BTS x Reader - badass Y/N
For love004bangtan! It took so long for me to update, I'm very sorry! I was focused on my other stories and didn't find much time to work on this request, still I hope you enjoy!
"Aish, I can't believe they didn't have my favorite donuts" I mumble as I kick a pebble too close to my foot. "Calls themselves a bakery but they can't even have freaking donuts when I come by" I continue as I kick another pebble too close to my other foot.
That's all I wanted today. That damn donut. I got out of bed, out of home in the hopes of having that sweet delicacy on my tongue, but no, I got there too late. Why? Because, apparently, a group of seven couldn't get another flavor.
No, they had to get the seven freaking last donuts. Of. My. Favorite. Flavor.
I groan and hit a bigger rock, except this one makes me wince. My poor toes didn't like this one... I sigh and start heading back home when I notice something weird out of the corner of my eyes.
Why are those people wearing black clothes, from head to toe and dragging baseball bats with them... they don't look like players. Like, I'm not biased or anything, but I sure get a bad feeling from them. Better stay a good distance away. I don't want trouble today.
I look a little further to the side to notice another group of men dressed in more colorful clothes in a corner of a building eating what appears to be... donuts. Those lucky bastards.
I shake my head, about to continue on my way home when I notice one of the guys with a bat raising it in the air towards the other group. I can't hear them since I'm a little too far, but I definitely notice the signs of approval they do between themselves before heading to the donut eaters at a faster pace.
I tsk my tongue and roll my head in a circle to stretch my neck. I didn't want to see that, now I feel like I have to do something. What should I do... Helping them, or staying away?
A shout heard makes me look at them again to see the group which appears to be thugs cornering the others in a corner away from sight. I sigh and start making my way to them. I saw everything, now that would be awfully mean from me to act like I didn't.
Some pushing here and there to keep the colorful guys under control, these thugs really don't know what's awaiting them. I smirk at the thought and stop a few meters behind them, a few pair of confused eyes falling on me from the victims. They look like puppies being put in a cage because the owners have to leave home for the day.
I huff when one of them tries to shake his head and motion discreetly for me to go away before it's too late. A sweet yet annoying gesture that makes me sigh and ignore him entirely. Of course. I'm a girl, what can I possibly do against a group of men, hm?
Before I can react, one of the thugs push the tallest one against the wall, a slap to the face that makes the man grit his teeth, narrowed eyes looking straight at the thug. He tries to push back but his friends stop him, probably sensing that this wouldn't be a smart move. At least they're not too dumb, makes this saving asses a bit more worth it.
"Oy" I let out plainly, wait as a few heads turn to me, frown on their faces as if I turned off the TV while they were watching their favorite game. The sight is pretty entertaining, I have to say. I might just be tempted to laugh if they weren't so ugly.
One of the thug's eyes crease as he notices me and motions for the others to keep cornering the group while he walks up to me, bat hanging loose in his fingers as he eyes me up and down as if I'm some kind of meat stick. Confident asshole.
"Just let her go, she doesn't know what she's doing" one of the guys with a husky voice says, feline eyes staring at me as if begging for me to run away while I still can. I ignore him and give my whole attention to the one now standing in front of me.
Please, I laughed too much writing this scene with this music 😭
His hand reaches out to my face, something disgusting that makes my guts churn and twist as his smell reaches my nose, something repulsing about it. "Well, sweet lady, what can I do for-"
He doesn't have time to finish his sentence that I grip the hem of his neckline down towards me before kicking him in the stomach. "First of all, don't touch me" I tell him with a monotone voice, already knowing that they won't put up much of a fight. This is boring.
While he's folded in half, I step behind him and push him down to the ground with my feet before taking hold of the bat that rolled out of his hold. I prop it on my shoulder and turn around to stare at the others with a quirked eyebrow.
"Secondly, I don't think it's legal to corner people like that with weapons in hands. I don't think they were bothering anyone, were they? Did they commit a crime? Is eating donuts something to be condemned about nowadays?" I ask, hear one of the colorful guys snort, clearly finding this funny.
"You-" one of the thugs says, a scowl on his face before he rushes to me, bat high in hand. I side step to avoid his beginner hit and slap his butt with mine, just strong enough that he loses his balance while still running and watch as he falls on his friend with a groan.
Well, this is rather easy. "What the fuck! Who are you?" one of the remaining thugs asks and I shrug, head tilted to the side as I stare at the bat in my hand. "The girl who's beating all of your asses?" I offer as I give my attention back to him.
Insulted and definitely not learning anything from the situation as it unfolds, he throws his weapon away and runs to me. Now, not being one to use a weapon when the other is unarmed, I throw mine away and wait for the guy to reach me.
As soon as he's close enough, I turn my back to him and bend forward to grab the arms he tries to wrap around me, then turn fast enough to throw him on top of growing pile of bodies. The men shout in pain and I dust my hands on my jeans, a little disappointed by how easy this is so far.
"Anyone else?" I ask, eyes going to see who else could remain but except for the last two guys running away with their tail tucked between their legs, I'm confident that the fight is over. The pile of thugs breaks down and they sprint away as fast as their legs can carry them.
"We'll be back!" one of them screams, a high pitch sound that seems more terrified than scary.
I can't resist a laugh at that, body shook by amusement. This almost looks like a group of zebras running away after encountering a lion and what makes it even funnier to me is that technically, I would be the lion in this situation. Here they thought I was a simple little kitty, the surprise they got instead.
They quickly disappear from view and I sigh before finally turning my attention to the seven guys, notice their gulp as they quickly stand up straight and bow to me. One of them, one which appears to be closer to my age straightens up quickly with an impressed smile.
"I have to say, holy shit! That was fucking cool!" he screams and one of his friends slap the back of his head with a hiss. "Language, kook. But indeed, you saved us from a lot of trouble there, thank you very much".
I wave a hand. "It's nothing. I'd feel guilty walking away when I saw what happened. I don't want the police accusing me of having voluntarily let people get hurt" I reply, watch as a few smiles become slightly awkward.
Me and my mouth. "I mean, I would feel awful just walking away. I'm not the kind of person to leave while people could use my help. I didn't learn how to defend myself only to let others get hurt instead" I add, somehow needing to justify myself. Their eyes become softer and they nod, endearment seen flashing through their eyes.
"She's cute" one of them coos softly, words I easily hear and I clear my throat to keep a blushing at bay. That's too out of character and I won't have people seeing that happen to me. Not in this day and age. Heck no.
"So, I guess that's all then. I should go" I blurt out, ready to move on with my day when my eyes fall on the box of donut. I allow through a pout before looking away to see one of the men with fluffy curly hair eyeing me strangely. He looks from the box to me and to the box again before grabbing it.
He opens it and closes it right after before shoving it my way. "To thank you. There aren't many left and they're all the same flavor, but..." he trails off and hands the box closer. Tempting, I won't lie.
"Tae, you can't let that be used as a thank you! We can do better than that, she just avoided us so much trouble!" the one who seems oldest gasps out, as if the younger one's words are preposterous. Still, he allows me to grab the box and I open it, not knowing what to expect but this...
"So you were the bastards getting the last ones of my favorite flavor!" I shout out, dumbfounded. I can't believe I helped the cause of my misery! I was going home without my treat because of them!
"B-bastards? Well- you have one now, more than one, isn't that great?" the tall man with dimples attempts, a surprised laugh leaving him at my words and I purse my lips before looking down at the donuts again. "I guess she went to the bakery not long after us, we did get the last ones available" one that looks like a sun says with a chuckle, amused by the expression on my face.
I can't deny the sparkles that have made my eyes their home. This is indeed great. I hum and grab only one before handing the box back. I don't need four donuts, one is plenty enough. And it's going to taste amazing after that work out.
A man with the sexiest hands I've ever seen grabs the box before it meets the ground and I wave the donut in front of my face. "Well, whatever. Thanks for that. Don't get attacked again" I muse before walking away, mouth already biting a chunk off the donut.
"Now that's the good shit" I hum, happy that I got to have it after all. Given to me by handsome men at that, I'm not going to complain. It's a little disappointing to know that I'll probably never see them again, but I'm not one to push my luck and stay around when there's no more reason for my presence.
"Wait!" I hear suddenly and turn around to see the one named Kook rushing to me. He stops in front of me and the others follow behind quickly. "What's your name? You can't just leave without letting us thank you properly" he says and I take my time biting properly before swallowing, amused by their curiosity becoming slightly impatient.
I wipe my mouth with a grin. "Y/N. You? Name's Kook, is that it? Quite weird for a name" I answer, watch as their faces fall. I quirk an eyebrow in response. What? Did I say something wrong?
"You mean to say you don't know us?" the Kook guy asks and I take a good look at each of them, watch as they stare back with much intensity, eyes trying to convey who they are but...
"Nope, sorry. Am I supposed to?". One of them throws hands. "I'll be damned. Pictures of us throughout the whole city and she doesn't recognize us!" the one with the rectangular smile and curly hair exclaims, disbelief in his voice.
"Narcissistic much, aren't you?" I let out, watch as the sun bursts into loud laughter, a blinding man he is. Did he swallow a torchlight when he was young?
"Well, no need to get worked up over that, it kind of feels nice for a change. My name is Hoseok, this one is Taehyung, Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi and Seokjin. You really did us a favor when you took care of the guys. Jungkook does know how to fight back, but with our reputation, it wouldn't bode well for us to get people hurt" the sun man explains and I nod, eyes going over each of them in acknowledgement.
"Are you guys popular or something?" I ask, wondering if I saw them before. They do have some familiarity that I can't place. And the names, I feel like I know them. The Jimin guy giggles and points at a building not too far from where we are.
I turn my head to look at where he's pointing and make an o with my mouth. A building showing off a very huge screen with a picture of a group, faces exactly the same as the ones in front of me. I take another bite of the donut, tongue already missing the taste and nod. Well I guess that explain why they got attacked.
I guess they really are popular then. I mean, not everyone can end up on buildings, right? That has got to cost a lot. I swallow my bite and turn back to the group to see them expectantly staring at me.
Why are they so cute? It feels like I just got myself a litter of puppies. Old puppies, but puppies nonetheless.
"Alright, alright, you guys are well known, rich, handsome and all that, right? Good for you" I say with a light clap of my hands, careful to not smash my donut and Yoongi huffs a laugh, taken aback. "Not the reaction I was expecting".
I shrug at that. "I don't give people what they want" I reply, hear Seokjin whistle at that. "That was a good comeback". Yoongi rolls his eyes while Jungkook keeps staring at me as if I'm an angel that fell from the sky to save them all.
"Where did you learn to fight like that?" he asks and I hum, it's nothing special but if he wants to hear, who am I to refuse?
"My dad trained me. He's a bodyguard and thought it would be great for me to know how to defend my life as well. I guess meeting the people he did, he got scared that I could encounter the same ones" I explain, watch has their eyes light up at that.
"That's pretty cool! Your dad must be very strong then" Jungkook continues and I smile at that. "He is, got taken off the job for an injury a while ago though, he might not be able to work ever again, but I think he's done enough. The man's old already and he was still beating up troublesome people" I say with a laugh, knowing very well that I got my attitude from him.
"What's his name?" Namjoon asks, curiosity flashing through his eyes. "(Name). Why? Do you know him? I mean, I guess he was quite well known? Said he worked for a popular group" I tell them, watch as their eyes widen.
"Wait a minute, you're L/N Y/N? The daughter he talked about all the time?! And you didn't know us? Your father was our bodyguard!" Seokjin exclaims. They all share surprised looks, as if they can't believe it.
Well now, THAT was something I didn't see coming. "So my dad worked for you? Shit, talk about a coincidence. Should I tell him you said hi? Do you want to visit him? He's been quite lonely at home" I tell them and they don't hesitate to nod quickly, postures straightening up with excitement at the thought of seeing him again. I guess they were close.
Just as we're about to leave, I notice something move behind the guys and I quickly react, arms taking a hold of Jimin, the apparent target and pull him towards me before turning around and doing a high kick to get the incoming threat right in the face.
The new tall man falls back but doesn't fall down like I expected him to. I notice the other thugs from earlier following nearby and they grin at the sight of their boss holding on. "Told you we'd be back, bitch!" one of them shouts, proud of himself but the tall man shuts him up with a wave of the hand.
"I can see what they were talking about, you're pretty strong" he says and I step forward to stand between the guys and the new threat. I put a hand on my hip and stare at him, wishing this could be over with already. I haven't even finished my donut yet.
"You need something?" I say, hear his amused cackle before he nods. "If I need something? I guess, kind of. You could say I've been recruiting for a while, trying to find people to work for me. Would you be interested? I'd need someone of your skills" he says and I chuckle, both arms going to stop Jungkook and Taehyung from moving forward.
"I'm not sure how to take that, really. Your men are shit bad at fighting, in that sense, hearing that from you, I'm not sure you really know what you're talking about. Look, we're kind of busy right now so if you could just leave, that would be great. I don't really feel like beating up stupid guys again" I say, watch as his jaw ticks, tongue swiping against the inside of his cheeks.
"Confident, I'll give you that. What if I say that I got more guys to help me if you don't cooperate? You could either help me and the boys are free to go, or you try to keep up with the others I send your way" he threatens, a smug look on his face as if he just won the fight.
"Look, what you want, is that money? We can just give it to you, we don't care, but leave her out of this" Yoongi says as he steps forward to stand next to me. I'm about to retort something but he shushes me with his eyes.
The boss man laughs again and shakes his head. "You cheeky brat-"
While the man goes on a rant of how much money he'd like to get since the boys are so eager to give it to him, a smile on his face as if he just won because he was too scary, I get my phone out and call my dad. As soon as he replies, I meet eyes with the tall man.
"Hey, boss, could you send me a few pair of arms? There's a new gang here trying to threaten me and my friends and he thinks he can actually scare us and do what he wants. I think he deserves a good beating, don't you think?".
Dad stays silent a few seconds, probably trying to process what the heck I'm blabbering on about, but the look on the man's face changing is worth every piece of gold in the world.
"Excuse me what? Are you in trouble, love?" he asks finally.
"Oh, you're going to send ten men? That might be a bit much, boss, they're not that good. You want to make sure they know their place? Makes sense, alright. Our position is by the school, you know, where we got rid of those drug dealers trying to steal our clients last time?" I continue, completely ignoring the baffled looks I'm getting as I keep my eyes on the man who now steps back slowly.
Dad stays silent again, probably wondering if I'm growing crazy or something. "What the heck are you talking about? We don't own a gang, you dumb pumpkin" he blurts out, his words making me laugh, but the thugs take it the wrong way and start moving faster to get some distance between us.
The tall man turns to his gang and whispers loudly. "You guys didn't say she was already part of a damn gang" he says, the others looking at me with distressed eyes as if everything makes sense now.
"We didn't know, boss, we swear!" they reply, the scene straight out of a comic book. I stare at my watch and clear my throat to get their attention. "They're coming, maybe in a few minutes, they weren't too far at the moment, another gang they were dealing with nearby. You sure you want to stay?" I ask them, watch as they gulp, suddenly unsure about everything.
"Y-you know what? It was nice meeting you, and um, let's not meet again, alright?" and with that, they run away as if their pants are on fire.
It's quiet for a moment before Jungkook and Hoseok burst into laughter, the others following soon after. "Oh my gosh Y/N, that was awesome!" Jimin praises me and I feel proud at the looks they give me.
"That lie was well-thought, I couldn't have done better" Yoongi adds, a hand on my shoulder as he smiles at me. I huff and stare at them all. "What makes you believe this was a lie?" I let out and they freeze.
Keeping in a laugh at the panic slowly showing on their faces, I put the call on speaker when I notice that dad has yet to end the call. "Right boss? We're a strong team" I say, watch as everyone's gaze fall on my phone.
"Look love I don't know what is going on but get back home right now before I come fetch you myself. I swear if I find out you've been drugging yourself or anything of the kind, I'm whooping your ass" he replies and I laugh out loud, kind of expecting that comeback.
"Alright dad, I'll be bringing a few people over, you know them well" I reply, watch as confusion leads to understanding and Seokjin is first to gape at me, a shocked laugh leaving him, squeaky sound reaching the phone and making dad swear into the phone.
"Are you hanging out with the bangtan boys right now?!" he shouts and this time, Namjoon steps closer. "Hey Pa, it's us, your daughter helped us quite a bit today, I guess we have you to thank as well for that" he says and I realize just how close they are when I hear the nickname. Dad did seem to love the group pretty much from the little he'd tell me about them.
"Y'all better tell me what the heck is happening! I'm giving you ten minutes to make it here!" he screams before ending the call abruptly.
Shaking my head to myself, I motion to the others to follow me. "Is he mad?" Jimin asks softly, surely not expecting to hear what he did. It sounded far from friendly. I chuckle.
"Maybe. Dad isn't a fan of me talking to people of the opposite gender. Says it's going to take me away from him and he hates that thought" I say with a shrug. Jungkook and Taehyung gulp at that.
"So we are in trouble" Yoongi mumbles under his breath. Hoseok clears his throat. "Would he forgive us if we give him the remaining donuts?". We all turn to stare at him, watch as the serious offer he was considering falls down the drain quickly.
"I guess not" he lets out, disappointed. I pat his shoulder and finish the last bite I was still holding in my hand. It luckily still tastes just as good as earlier. I chew and swallow before grinning at them all.
"You might be in trouble, but it's going to be entertaining" I claim before happily making my way back home with the guys following close behind.
"Yah! Speak for yourself!".
Again, so sorry this took so long, I did put in the story's title that it will get very slow updates but I still feel bad about it, don't think I have forgotten you all! The requests are kept in my notes and I'm going to work on them one after the other no matter what!
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