BTS x Reader - Clumsy/we need bubble wraps
Here you go you lovely sophiarosesyne! Hope this is somewhat close to what you asked for!
Also, hopefully your rest was good and don't forget to take a break once in a while! Your health is important!
"Over here, miss L/N!" a young girl chirps as soon as I step inside the HYBE building. Her large hand movements hard to miss, I chuckle and head over to her position by the stairs.
"Thank you so much for coming today, sorry you had to stay quiet about this with your friends, but BTS has no idea you're here right now and we really wanted to keep the surprise for as long as possible" she explains and I shake my head as I keep my hat in place, mask still covering the lower part of my face.
"It's totally fine, I'm honestly really honored that my presence would mean so much to them that I was asked to come as a surprise" I say, see the way she giggles happily with blushing cheeks. "Obviously, the whole country is in love with you, no one can resist you, BTS is no exception" she says and I smile. It still feels so weird to hear, hard to believe, but it feels good.
She motions for the stairs. "You can follow me, we'll keep low profile and use the stairs, so I hope you don't mind. They're on the fourth floor" she tells me and we start heading up. I nod, eyes carefully eyeing my feet as I move up and up.
Don't fall. You can do many things, but falling isn't one of them, not today. "Everything okay?" the young girl asks me and as I look up to reassure her, my foot doesn't rise high enough on the next step and I fall forward to my knees with a yelp. The young girl gasps and goes back down to help me up.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to distract you, are you okay?!" she asks and I wave my hand dismissively. "It's nothing, I'm fine. More fear than hurt" I say with an awkward chuckle, hoping she'll believe me. She nods and we resume our ascension, this time slower.
I step on my skirt a few times and after almost falling backwards for the third time, I grip it harshly with a hand to get it out of the way. Breathe, Y/N, breathe. The girl looks at me and I force a smile, my eyes forcefully creasing as he smiles back, unaware of my internal struggle.
"So, don't tell the guys, they can't know before it happens, but today's Run BTS episode is going to be about cooking, but I'm sure you'll be fine, right? I bet you're an excellent cook" she says and I laugh awkwardly. I have a very bad feeling about this.
Once we reach the right floor with me holding onto the stairs railing with one hand, the other finally letting go of my clothes, the young girl leads me to a door and motions for me to knock and open it as she starts moving away.
"They're waiting in there before it's time to head to the destination. I don't think they'll have it any other way, but if by some chance they don't offer you to go with them, we'll have a driver ready for you. Remember, they don't know you're coming. Fighting!" she chirps before running back down the stairs.
I sigh and turn towards the door. BTS, the boy band who now almost rules the world, behind this door. I won't lie, I'm also a fan of theirs so I'm quite excited about this. I hope I don't make a fool of myself. I breathe in and out a few times before getting ready for the big reveal.
But, just as I'm about to knock, the door opens and hits me in the face. Whoever opened it used a lot of strength because I stumble back with a pained groan, my hat falling off my head.
"Did I- oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" I hear a familiar voice and I look up to see Jungkook absolutely panicked. He helps me get my hat back while I awkwardly stand by the door, a hand rubbing my forehead. I hope it won't leave a mark.
"Yah, Jungkook-ah, did you hurt yourself? I heard a groan" we hear and I look to the side to see Jin walking out of the room, his eyes turning confused when they fall on me. "Ah, Jin hyung, no, I actually hit her with the door, I didn't know she was on the other side" Jungkook explains sheepishly.
I bow in greetings and the both of them bow back, still confused. "Are you okay? Does it hurt a lot? We have some cold water bottles inside, you might want to apply one on your forehead so it doesn't leave a mark" he offers but I shake my head, already feeling the pain subside. I'm used to it I guess. "I'm fine I'm fine" I say, feeling like this sentence is going to be repeated many times today.
"If you're sure... but may I ask why you were...? Jin asks while motioning towards the door. "Ah" I let out before bowing again. "I was asked by HYBE to participate in today's Run BTS episode, I just arrived and was about to knock on the door" I explain, their faces growing even more confused.
I motion for them to get back inside the room and they do, the other members turning to us and eyes lighting up in curiosity. "Jungkook-ah, I asked if you could bring snacks and you come back with a woman, are your eyes still working fine?" Hoseok asks with a laugh, causing the latter to blush a pretty pink.
Namjoon steps forward, face serious and I turn to him. "I don't mean to be rude, but I heard what was said and we weren't told that someone would join us. Could we know your identity, please?" he asks and I remember that I'm still wearing my mask.
"Oh! Right, sorry about that" I blurt out before getting rid of it and that's when I see their jaws fall to the ground. "Y-Y-Y-Y-Y/N" Taehyung shouts in stutters, finger pointing at me with round eyes.
"Yes, I guess I should introduce myself right? I'm L/N Y/N, also known under the name Sunflower, it's nice to meet you in person" I say with a bow again. Being with them makes me nervous and probably overly respectful, but I can't help it.
They all bow in response to mine. "It's nice to finally meet you as well, we're BTS, it's an honor to have you here with us, we're really big fans of yours" Yoongi says with an amazed expression on his face and I scratch the back of my head, not really knowing what to say. "Ah... yes thank you" I mumble with a nod at him before noticing Jimin hitting Jungkook repeatedly.
"You hit the queen with the door you dumb child" the man says between clenched teeth while the younger one apologizes between each slaps. "I didn't mean to, I swear hyung, it was an accident" he lets out before Jin goes to push them away from each other.
"Come on now, let's not act like children when THE Sunflower is here with us" the older man says before turning to me and offers me a hand. A little shy, I slide my hand in his but blush deeply when he brings it to his mouth where he kisses the back of it gently. "I've been your biggest fan since you debuted, I can't believe I'm finally here with you" he says with a grin at my expression, his hand not letting go of mine.
"Hyung! Stop flirting! You're making her awkward now, let go" Namjoon sighs before stepping close to swoop me away from the worldwide handsome man who clearly deserves that title.
It's now the leader who keeps me close, much to the others' annoyance. "Namjoon-ah is jealous" Yoongi singsongs with a tilt of the head and a smirk, which makes the giant man step back with a blush.
"I-I... I'm not... Shall we go to the destination now? Are you coming with us, Y/N?" he asks as an attempt to change the focus and I nod, more than happy to travel with them.
"It would be a pleasure" I reply with a smile, see Hoseok do a little happy dance with Jimin and Taehyung, which makes me laugh, much to their delight. They're so full of energy, which I'm not surprised about, but seeing them so excited about me being with them makes me more than ecstatic.
"Oh! The snacks! You guys go ahead, I'll meet you at the van!" Jungkook says before rushing out of the room in a hurry. Jin turns to me and points at my forehead. "Are you sure you don't want something cold to apply on it? It wouldn't do to have it turn red" he says and I purse my lips.
Before I can decide, Jimin and Taehyung sprint to the small fridge in the corner and they fight a little over who's going to give it to me until Hoseok steals the bottle from them and walks towards me with a hearty smile.
"Here you go, Sunflower, you should apply it for a little while even if it doesn't hurt" he says as he hands it to me and I nod, thankful, not forgetting the two who ran first, their pouts becoming shy smiles when I thank them as well.
I bring the bottle to my forehead for a little while, the cold effectively a welcome feeling as the stings soothes away.
"Alright, we should go now before we're late" Namjoon says, his eyes going over the time. We nod and head out of the room to get to the stairs. Feeling the pressure of not falling is strong as I clutch onto the railing again and when I feel a presence by my side, I turn to see Yoongi staring at me.
"Are you scared of falling?" he asks and I nod sheepishly. "I fall a lot, it's not even a question of will it happen, it's more like, when will it happen?" I explain, see him nod as we turn to get down the next flight of stairs, but I do feel his eyes on me more often now, on guard.
Thinking the steps over and about to turn, my foot slips on the extremity of the stair. I swear under my breath, my body already starting to lean backwards, which wouldn't be so bad except for a sore bum, but an arm wraps around the small of my back to stop my fall.
"You weren't kidding" Yoongi says as he helps me reach the bottom of the stairs without letting go of me. His heat reaching my skin through my clothes is causing my heart to beat out of control and I don't think I can handle this much longer. Min Yoongi's arm is around me. Min Yoongi's whole attention is on me as we walk down the stairs. I must be in a dream.
Once finally as the bottom, he retracts his arm, a light blush on his cheeks too as he comes to realize the contact he caused to happen. "Thank you, Yoongi" I say shyly, thankful for his help. He nods quietly before turning away to hide his embarrassment.
"Anything else we should look out for?" Hoseok asks from my free side and I turn to see him looking at me with a mix of amusement and worry. I bring my lips into a fine line. "It's okay, we're used to it with Namjoon hyung, we'll protect you, Y/N" Jimin chirps and I smile, my heart skipping a beat as I feel his breath on the top of my head as he walks behind me.
"I'm not that bad" Namjoon mutters and we all turn to him. "It's not good to lie, hyung" Taehyung blurts out and I snort. I quickly cover my mouth with my hand and look away, but they only chuckle. "Alright alright, I'm sure you can't be worse than me, Sunflower, you'll be fine" Namjoon says but I remain unconvinced. Still, I appreciate the sentiment.
As much as I want to believe him, believe that I'll be fine, I know it won't be. We'll be cooking. That word alone is meant to bring disaster with me. I can burn water and pretty much anything that exists simply by breathing. Mom used to call me a dragon when I was younger. That hasn't changed.
We put on our masks just in case as we step out of the building to reach the van in which we'll be reaching our destination. Jungkook quickly comes running with a bag of snacks and after debating for a while, their manager eventually decides that I will sit at the front, much to the guys' disappointment.
"But it's Y/N, it's our Sunflower, today's probably the only time we'll get to see her, you can't take her away from us!" Taehyung whines cutely, his puppy eyes staring at their manager while I try to hide my smile from showing too much in my eyes.
The manager sighs and turns to me before looking at the guys again. "Hurry up then, but we really have to go so no fighting" he says before going around to the driver's side. To make things easy, I decide to open the van's door and sit in the middle of the middle seats, knowing that way that whoever sits in the passenger seat, those next to me and then those at the back will all be somewhat close.
"Sunflower, you're too good to us" Hoseok says with fake tears before going to sit at the back, Yoongi following behind with Namjoon. Jungkook goes to sit on Namjoon's lap since there are not enough seats, then Jimin and Taehyung by my sides while Jin sits at the front. Once the door closed, we proceed to remove our masks with a pleased sigh.
I turn to Namjoon with worried eyes, but he shakes his head with a smile. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine" he says, Jungkook also flashing me a bunny smile as he makes himself comfortable, a pinch to Namjoon's thigh to annoy him while he still can before Namjoon retaliates with tickles. Seeing them interact, their giggle and laughter reaching my ears is absolutely adorable and I can't get enough of the sight.
A tap on my shoulder has me turning around to see Taehyung beaming at me as he holds my seat belt. "You need to wear it, can't have something happen to you" he claims, excited eyes almost bulging out of his head when our fingers brush. My heart is in no better state, but I try to stay calm and simply smile as I push until I hear the click.
Jimin leans closer and stares at me with crescent eyes. "So, are you excited for today's episode? Do you know what it's going to be about?" he asks and I bite on my tongue to avoid saying anything. He tries to give me his best puppy eyes but a hand eventually slaps the back of his head, causing him to stop and look behind him to see who just did that.
Yoongi clears his throat and crosses his arms with a tiny smile tugging on his lips, giving him away instantly. "Hyung! I just want to know, you can't slap me for that" Jimin whines but Yoongi is having none of it as he ignores the younger man.
"Jiminie, we'll all know later, stop trying to push Y/N to tell you. She might not even know!" Hoseok says with a sigh and Jimin turns back to the front with a pout. Feeling bad for him, I pat his shoulder with what is meant to be a comforting smile. He side glances at me and forces his pout back in force, but it's impossible to hide the way his cheeks raise into a smile against his will.
The van starts moving and very quickly, the silence disappears as Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin start chatting about anything that crosses their mind, Jin and Hoseok participating once in a while when they have something to say. It's so different from when I travel alone, which is all the time and it's such a nice feeling. It feels a lot less lonely.
Jungkook starts sharing the snacks he brought and to my surprise, I'm given my favorite one. He smiles with a light blush. "We all know what you prefer, I took the liberty of taking yours" he explains, shining eyes peeking into mine and beaming at the clear happiness in my face.
"I skipped breakfast so thank you for that, I was getting pretty hungry" I say with a grin, hands ripping the bag open to take a handful of the content to eat. Jin turns towards me with a frown. "You can't skip meals, Y/N! Star or not, food is important!" he claims, the others nodding along to his words but I pout.
"My manager said that I need to eat as little as possible when I'm too appear on a screen, I shouldn't show fat" I mumble, eyes looking back down at the snack, body deflating as I wonder whether it's smart to eat this right now. It's a sweet and salty mix that might not be such a good idea.
"I get it, Y/N, I really do, but this isn't healthy" Hoseok says with a sad smile. "Just eat the snack and after the episode, we'll head to a good restaurant to get a real and filling meal" Jin decides with a nod to himself. The manager frowns. "Who said you have the time for that?".
Namjoon clears his throat. "Well someone's going to make some for us. Right?". The manager groans but eventually nods. "Just this once, but you better work twice as hard in the coming days".
The guys cheer and I can't help but smile at their excitement. Even Yoongi shows a hint of a smile as he stares outside in silence. Well, I guess my day will be spent with them. Lucky for me, I had the rest of the day free anyway.
When we reach the destination, we put on our masks and the guys step out first to hide me while I get out of the van, but true to myself, I raise my head too early and hit it on the doorframe. I groan in pain, watch as Yoongi turns to me with curious eyes before seeing me rub gently the top of my head.
"You hurt yourself again?" he asks but I don't reply right away, a frown on my face as I can't seem to be doing anything right so far. "It's nothing, I'm fine" I mumble, hear his concerned hum before their manager leads us inside the building. Some fans somehow managed to find out the location of BTS's next filming and me, an unknown woman being with them is not taken too well when the fans start screaming at me.
Namjoon and Jungkook's tall bodies shield me as we progress inside and once the doors close, Hoseok stumps his feet on the floor, eyes glaring at the outside. "I can't believe they just treated her like that!" he shouts before turning to me with sorry eyes. "I apologize on behalf of our fans, they can get very intense when we're with women" he says with a bow.
My eyes widen when the others bow for an apology as well. "Guys, please, it's fine, I know how it is, you don't need to bow" I hurry to say. It's not like it's within their control. "Still..." Jungkook mumbles but I just wave a hand. "Come on, let's go, it's all good" I reassure them before turning around, but of course, I don't notice the wall behind me, so I bump right into it.
As if that's not enough, as I bounce backwards, I step on the hem of my skirt and fall down on my butt before the guys can even say a word. Gasps reach my ears as I rub the side of my face that hit the wall first and I wince when I try to stand back up.
So much for being known as the delicate Sunflower. BTS will never look at me the same way ever again.
Namjoon steps forward first and offers me his hand to help me back up, which I gratefully accept. Taehyung comes to me as well and takes a look at my face to make sure it's fine, the mask removed so he can see my skin.
I blush hard at the feeling of his hands cupping my cheek and I suddenly feel something hot slide on my skin. When I bring a hand to my nose, I remove it to see blood on my fingers.
"Aish" I let out as I pinch my nose bridge and look upwards. "B-blood, she's bleeding" Taehyung panics and Yoongi eventually has to hold him still to try and calm him down while Jin takes a tissue out of his pocket for me. "Here, you can wipe your nose with it" he says as he hands me the black fabric.
"Ah, thank you, sorry" I say as I proceed to wipe my under nose and lip area without removing the pressure to try and stop the flow of blood.
The manager comes back, confused eyes on me until Namjoon explains the situation without mentioning that I did something truly stupid. He nods and proceeds to show us to the waiting room where they'll touch up our makeup and hairstyle, as well as a change of clothes before it's time to record.
We follow behind him, Hoseok and Jimin holding my shoulders to direct me, both of them scared that I'll somehow hit another wall until I dare look down to see if my nose will keep bleeding.
"I think I'm fine now" I say with a silent cheer. I don't want to mess up the episode, I'd feel terrible if they end up having to cancel it or redo everything again because of me. Maybe I should've refused, or at least warned them that I'm dangerous, especially in a kitchen.
Getting ready happens without much problem. The makeup artist who also does my hair ends up being a fan and I give her an autograph, just because she was so nice to me as she takes care of my makeup, any trace of blood disappearing under her magic hands.
I'm given an outfit that fits with the guys, which I find really sweet because it makes me feel closer to them. I won't look like an outsider. Once dressed and my clothes put aside in a bag with my name written on it, I step out of the dressing room to see Jin already ready as well.
I can't help but stare at his profile and take in his gorgeous appearance, those wide shoulders doing him justice. I know the man is an incredible cook, Yoongi too. I wish I had at least half of their skills, that would ensure a good episode. He turns to me, probably sensing me staring, but as soon as his eyes fall on me, his jaw drops to the floor.
Jungkook and Taehyung join us, confused eyes on Jin before they fall on me only to have the same reaction. It's a repeat for the four other men and at this point, I don't really know what to do anymore, so I do what I do on the red carpets.
I smile and wave.
Yoongi brings his hands to his heart and makes a wounded sound. "The sun just attacked me" he cries out and I giggle, especially when Taehyung and Hoseok add a layer, the both of them clinging onto each other and falling down on their knees into a bow. "I surrender, the sunflower, my master" Taehyung shouts, drama at its highest.
"You guys are crazy" I say with a laugh, Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook and Jin finally getting their senses back and just laughing along, although their eyes aren't letting go of me yet. "You look really good" Namjoon eventually manages to say with a blush and I blush too, my hands going to straighten my outfit as an anxious response. "Thank you. Y-you all look pretty good too".
"Just look at her blushing cheeks, she's adorable" Jimin chirps as he steps closer to me with raised hands but Jungkook and Yoongi grab him before he reaches me. I bring a hand to my face to try and hide the glowing red spreading to my skin and to my luck, the manager takes that moment to enter the waiting room and asks us to get to the room where the episode will take place.
I rush out first, the guys following close behind as we reach a huge kitchen with two sets of workstation ready for us. I look around me and sigh. The place where I will die. At least it looks good. Hopefully I'm the only one dying here today.
"Why the solemn face? You look like you're going to meet your doom here today" Jungkook asks as he comes to stand beside me and I shoot him a controlled smile but panicked eyes. "It's because I am" I reply before looking back at the cameramen getting ready under the director's directives.
Jungkook turns to stare at Yoongi with confused eyes. "I think we're going to have to keep an eye on her is what this means" the latter replies, his eyes settling on me with a knowing light in them.
Hoseok comes to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders, startling me. I turn my neck to see him grinning at me with confidence. "Don't worry, Sunflower, we'll be there to protect you from danger!" he claims and I huff a small laugh as I shake my head.
I point at the seven guys. "You should all focus on protecting yourselves from me, the kitchen might blow up today. My mom used to call me a dragon and she wasn't lying" I tell them, hear Jin's windshield wiper laugh fill the room, which attracts curious attention from the others who wonder what's so funny.
"I believe we can handle it, don't worry too much" he claims. Hoseok nods quickly with his sunshine smile. "Just trust us and don't hesitate to ask for help, we'll help you" he adds confidently and I smile with a nod. "Thank you".
If only things were that simple. As the cameras start filming us, I'm introduced as the first special guest who will take part in a Run BTS episode and it is mentioned that they are my fans, which in results has me mentioning that I am their fans as well, which gets me really embarrassed when the seven members shoot me surprised and ecstatic faces.
But then the game gets introduced and we receive the rules, which are not advantageous for me.
1. You can't get hints from the other team.
2. Incomplete recipes will be given, you have thirty seconds to fill in the blanks before having to get started.
3. Both teams (three members each) will go against Sunflower.
4. The member on standby will switch with a random member on the director's call to give Sunflower some advantage.
5. For a total of thirty minutes, both teams against Sunflower will have a total of fifteen minutes each to make their recipe.
The rules have got to have been made by someone who knows I can't cook. This is bad. At this rhythm, I might really die.
The guys must notice how anxious I'm getting because through funny interactions, they all try to cheer me up in a way that ARMY won't suspect. I'm thankful for that and I try my best to be as true to who I am as possible without showing my nervosity.
With some luck, if this episode gets released, people won't think I'm fake, only trying to impress the country's heroes, heck, the world's heroes by playing the weak girl who can't cook. That would be really bad for my image and I can't have that happen.
We take a moment to allow the guys to choose who they want to team up with and to come up with a team name, which happens the usual loud and funny way. They do complain a few times when they try to choose me and the director refuses. It is with laughter that we eventually get through the first task.
The first team goes as follows : Jin - Namjoon - Taehyung. Team name? The Kims (the Kim family has joined us today).
The second team goes as follows: Yoongi - Hoseok - Jungkook. Team name? Minjungjeon (how cute).
Sunflower will be referred to as Sunflower (just look at her smile, sunflower indeed!).
"No, no... even better. BTS's Sunflower!" Jungkook chirps and I see the director sigh.
Sunflower will be referred to as BTS's Sunflower (we spoil them too much).
The bunny smile on his face is everything and for a short moment, I forget about what's going to happen. Almost.
This is going to be fun. That's what I told myself this morning. Now, I only hope nothing bad happens.
I'm up against The Kims for the first round, so we both reach our separate workstation where a recipe awaits us. I spot the paper at the corner and pick it up before sighing in despair.
Kimbap. Oh gosh. The humiliation I will face by the end of the day. Such an easy recipe that will end up looking like it traveled through a few dimensions before coming back half chewed and stepped on by an unknown creature.
I look at the ingredients around me. So many for a single meal. Oh gosh. I need to cook some meat? Eggs? And those knives, they look like they were made to kill someone. I look up from the the paper filled with incomplete sentences to see Jin giving me a sympathetic smile while Namjoon and Taehyung focus on their sheet.
You can do it, he mouths with a little fighting move that gets the other two's attention. They turn to me too and smile with an encouraging nod. I nod back, unconvinced. I guess we'll see how this goes.
"Alright, you have thirty minutes to complete the recipe, it starts now" the director claims and I feel my heart jump in my chest as I focus on the task at hand.
"First step... boil water for the spinach. I can do that" I mumble as I rush to get a pot that I fill with water before putting it on the stove with the heat on high. They don't say for how long, but it can't be more than a few minutes, right? Already anxious about how this will all turn bad, I look at the next step to see it blank, but the next one talks about slicing the omelet, so I figure I need to cook the eggs.
Grabbing a random pan, I put it next to the pot and turn the heat to high again. We need to be quick about this. I'm alone working on a recipe I've never done before, so I can't waste too much time. Thirty minutes doesn't seem like enough time. Not for me.
I spot the nonstick spray and figure that it's going to help the eggs to not stick to the pan, duh, but to my horror, instead of grease, I spray fire at the pan. I yelp and almost throw the can away before stepping back.
"S-She's really a dragon!" I hear Taehyung stutter out as I gaze with wide eyes at the work of horror I'm already creating. "Are you okay?!" I hear Jin ask me and when I turn to him with wide eyes, his face looks shocked. "Never spray on the stove. Take the pan aside" he says before turning back to his team at a warning of the director.
With my heart almost beating out of my chest, I do as told and effectively, no fire this time. Wiping the sweat as carefully as possible as to not move my makeup too much, I notice the water now boiling, so I grab the spinach and throw it in the water. I set the timer at... five minutes should be enough right? Is that too much? Let's start with three minutes.
I take a few eggs and a bowl, knowing that I have to mix them together to make the omelet. I try to crack the first shell softly, but end up smashing it on the counter. "Fuck" I whisper before quickly bringing a hand to my mouth at the swear, but instead of using the clean one, my stupid self uses the sticky one as it is my dominant hand.
I gag as I get some of the uncooked egg in my mouth and quickly walk to the sink to clean my hands and rinse my mouth. I hear a series of laughter coming from the staff and I blush as I bite on my bottom lip. This is so humiliating.
Refusing to look around me, I try again with the other eggs, this time going much softer and managing to do somewhat good. I do have to remove some small bits of shell, but other than that, no more smashed eggs.
I mix the result and proceed to pour it into the pan, but the loud noise greeting my ears is everything I didn't expect to happen and I gasp when I see the corners already burning. Too hot, too hot, I tell myself as I start panicking. I lower the heat, but the damage has been done.
I go to grab a spatula and try to roll the omelet, but it's no use. The timer for the spinach rings and I drop everything aside to grab the pot to drain the water in the sink. Except, yet again, I do it too rough and get splashes of burning hot water on my warms. I wince as the steam rises to wrap around my head which makes it harder to breath and I drop the pot with a gasp as it falls loudly into the sink.
Without thinking much as I see dark clouds appear above the eggs, I hurry to try and take care of the problem but end up simply staring at it in panic as the 'food' becomes black and alike to melted lava.
"Oh I messed up, I messed up real bad" I mumble as I take it off the stove and to the sink, knowing nothing can be done about it. With one hand, I remove the pot filled with the spinach to set it on the counter and turn on the water to rinse and cool down the burnt pan.
"No no no don't do that-" I hear but it's too late. Heavy steam yet again engulfs my face and the sound of grilling fills my ears. The pan's handle then comes off and I hear a loud crash at the bottom of the sink. I stare at it with wide eyes as I come to realize that I destroyed the pan before looking up to see the guys staring at me with the roundest eyes I've ever seen from them.
"She's definitely worse than me" Namjoon mumbles before turning to the confused director. "Can we change a rule? Instead of switching Jimin into the teams, can we just send him to her team? I think she needs the help. One of the opposite team could make the switch instead" he asks. The man seems to think a little, but when his eyes fall on me, he quickly comes to a decision and motions for someone to go fetch the member.
Part of me is relieved to know I'm going to get help. The other? It just wants me to crawl to a corner and never walk out ever again. This episode is messed up so bad, they're going to get mad at me.
A shocked Jimin quickly walks on set and comes to stand next to me to take in the damage. "It looks even worse in person. You set the dragon loose?" he asks with a chuckle as he sees my panicked state.
"I did, I'm so sorry" I let out, ashamed. "I'm ruining this episode, aren't I" I murmur, a hand on my mic so that the others can't hear. He shakes his head and pats my shoulder. "If anything, you're making it much more interesting than it would've been, don't worry" he whispers back and I sigh in relief. As long as he's not mad, I can live with that.
He takes a look at the recipe while some of the staffs come with a new pan and to take away the destroyed one, the handle still in my hand given to them with an apologetic bow. "I've made something resembling this recipe a few times before so just follow me okay? We'll do well now that I'm here" he says with a smile and a wink sent my way.
I smile and nod, body and mind now relaxing a little as I can depend on someone to help me. I'm sure glad the director allowed this.
With Jimin taking control of the situation, except the casual me bumping into him whenever he tries to go around because I can't seem to predict in which direction he's trying to move to, I don't put anything on fire, no more pans are broken, which is a feat, a very impressive one.
"Can you cut thin slices of carrots and cucumbers please? The spinach burned, I don't know how you achieved that but we can't use it" he asks with a giggle and I blush with a nod. I burned spinach in water. Was three minutes too long? Am I just that bad?
I grab the ingredients and a knife before heading to the cutting area while he starts doing the omelet, rice already rinsed and now in the rice cooker. I roll my shoulders and stare at the ingredients. This can go well, right? I can cut veggies, it's just like... nevermind I don't have any comparisons. Let's just make sure no arms are cut off in the process.
Knife in hand, I'm about to start cutting when I hear a scream. I look up in a hurry to notice Namjoon holding his finger with wide eyes. "I cut myself" he blurts out, hand moving up as if he's showing off a trophy.
Too focused on the scene going on, I don't pay attention to what I'm doing and when the feeling of something sharp pierces my finger, I too yelp in pain, my eyes darting to my hand to see blood starting to seep out of the small but deep wound.
"Sunflower, did you just cut yourself?!" Jimin exclaims as he rushes to my side to take a look at my finger. "It's nothing too bad, it's happened a lot before" I tell him with a smile but he's having none of it as he leads me to the sink.
"Is she okay? I'm sorry for screaming, Sunflower! Does it hurt?" Namjoon asks and I shake my head as I shoot him a thumb up. Seokjin swats his head before Taehyung brings the attention back to the task at hand. After all, they don't have a lot of time left.
After my finger gets bandaged, Namjoon's too, the director claims that it's now time for a switch and sends Jin away to be replaced by Jungkook. Taehyung whines loudly as he makes grabby hands at Jin's who's now disappearing behind a wall.
"But we need Jin hyung for this part! RM and I don't know what we're doing!" he says and I giggle with Jimin, knowing that now we have some of the upper hand as a pouty Jungkook comes to take place with them, unhappy with the welcome he's getting.
"You talk as if I don't know how to cook" the young man grumbles. Taehyung shoves the recipe in his face and after a moment, Jungkook's face falls. "Okay, we are doomed". Namjoon laughs awkwardly as he scratches the back of his head. "Well, let's just do our best, hm? I don't think we can do as bad as Sunflower earlier".
I bring a hand to my heart with a betrayed face. "That was low, hyung!" Jimin comes to my defense, an arm around my shoulders as we stare at the opposite team. Namjoon waves his hands, mouth wide open before he bows apologetically. "I didn't mean it that way, I swear!".
I humph and turn my back to him, a wink sent to Jimin who grins back before doing just like me. "Save your breath, hyung, Sunflower and I will just have to prove you all that we can do better than you three!".
And the cooking resumes with an improved intensity. Jungkook doesn't like to lose, which spurs Taehyung and Jimin to double in energy as well, which throws Namjoon and I in an uncontrollable spiral of tasks that we try to follow to the best of our ability.
"Sunflower, did you just break the knife?". "Sunflower, that's my foot you're standing on". "Sunflower, you weren't supposed to cut that". "Sunflower... just... I'll do this".
Those are the things I hear as we go, but Jimin never loses his smile. He grills a few more things while I... encourage him a few times as well, but I realize after a while that what I mostly do is give him the needed ingredients. I guess that's better than killing someone with a flying sharp knife. Or burning down the whole kitchen. I should be grateful that our workstation smells good at all.
After a while, the director announces that it's time to switch teams and I watch as the three men look at their completed plate with a proud grin. "We did it!" they exclaim with high fives, but then I watch as Jungkook comes to a realization. "Wait a minute, I just helped the other team towards victory!" he shouts before falling to his knees as Taehyung and Namjoon laugh, plate in hands as they leave the room.
Yoongi and Hoseok come to join their sad maknae and get him back up to his feet with an encouraging pat to his shoulder before they turn to me. "I have to say Sunflower, it looked like a horror movie for a moment when you got started" Yoongi says with a smirk and I blush, already attacked by the handsome man.
Hoseok starts laughing with too much energy as he nods. "It was hilarious though! We couldn't stop laughing! The faces you made" he chirps while clapping his hands, hearty smile wide open as he lets out some more laughter before Jungkook hits his waist to stop him.
"We've a meal to make now, we can laugh later, for now, we have to win!" he says and professional mode comes to work in a matter of seconds as they start focusing on their recipe while the staffs come to gather the dirty and used dishes to swap everything in the thirty seconds they have to process the steps.
Jimin asks me to help him watch over the meat he has to cook while he focuses on making the sauces and after a while, it's finally time to assemble the kimbap.
"You can do that, right?" he asks and I hum, eyes going over everything that is to be used to make the kimbap. "It can't be that hard" I say, hear his doubtful hum. "We still have time, so let's just take our time, okay?" he says and I nod, mouth into a pout at the doubt in his voice. We split the ingredients in half so we can both make our own and I get started.
This is supposed to be easy.
So why is the damn dried seaweed sheet breaking apart in my hands?! I drop some slices of veggies on the floor in an attempt to fit everything on the rice and when I move to get some more of the fluffy white clouds, of course I have to step on the slimy cucumbers and radishes.
A hand going to grab unto the counter to try and get my balance back does not go as it should when I instead grab the plate with the so far only good kimbap I've managed to make. I yelp as I fall down on my back with a loud thud, my breath leaving my lungs and the sound of the plate breaking above my head has me frozen for a moment as I try to understand what the heck just happened.
Jimin turns to me with wide eyes as he takes in the scene. This time, not only him but the other team as well come to me as they analyze the situation, hands going to remove the food that is now spread in my hair and on my face.
"Don't move, there are sharps pieces all around you" Yoongi warns me as he sends Hoseok to get a broom that a staff member comes back with quickly. Jungkook looks worried as he stands behind with Jimin and soon the other members in the waiting room hurry over as well.
"That was a nasty fall, are you okay, Y/N?" Jin asks as he bends next to me to help me sit up, eyes and hands careful to not hurt me when I wince at the movement. Namjoon tsks and looks around.
"Anyone has bubble wraps? In huge quantities? Human size? I think it's time we take measures to protect our Sunflower before she gets even more hurt" he asks and I giggle a little, eyes softening around me as the staffs move around to help clean up, the recording now put on pause, which I appreciate.
"I'm so sorry, I keep causing problems today" I let out with apologizing eyes, a bow to everyone around me as I slowly stand up to my feet. "Yeah, well I certainly didn't expect my heart to be tested that much today, that's for sure" Jimin replies as he makes sure I'm fine.
Taehyung hums and pulls me away from where the plate fell. "How about we finish everything together, hm?" he says with a smile. My eyes widen. "But that's-". A hand on my shoulder stops me from finishing my sentence and I look back to see Jimin standing behind me. "I think that's a very good idea. Anyway, ARMY loves it when BTS does things together, right, director? Can we make an exception for this episode?".
I bite on my bottom lip and turn to see the discouraged director nod with a wave of the hand. He'll remember me as a real pain in the ass by the end of the day, I tell myself with a sad smile.
Jungkook comes in front of me and cups my cheeks, a bunny smile greeting my eyes when I look up to gaze into his eyes. The contact is enough to have me blushing, but now realizing that I'm literally surrounded by BTS is not helping my heart.
"No sad faces, Sunflower, this episode ends with smiles and laughter, don't worry" he says and I nod as his thumb grazes my cheek softly before Jimin decides that he's seen enough and pulls him back. They bicker in the background with Taehyung who goes to join them with a smile as the four oldests take over surrounding me.
"I have to say, Jungkook is right. I'm sure ARMY will laugh a lot when they'll see today's episode, you've made this a lot more entertaining. Now, I'm not saying I enjoyed seeing you hurt, but since you didn't cry or anything, we figured this wasn't too bad for you" Namjoon starts and I nod with a little laugh bubbling out of my lips.
"I'm honestly used to this. What I'm not used to is this happening in front of so many people. I'm not sure my manager will be very happy about this, nor will my agency, really. I have an image to keep and what happened today is changing all of that" I say with a sigh, knowing that this was meant to happen someday, just not like this, not that badly.
Jin frowns. "What's wrong with people knowing that you're even more destructive than Namjoon? It's endearing, it makes us want to protect you". "Which we will do by the way. No more getting hurt" Yoongi adds with a small smile and a ruffle to my hair.
Hoseok hooks his arms with mine and pulls me with him to stand by the table with beautiful kimbap. Jimin really is talented, much more than he shows. "Let's do this one step at a time, okay?" he says and I nod, guilt going away to simply enjoy the moment as the recording starts over, a small explanation to tell ARMY what the heck happened and how dangerous I am and that to protect me and everyone in the room, we decided to complete everything together.
We finally get through all of it and it's with smiles and laughter, just like Jungkook said that we present the cameras all the food we made. Jin offers everything to the staff once the filming is over and when it's time to leave the building, the manager leaves us on our own with the van as he takes a taxi back to HYBE.
"So, like I said earlier, it's now time to get some food for ourselves and I have just the right place in mind" Jin says as he leads us to the van, masks on our faces and ARMY now nowhere to be seen. I guess security took care of them.
I'm forced to sit back exactly where I was when we left the first time, but this time, it's Jin who drives while Namjoon sits in the passenger seat. Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok sit at the back while Jungkook and Yoongi sit by my sides.
I remove my mask and watch as they all do the same, satisfied and amused faces as they seem a lot more relaxed than this morning. "It feels good to have the rest of the day free, we have Y/N to thank for that because our manager would've never agreed otherwise" Hoseok says with a wide smile as he gently pats my shoulder.
I smile softly and shake my head. "I... honestly I just hope you guys won't have to film a new Run BTS episode because of me" I mumble, notice Namjoon turning back to look at me.
"I don't think you realize how much Korea loves you, it's going to be just fine. As you guys were getting changed, I went back to the kitchen and I heard the staff talk about how adorable and terribly clumsy you were. They love that part of you" he says and I blush, taken aback.
"They do?" I ask, not believing it. They nod with chuckles. "Of course, you underestimate the power of clumsiness" Taehyung says with a chuckle, his hand coming to ruffle my hair gently.
Yoongi seems pensive for a moment before he hums. "Are you going to get in trouble with your agency because of that? Because you showed others that side of you?" he asks. I sigh and nod, a shrug of the shoulders before I stretch my neck.
"They most certainly won't be happy. To them, today was about making use of us being each other's fans to get more recognition. They did make me promise to appear normal as much as possible until the end of my career, that includes not showing people that I'm destructive, so I'm pretty sure I'll be punished for that. It's fine though, I don't regret it, it allowed me to spend time with the seven of you".
Jimin gaps. "Punished?! What kind of punishment?" he asks, the others also paying attention to my next words. I hum. "They'll probably make me sleep less and practice more? Meals might be smaller. That has happened enough that I'm used to it now" I tell them. Jin shakes his head, a deep frown on his face.
"That is abuse, Y/N. That's not legal" he says, eyes going to meet mine through the mirror. I smile softly. "I know, but what can I do?" I murmur. Namjoon brings a hand to his chin as he seems to be thinking about something. "Then why don't you join our agency?".
I choke on my saliva and stare at him with wide teary eyes. "Excuse me?" I ask, not sure I heard him well. Jungkook grabs my arm and beams at me. "Yeah! You should join our agency! I just know Bang PD-nim will do everything to have you on board!" he claims before leaning closer as if to say a secret. "He's also a fan of yours, I saw him dance to your songs once, he knows your choreography by heart".
I bring a hand to my mouth as I snort. "And you say that now?! Please tell me you have a video of it!" Jimin exclaims as he leans forward between Jungkook and I.
The bunny smirks and shares a look with Jimin, the two of them eventually shaking hands in complicity. "Of course I have a video".
I smile and look down at my knees, my hands going over them. Changing agencies? Can I really do that? HYBE sure is a better one. I wouldn't be treated as bad as I am right now. A hand wraps mine and I look up in surprise to see Yoongi gazing at me.
"Think it over, okay? You deserve to be treated the right way. We also really want to see you more often". Hoseok nods quickly. "We could do so much more together if you're with us! We could watch movies, eat together, go shopping together, cudd- I-I mean, so many things" Hoseok chirps, an anxious yelp leaving his mouth before he changes his sentence near the end.
I turn back to see Taehyung glaring at him, a hand on his hyung's hips before they turn to me with an innocent smile. I can't help a smile of my own from stretching on my lips. "That does sound fun" I tell them, bright eyes shining on me in response.
"You bet it does! As the only woman we ever see ourselves having feelings for, we'd die of happiness just having you near us, it would be so much easier to do things the eight of us, especially if you move in the same dorm building as us" Jin adds and silence surrounds me. "Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that one yet, was I?" he says with an awkward chuckle.
Never mind melted lava. I am the volcano.
"Oh, hyung I think you broke her" Taehyung muses as he leans closer to remove a hand from my face, the touch only helping my heart to beat out of my chest as my skin feels like melting. "But he is right" he whispers in my ear, deep sultry voice that causes a blood rush to drown my brain. Oh my gosh.
"Well, it is said now, no use hiding it, so what do you think? Want to come with us?" Namjoon repeats and I look up to meet his expectant eyes. I look around me, take a moment to look at the seven of them. All of them looking almost pleading as they wait for my response.
I bring my eyes back to Yoongi's hand covering mine, teeth coming to nibble on my lips. I nod my head. "That sounds like a very good idea, let's do this".
And it is doooooone, I worked all day for this and for a moment, I got really scared that I wouldn't finish today like I'd told you because it is nearly 10k! 😭😂 I hope it was to your liking!
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