BTS x Reader - Hold your promise
Just for you kmlxo_ ! I hope this corresponds to what you wanted to read!
Putting my instruments away and setting aside all my notes and lyrics to focus on editing the video, hours flash by me so fast I even skip lunch, stomach out of mind and excitement making my heart skip more than one beat. Only once I am satisfied do I click on the publish button.
Since it usually takes time to upload a video and get it approved, I step away from my computer and decide to go make myself something to eat. "I can't believe I just did that" I mumble as I make myself a cup of ramen, not really feeling like making something huge and fancy.
Once the water is boiling, I pour it into the cup and mix in the powder and dried veggies then keep the lid closed with my chopsticks. Feet tapping the floor in an anxious rhythm, I wait until the noodles are soft enough to start eating and I get through the cheap meal quickly until the last drop.
"I can't believe I just did that" I repeat again, brain starting to tell me this was just a huge mistake and that I still have time to change my mind, but then my phone dings. "Crap" I let out before heading back to my computer.
Just like I thought, my video is finally uploaded on YouTube. I wait a little while and open the page to look at the number of views increase like wildfire spreading through a dry forest. Comments, along with likes and dislikes. You can't please everyone, but some people show their hate just because they feel like it so I usually don't pay much attention to that.
This time, I did a cover of BTS's Jamais Vu. I went all out with a cover of their choreography as well but with my touch added to it in which I hide only my face. For every videos I've done, I've never shown my face. No mentions of my name, nothing that could link to who I am. It's not my first time doing that song but I wanted to show my followers how much I improved since then and the difference is mind blowing. The me from five years ago would be impressed with the me from now and I hope they feel the same.
I reload the page to see already 329K views and I smile anxiously. I know this one is going to blow up because at the end, I made a promise to my followers. One I'm not too sure if I regret or not.
If BTS calls me out at tomorrow's concert, which I will attend, I'll reveal my identity.
I read out some comments and giggle, relief seeping through my worries that some people are excited about this.
SUGAISBAE: I just did, hopefully we finally get to see her face
IHATEMYLIFE: She just said that for attention, she lied for sure
IHATEMYLIFE: Anyway why would BTS even care like she's nobody
OT7KILLEDME: Yo shut up you're just jealous, IMNOTUNKNOWN is freaking amazing
My fingers itching to write something, I grab my keyboard and type in something real quick.
IMNOTUNKNOWN: IHATEMYLIFE I understand if you're jealous, I would be too in your place! You just have to skip the future reveal if it doesn't interest you!
SUGAISBAE: OHHHHHH she shut you up real good that's my queen
I chuckle and look at the other comments. A lot of people not believing me, obviously, but a lot also complimenting my singing and dance cover while also wishing me the best of luck and that they'll share with their friends.
I lean back into my chair and look at the ceiling. Would BTS see my message? Would they even care? I huff to myself. BTS doesn't give shout outs left and right, so to wish for them to bring my promise to life during their next concert that happens exactly tomorrow night seems like an impossible dream.
The possibility of it happening is pretty low and with it comes a sense of relief. That I really won't have to reveal myself. I've been doing this for years now and being an ARMY, of course it was obvious to me that my channel would have to be about them.
Not that I don't enjoy other groups, I love many more, I just don't invest as much in them as I invest in BTS. Loving them is a full time job, I swear their schedule is more filled in one day than mine is in one month. It's a struggle keeping track of what's happening sometimes.
The world seems to have heard about me at least once, but BTS has yet to mention me. Which I expect, of course. A part of me wish I would've made a big enough difference to grab their attention, but they're way too busy to take the time to give my videos some attention. I kind of regret making that promise now, but it is what it is. I will accept my fate.
I get another notification and look at it to see that it's a mail to confirm my ticket for the concert. I managed to grab one of the front row seats and I'm more than excited about it. It was expensive, but it's going to be so worth it.
Turning away from my laptop, I decide to hop into the shower for a more than needed shower.
For some reasons, my nerves are really struggling today. I feel tense and I know a part of it is because my brain believes that BTS might call me out. Which is totally irrational, my imagination showing me thousands of what ifs, so many different scenarios of me having to reveal myself in front of the world.
It's gotten to the point that I even had a little panic attack earlier, so I decided to just stay away from the internet for the day. I couldn't possibly handle seeing anything about my promise without throwing up at this point.
Now wearing my outfit that's been ready for a week prior to this day, an outfit I got especially for tonight, I get out of home and into the car and decide to head straight to the concert destination, knowing that it's already going to be filled to the brim.
Breathing out my stress as I near the terrifyingly huge building, I almost choke on my saliva while driving at high speed when I see a video of my promise plastered on an ad screen.
Oh no. Don't tell me my fans went that far?
The answer is yes. The closer I get to the concert destination, the more I see my face, some edits of my silhouette with the guys, my promise on a loop, this is insane.
I can't do this, can I? What if they regret spending all that money just to find out that the secret youtuber is someone like me? I shake my head as I get in the parking lot.
Relax, breathe, it's going to be fine. You'll enjoy the concert, BTS aren't going to mention you and then you'll be out. You'll make a sad little video about it not happening and apologize for the fans who had been waiting for the reveal and then see posts appear about you only using this moment to get more views to be known and about how you're a liar-
"Okay, that's not helping" I huff out as I turn off the engine. I get out of the car and look around me, so many cars already, people of all age walking towards the building where a few hundreds ARMY's are already waiting.
A song of BTS starts blasting in the background and we start singing along, my mind slowly forgetting about my stress to become anticipation.
"Hyung, did you see her newest video?" Jungkook asks Namjoon, the latter humming as he stares at the phone. "I did, I meant to talk about it with all of you. What do you think?" he asks the group and they all perk up from their slouched position on the couches.
"We've been following her from the very beginning, I say we should do exactly what she promised in that video! I want to see who she is, it would be amazing to do collabs with her" Jimin chirps, Taehyung nodding quickly by his side.
"I have a few songs that her voice would fit well, but for that to happen, we need to make her reveal her identity. I say we invite her on scene" Yoongi adds, which surprises everyone.
"You want to change the show to make her come on scene?" Jin asks to make sure he heard him right. Yoongi nods. "Yeah, right at the end of the show, we could make it last a bit longer and do a song of her choice with her, she wouldn't need to stress too much if it's one she knows well" he says with stars in his eyes.
"Yoongi-ah, you just want to see her in person, right?" Hoseok asks with a smirk, which makes Yoongi's cheeks warm up a light pink. "You say that like I'm the only one. You all can spend hours watching and re-watching her videos" the older man counters.
"I mean, her voice and the way she dances are amazing, obviously we'll fanboy over her" Jungkook exclaims, his screen showing Y/N's masked face towards the group.
"I'd really like making one of my solo songs with her..." Taehyung mumbles to himself. It becomes clear to all of them as to what they need to do.
"Alright, then here's how I propose we proceed" Namjoon starts, gaining all of their attention.
Your POV
Hours go by in the blink of an eye and when we're finally allowed inside, everyone's energy pushes me forward inside the building, unable to turn back as I get closer to the group who's allowed me to keep going in life for the last years.
It's suddenly so intimidating, to finally have the chance to see them from so close. So close they might touch my hand at some point, they might look me in the eyes and smile. That's something I couldn't possibly have from my previous seats that were at the complete back of the concert hall because I couldn't afford better.
Once standing by the stage, so close I could almost touch it, the world shaking around me as the lights dim to focus on the stage, BTS's entrance song starts and pulls me into a world that they created, unable to focus on anything else but them. My attention, eyes and heart focused on the seven of them as they sing and dance their heart out for us.
When Jungkook runs around the scene, his hand held out to touch our hands, his fingers brushing against mine for a brief second, it feels magical.
When Hoseok crouches to get to his water bottle that is miraculously right by me, it feels like a sin as I watch him gulp on that water, sweat making his skin shine. The way my heart stops beating when our eyes meet and he smiles like a sunshine before running back to the guys for the next choreography.
The laughter that bubbles in my throat when Jin goes on a water spree and empties a few bottles on us, the sprinkles of water I get a refreshing feeling in all of this warmth.
When Namjoon sings "You're my Miss Right, Miss Right" while looking into my eyes, a grin on his face as he knows exactly what he's doing, my body nearing passing out right at this moment. I must be the luckiest girl on earth right now.
When Jimin decides to wink at everyone he sees, a small hint of his abs here and there, the wild blush that spreads to my cheeks as I look away, much to his amusement as I'm the only one staring at his face instead.
And then the smile on my face as I watch Taehyung give Yoongi a piggy ride, the two of them turning around on scene and laughing together before Yoongi decides that enough is enough and hits him on the head to get back down.
It's a magical experience from beginning to ending. But just when we think it's the last song, Taehyung takes the mic and silence takes over.
"So. You all must be aware of a certain promise that was made just yesterday by IMNOTUNKNOWN, a youtuber who does covers for BTS. Do you all know her?" he asks and the whole room screams in response, all of them shooting straight through my heart.
The love I'm getting is immense and to hear Taehyung talk about me only confirms my worst fear.
"So we're actually prolonging the show a little. We're going to go on break and we'll send her a message. We'll give her twenty minutes to contact us and prove her identity. IMNOTUNKNOWN, we're holding you to your promise, we want to know who you are too!" Jungkook continues, a wild smile on his face as the room screams my name.
Shit. Shit shit shit.
Making use of that break, I hurry out of the room and to a calmer part of the building to look at my phone, indeed seeing a message from BTS's company. Anxiously, I reply to them and it doesn't take too long before I'm sent a phone number.
I don't have a choice, do I? I really would lie if I back out now. Breathing in slowly, I type in the number and bring the phone to my ear, leaving the ringing fill my head before someone answers.
"Hi, it's IMNOTUNKNOWN" I say, the silence making me wonder if this was all a prank.
"Head to the corridor C, show the staff the email you got sent and they'll bring you to us".
The call ends and my eyes widen. That was Namjoon's voice. I just heard Namjoon talk straight to me using a phone. Getting over myself because time is running out, I head to the specified corridor where staffs are indeed waiting for me. I show them the email and they proceed to stare at me in silence, their eyes taking me in as they lead me to a room and I don't know if that's a good thing.
Are they disappointed? I can't make out what emotion is behind those serious faces.
"They're in this room" one of them says before going back to the entrance of the corridor. Oh my goodness.
BTS is on the other side of the room. What do I do?! Before I can dig a hole under my feet and flee the building from underground, the door opens and wide eyes take me in before they break into a grin.
"Oh, it's you! Come in!" Jungkook chirps as he grabs my hand to pull me inside, my eyes bulging out of my head at the contact.
When the others turn to us, their eyes taking me in, everyone except Taehyung and Yoongi recognize me. "Well, you're my Miss Right indeed" Namjoon claims as he steps closer with a dimple smile.
Jaw hanging open, I must look ridiculous right now. Jimin chuckles. "I was showing my abs earlier and she was the only one looking at my face with wide eyes and red cheeks, who would've known you were her. What's your name, beautiful?".
Danger, danger. My heart is about to blow up. "Y-Y/N" I stutter, jumping when an arm wraps around my shoulder. I turn my head to see Taehyung staring down at me with a grin.
"We're the first to finally know your real name. You know, we've been following you from the very beginning, we were excited about this when we saw your promise" he says with his deep voice, the vibrations going through his arm to my soul, my knees going weak and they indeed buckle, causing him to grab my arm to steady me with a laugh.
"Y-y-you've been following me?!" I exclaim, not believing my ears right now. "We have! Your newest cover of Jamais Vu was really great! You improved a lot since the last one" Hoseok praises me and I'm now ready to die. I don't need more.
"Here, sit on this chair" Yoongi says as he brings one closer for me, clearly seeing that my body is entirely dependent on Taehyung right now to not fall down and I'm highly grateful for it. "Thank you" I tell him as I sit down, the seven of them going to sit in front of me on other chairs.
"So, we have a request for you" Jin says, his eyes beaming at me as if he's currently looking at his favorite celebrity. It should be the opposite! I'm the one meeting her favorite persons in the world!
I tilt my head, not really knowing what to expect. "We'd really like for you to perform with us on scene. You know our songs well, you could either do the one from yesterday's video or another of your choice" he continues before expectantly staring at me.
They're all giving me puppy eyes and I don't know how to deal with that. "You want... me to perform with YOU?!" I exclaim with large arm movements.
Namjoon laughs at my reaction and nods. "We do! And you heard ARMY! They all want to see you too, so why not make the grand reveal along our sides?".
This is going way too far. I didn't even think they knew of me, yet here they are asking me to perform with them?!
A staff enters the room. "6 minutes left. ARMY's are coming back to their seats". Jimin thanks them and they close the door after leaving.
"You heard them, so what do you say?" Jungkook asks, bunny smile gracing my eyes. I stare at them all, taking in the eagerness in their eyes. Now now, I couldn't possibly disappoint my boys...
"Alright... but how do we proceed? The choreography you do are made for seven, not eight" I say, hear them hum. "We'll follow your lead. Just do what makes you comfortable" Yoongi says with a smile. "We're pretty confident that we can adapt to your dancing, we've seen your videos many times" Jimin adds to confirm his hyung's words.
I nod and think about it for a while. "Personally... I like it is a little favorite of mine. Would that be alright with you?".
They all grin widely. "Of course it is, let's get you equipped and then let's go on scene!". Jimin and Jungkook both grab a hand and proceed to pull me with them out of the room. I must be dead. So much skin contact with BTS is not possible.
As we reach the backstage, it seems the boys weren't expecting a refusal from me. Of course I wouldn't refuse. Someone is already waiting for me with a mic and earbuds to allow me to hear what's happening above the loud music. I watch as the guys also get ready, their good old personalized mic in hands as they shoots me comforting smiles, them probably seeing the panic in my eyes.
My heart's beating so damn fast I'm pretty sure my mic can hear it. I look at the boys who are gazing at me and I low key start to freak out. "Can I really do this? What if I mess up? Oh man, I'm so going to mess up" I mumble, eyes taking notice of the amount of people waiting for our arrival, for my appearance through the hole in the curtain.
Jin takes hold of my hand and gently squeezes it. "You're going to be fine, Y/N. Enjoy this moment and absorb their love, it's going to be all for you. We'll be right by you" he says with a warm smile.
I nod, feeling like I can believe his words. They all nod back and Namjoon goes on scene first, then Jin and Jungkook while the others stay behind with me.
"Everyone! We have a special guest with us, do you have an idea who it is?!" Jin shouts and pushes his hand holding the mic in the air towards ARMY.
"IMNOTUNKNOWN" ARMY shouts together, the effect of their voices united giving me chills.
"You're right! Should we say her real name? What do you think, do you want to say it yourself?" Jungkook says as he turns to the backstage, his words meant for me.
With Jimin pushing the mic to my mouth, I awkwardly smile.
"Should I?" I ask back, my voice meeting the loud cheers from the overjoyed crowd.
"What do you think, guys? Should we call her on scene? Do you want to see her?" Namjoon asks them and at that, that staff open the curtains, allowing us in the open. Taehyung grabs my hand with a giddy smile and proceeds to pull me with him towards the three members waiting for us.
Squeezing my eyes shut at the light flashing right on me, hearing the screams feels like thunder rushing through my whole body and it creates an exhilaration like I've never experienced before. I open my eyes to see some flags of my silhouette and to know that some of my fans were that excited to see me truly warms my heart.
Namjoon opens his arms and wraps it around my shoulder as I walk closer, which causes even more screaming.
"So, will you tell everyone your name? They're all finally seeing your face for the first time, your ID IMNOTUNKNOWN will be true after tonight!" Namjoon says, somehow managing to make me feel more at ease as I giggle.
Even ARMY laughs, an incoherent sound of laughter that has no rhythm from one end of the room to the other.
"Ah, yes, I guess it's now the time. I honestly didn't think things would go that far so I'm still shocked. My name is L/N Y/N, it's nice to meet you all" I let out into the mic and bow lowly in front of the crowd.
"Y/N! Her name is beautiful, right ARMY? Should we do one more song with her for you all?" Yoongi asks and his gummy smile when everyone screams a yes is enough to make my heart melt.
"LET'S GET IT!" Jungkook screams and at that, the music starts blasting off around us, I like it spreading all around us and through the earbuds.
Like a reflex, my body starts moving right away on the music, BTS moving along me, something I never thought possible and I sing the parts that make sense, leaving some out for the others but most of the time, it's them smiling widely at me while adding their voices to mine from time to time. I leave the rap parts to the rap line, knowing no one can take these from them, but the way they interact with me throughout the whole song is definitely a dream come true.
The crowd is truly amazing and I feel so in power when the song ends, body out of breath but the happiest I've been in a long time. This is truly addictive.
Jimin hands me a bottle of water and pats my shoulder with a grin. "What where you worried about again? Your performance was amazing" he praises me, his words shooting straight through my heart.
"You're being too nice right now, Jimin" I say with a laugh but he quirks an eyebrow. "No, I think ARMY will agree with me on this. We'd all love seeing you again!" he counters, his words being met with shouts and screams.
"Alright, ARMY, that's it for tonight, thank you for staying with us until the end-" Namjoon starts talking but I zone out, eyes taking in the view around me. The guys, the fans, the atmosphere, my heart beating, everything that's happening right now might never happen again and I want to take it all in.
Jimin grabs my hand and raises it in the air, taking me back to reality and I turn to him to see his grin. He makes me wave goodbye to the crowd and then leads me to the backstage where the equipment we're wearing are taken away, hands and ears free as we make our way back to the room where I met them earlier.
Once inside, Yoongi makes me sit on the couch and I do so gratefully, adrenaline rushing out of my body and making me weak in the knees. He sits next to me, his eyes unable to let go of me. "Man, that was... awesome" I exclaim with a laugh as I lean back into the cushion, body wanting to sleep but also definitely unable to do so before a few hours.
"I know right? Once you get a taste of this, you can't get enough. ARMY's are giving us so much energy during the concerts that we feel boosted for a week after that" Taehyung says with a satisfied smile while wiping his face with a towel.
I nod, definitely knowing the thrill that comes with it now.
Namjoon sits down on a chair in front of the couch and leans forward towards me. "So, Y/N, now that the whole world knows about you, what would you say about collaborating with us on a few songs?".
My eyes widen. He did not just say that. Jin laughs at my face. "Come on, you have to say yes!" Jimin chirps in and it takes everything in me to not start screaming my life away. I look to the side to see Yoongi's expectant eyes wide and bright as he nods for me. The others all pretty much have the same reaction as they await my answer.
I quickly shake my head with a wide smile.
"Yes, definitely, I'd love that".
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