Chapter 3: Wizard of Loss
As the four of them walked, they saw an amazing emerald castle. But it was quite the walk. As they made it half way, they sprinted. Rainbow thought she saw a figure wearing a hood. "Guys! Look!" She said. Rainbow pointed. But nobody was there. "Rainbow, we have no time for jokes." Jade said. They approached the castle. "Halt!" A guard said. "Who goes in may solemnly swear not to steal any part of the emerald castle." They all glanced at each other. "Just, come in." The guard said.
Down a shiny, green staircase ran an orange girl with a nurse hat. For a second, it looked like a hologram. "Hello Jade, Drake, Rainbow, and Lunar." She said. She put on a mask and inspected them. "I need to do a test for something, follow me." She said. "Who are you?" Asked Drake. "I'm Charli." She said. "Well, Hi Charli. Why do you need to do tests?" Asked Lunar. "Reasons that if I told you, could scar you." Charli said. Jade glanced at them worryingly.
She showed them hospital beds. "Please each of you, go to a room with a bed in it and I'll be with you shortly." Charli said as she walked away. "Hey, Drake?" Jade said. "Yeah?" Jade looked down. "I remember something before coming here. It was maybe a clue of what's happening." Drake looked surprised. "Well, what is it?" "You were unconscious. I ran in there. You had coughed up a lot of blood. It was scary, I thought I was going to lose you. Then I hugged you. And I fell asleep and ended up here." Jade explained. "Does that mean we're sick?" Drake asked. "I have no clue." Jade said. "Just wanted to tell you that before I go to my room."
As they all slept. They had a distant flashback. Funneh glanced over Rainbow with worry. "Rainbow?" Then a doctor walked over. "Ma'am, you have to go." Funneh glanced at her. Then in Drake's mind there was distant memories. "Drake. Drake.. please be ok." It was jades voice. Then she started coughing. And another memory. "First it was Drake, now Jade..." Zach's voice faded. A rolling thought tumbled in Lunar's head. "Lunar, I swear if this is a sick joke!" Draco yelled.
Rainbow fell in a sea of unconsciousness. She was drowning. Panic flooded through her. And she saw them. It was like a light at the end of a tunnel. Funneh, Gold, and Draco were waiting. But she turned. She saw Lunar, Jade, and Drake struggling. Drake was fighting it. She could hear his thoughts. 'There's got to be a way out, to make things right.' It made Rainbow feel she was on fire with anger. Jade was bolting around. 'Don't get killed. Don't get killed.' Her nervousness felt like shattered glass. Lunar sat there. 'What's the point?' Her doubt washed Rainbow up. She glanced back at the exit. And she knew what she had to do. She swan fast and grabbed Lunar, Jade, and Drake, and she swam. Faster than ever. She made it to the exit. But the world tilted like from a hall to a rabbit hole. They landed. "Listen. You Have to trust me. Follow me." Charli said out of nowhere. "What are those?" Asked Jade, looking at some creatures. "Hold on." Charli said, ignoring the question. She sliced it with a sword. "Come on." She said.
They all stop when Charli did. "Hey Charli? Do you know what happened to our friends?" Asked Lunar. "They are okay. What do you mean?" "They were being kidnapped!" Rainbow yelled. "No they weren't. You guys are there ones who are hurt. You four are insanely ill, I'm your doctor." Charli said. "What do you mean?" Asked Drake. "You four showed signs of a rare disease. Lunar was a bit more unresistant. She let things happen without a care, leaving her feeling useless. Jade seemed to only care about not dying, maybe due to the terrible amount of magic things happening to you all. Drake could get irritated easily, most of the time he was pretty chill. And then Rainbow, you had it the worst, you have paranoia more than you should. You just want us all to be safe. And we respect that. All of these tie up to a conclusion. You all have some sort of fear of losing everyone close to you. Jade got the sickness because she was so worried for you, Drake. She ran in there and hugged you so tight. The reason she doesn't remember that was because the sickness wants you to think you are trapped somewhere. It wants you here forever." Charli said. "But I'll get you guys out. Listen, you all need to inject this needle. I'll remember you guys." She smiled, handing them the syringes. "I will inject the sickness to myself." "Charli..." Lunar said. "It's ok, I wasn't much now, but, I will be somebody else in the world. Maybe our patches will cross again, I hope so. Bye." She said. They followed through with the plan. "Bye Charli." Then everything blanked.
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