes narrowed. "You're not Taehyung" I say, watch the grin widen. "It's me! Jimin! I said I wanted to be Taehyung yesterday and now I am!".
He raises up and helps me up too, Yoongi coming to make sure I'm fine before glaring at the other. And I have to say, it's not scary. All the cooing and poking of my cheeks make sense now because the urge to do the same is strong.
"Be careful, Jimin! She could've-"
"I'M JIN. I'M IN JIN'S BODY. WHAT". I turn to the closed door. "That must be Namjoon" I say before heading to open it with a giggling Jimin/Taehyung behind me. Once inside the room, I see Jin's body spinning in circle in the room while Namjoon's body is seated on the bed, as confused as is humanly possible.
I point to Namjoon. "Jin?". The man nods and after pointing at Seokjin, the man answers for me. "I'm Namjoon. Are you Y/N?". I nod. Stepping aside to let Jimin inside, then Yoongi, their eyes all turning to my body.
"Yoongi?" Jin asks as he stares at my body. He hums. "In the flesh. Wait no, that doesn't work. Yes, that's me. My soul? Yeah, I don't know". I snort at that, gaining me again the not so scary glare. I'm really going to have to work on that.
"Oh. My. Goodness. I'm Hoseok! Wait... Am I supposed to call my body Jungkook?! Who am I?! Do I become Hoseok or do I stay Jungkook?!". Hoseok's body enters the room to find us all gathered there.
"Am I crazy? Who am I?" he asks and I sigh. "From your speech, I'm going to say you're Jungkook, but in Hoseok's body". He turns to me with a frown. "So I'm crazy?". Jin steps forward and puts both hands on his shoulders.
"Who do I look like?" he asks and Jungkook is quick to say "Jin hyung", which makes the actual Jin in Namjoon's body jump up from the bed to scream "WRONG!" with a huge smile. "I'm actually Namjoon, we all somehow ended up in someone else's body" Namjoon explains.
Jungkook freezes. "So we're all crazy?". I tilt my head left and right. "You could say that. I slept with Yoongi and woke up as Yoongi, so yeah, I get the confusion" I tell him, watch as he stares at me with empty eyes before heading to the bed to let himself drop on it. "If I don't think about it, I don't have to deal with it". And with that, he closes his eyes.
"I scratched my face only to find out that I have the cutest pair of hands and I need answers" a new voice says and we turn around to find Jimin standing by the door with a bewildered look.
"Your own loud voice screaming in your ears didn't manage to wake you up earlier?" I ask him and he turns to me. "Ah... hyung. I thought I was dreaming so I went back to sleep, until my face itched and I opened my eyes to find those" he says as he shows me Jimin's hands.
I force down a laugh at the hyung, because I certainly don't feel like it.
"Jim- I mean Taehyung, Yoongi is in Y/N's body" Jungkook says and everyone stares at the two of us. I guess having a male in a female body and vice versa is quite... fascinating?
"Oh right, I need to pee" Yoongi says before heading for the door. Jin gasps and turns to me. "Yeah, I need to pee too. See you soon" I say while following behind, trying to ignore the chaos happening in the room.
Ends up I was not allowed to look at anything. This was the most humiliating pee session I've ever done and I was so freaking scared, peeing while standing up with closed eyes.
"Okay, you can open your eyes" Jin says with relief as he flushes the toilet and goes to wash his hands. I sigh and take a moment to get rid of the cringe my soul is currently drowning in. "There's no words to describe how much I never want this happening ever again" I say as I follow behind him out of the bathroom. "I agree, but I would feel worse about your eyes seeing Yoongi's manhood. Just... maybe don't drink yet, please" he says and I nod. "I can do that".
We reach the kitchen where we see Jin's body working around and that would normally be a normal thing to see, except now-
"What are you doing in there?!" the Jin in Namjoon's body shrieks with his now manly voice while pulling his own body out of the kitchen.
"But hyung! Surely with your body, I'm the most suited to make food now?" Namjoon complains and Jin shakes his head. "Nuhuh. All the food knowledge is in my soul, you're just going to destroy everything. Let me make food, it's going to be safer like that" he says and I tilt my head at that. I have a bad feeling.
Going to sit next to Jungkook's body who's now awake, I smile at him. "Good morning, Hobi". He turns to me with a small smile. "Good morning hyung- ah... wait, you're Y/N right? This is so confusing" he sighs before turning back to the bickering in the kitchen.
I chuckle and do the same. "I can't believe you slept through all the screaming" I tell him and he shrugs. "I guess Jungkook's body is still growing. I feel like sleeping again" Hoseok explains before sighing as he leans his head on my shoulder.
Namjoon sadly complies after much resistance and steps out of the kitchen to sit next to me. "I wanted to become Jin hyung to cook and even in his body, I'm not allowed to do that" he whines and I take him in my arms like I would a baby, patting his back softly while he wraps his arms around me.
"You might be in Yoongi's body right now, but you still feel just like Y/N, it's comforting" he says and I smile. "We're still who we are, no matter the body".
My beautiful sentence comes to a sad end with the sound of something breaking and we all turn to the kitchen to see Jin gaping at his hands.
"It was supposed to be UNBREAKABLE" he screams while the others rush over in confusion. Namjoon laughs. "Well, you wanted to know how it's possible to destroy so much. Here you go. My body breathes and breaks, that's just how it goes".
Jin, the stubborn man that he is, groans and tries to keep going on this dangerous adventure but when he breaks three more plates, even I have to say that it would be better if he stops right now.
Completely shattered as Jimin and Taehyung clean the floor, the both of them grinning and joking as they use the other's body, Jin comes to sit next to me, taking Namjoon's place in my arms while the other happily trots back into the kitchen with a grin.
Then, we all watch as he gets food ready without a single problem, without a single mess, his beaming energy filling the whole house with how proud he is.
Yoongi and Jungkook come back into the dining room adjacent to the kitchen with us with flushed cheeks. "You two kissed" Hoseok says with a smirk and I snap my head to them, indeed finding my cheeks red and body out of breath. I internally cringe, knowing that I always look like that.
"I can't look at myself that way" I mumble with a chill, causing them to laugh.
"But you're so cute when you're like that. I wonder if Yoongi's body would react the same way as you normally do if you're in it..." Taehyung says and suddenly walks around the table to come to my chair. He turns me around before smacking his lips on top of mine without warning.
It's technically Jimin's body kissing Yoongi's body, but as I close my eyes, it's very much Taehyung kissing me right now. His tongue swipes against my lips to make me part them and when I do, he plunges inside to take my breath away, our lips moving in perfect harmony, everything around us disappearing as my sole focus becomes him, just like every other time.
He pulls back and I take a loud intake of air, much to his pride as he gazes at me. "Yep, that expression is exactly the same as the one you normally do. Even in Yoongi's body, I can't help but find you cute" he says and feeling my face blush wildly, I hide in Namjoon's arms, letting Jin cover me from danger while he chuckles.
When food's ready, we all sit down at our regular seats and proceed the eat the delicious food, Namjoon absolutely amazed and proud of himself as he gushes over 'his talent' that Jin keeps calling 'stolen' but really, we all know he's proud of his younger soulmate too.
Once done eating, we all head to the living room on the floor, the fluffy rug making the ground softer under our bum. I lie down, eyes getting heavy as I start yawning. Jungkook and Jimin yawn too before coming to cuddle me on the floor.
"Being in someone else's body sure is tiring" Jimin says as his tall body wraps around me while Hoseok covers my back. "It really is" I mumble, eyelids already starting to droop and close as I start to doze off within the warmth of my soulmates' arms.
"Allow me to take part in that cute pile of bodies" Taehyung says and soon, everyone lies down on the floor, Yoongi cuddling with Jin and Taehyung while Namjoon goes behind Jungkook to spoon him. It doesn't take long before we all fall asleep.
When I wake up again, it's to find myself in my own body. I gasp, excited to finally own myself again and my outburst wakes the other up as well. They all look around in confusion, eyes half asleep until the realize that the body they swapped into is now within sight.
I see Namjoon stare at me with wide eyes as it finally settles in his mind and he pulls me in his arms, happy to be back. Jimin chuckles. "I was cuddling you when you were in Yoongi's body and now that I'm in mine, I'm still cuddling you" he giggles, his cute voice finally back to its suaveness that only Jimin can have.
I grin, turning around in the two body's arms to face him. I rest my head against his chest while he locks me against him, Namjoon scooting closer to fill the gap between us.
"We got back to our own body! Gone is Namjoon's terrifying destructive power!" Jin exclaims happily, eyes briefly gazing at the kitchen with renewed happiness, his last trip in there a nightmare.
Namjoon chuckles from behind me. "It's not gone, Jin hyung. It's just back to its rightful owner. As much as I enjoyed being able to stay in the kitchen without causing an accident, I can't say I'd want to experience this again. Once is enough. I'm the best suited to control my destructive power" he says and we're all quick to agree.
My eyes suddenly widen and I whine loudly. "What's wrong?!" Jungkook exclaims as he jumps on his knees to stare at me from above the bodies. I roll to my back to stare back at him. "I forgot to make use of Yoongi's brain to make music! I wanted to try and make something" I let out and he sighs in relief.
Yoongi stretches and grins at me. "We can go make something together, I'll help you, would that be enough?". I beam at him. "Enough you say?! That would be amazing!" I exclaims and he smiles while offering me his hand. Jimin and Namjoon hold onto me tighter though, so I can't even reach out to him.
"Later! I don't want to lose my pillow just yet" Jimin says and I huff a laugh before hitting his chest softly. "I'm not a pillow" I tell him but he stares down at me like I'm crazy. "Correction. I'm not the pillow. You are" I add and he stares me in silence before eventually nodding.
"That sounds perfect. She can't get up, hyung, her pillow needs her" Jimin says again and Yoongi sighs. Namjoon chuckles, his nose going to my neck where he leaves a kiss. "You can always create something together later. Let's just relax a bit more for now".
"Okay, okay. Just tell me when, Y/N, anytime you want and I'll get things ready" Yoongi says and I nod with creased eyes. I watch as he leans back down on the floor and hums in satisfaction. "You know, this experience has somehow made me proud of who I am. Being back in my body feels amazing".
I grin and hum. "With good reason. We all deserve to be proud of who we are".
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