Chapter 5
Olivia sat in the back seat of Demi's car trying to fall asleep. "Livi, what's wrong?" Demi asked. Olivia took off her head phones and sighed.
"I don't wanna go see dad. I mean help create me what has done?" Olivia shouted. Demi shrugged. She knew how Olivia felt. "He pawned me off onto you. And now you're pregnant and you definitely don't have enough room for all of us." Olivia assumed. Demi parked her car outside of their dads house.
"If you don't want to go that bad then we can go somewhere else. I have 20 minutes until my appointment, so we can go to Starbucks. If you want." Demi suggested. Olivia agreed, and Demi took Olivia to Starbucks.
Demi sat on the examination table. She was nervous. "Hey, Dem's calm down. You shake to much you could shake the baby out." Olivia joked. Demi cracked a smile, and focused on the picture across the room.
"Hello Demi, I'm Doctor Torres." Dr. Torres smiled. Demi got more comfortable. "So Demi, you are roughly 2 months from what I can see here, so lets get your shirt up to see what's going on." The doctor said. Demi smiled, and pulled up her shirt.
"Wow Dem's, I did not know you had a tattoo." Olivia said. Demi smirked.
"Like I didn't know you were sexually active, yeah funny secrets sisters hide." Demi said. Olivia gave her the famous shut-up-before-I-slap-you glare. Dr. Torres looked from Demi to Olivia.
"So, Demi it looks like you are 2 months pregnant with twins." Dr. Torres said. Olivia burst out laughing as Demi's eyes widen.
"WHAT!?!?" Demi and Olivia said at the same time. Demi more scared, Olivia more making fun.
"Yep. Congrats." Dr. Torres said cleaning off Demi's stomach, and helping her up. Olivia was half way on the floor.
"Shut-up Olivia." Demi snapped. Olivia stopped laughing, at her sisters serious tone.
"MOMMY!" Maci screamed. "DADDY YOU'RE HURTING ME!" Maci screamed, while tears streamed down her face. Liam just got harder, and more aggressive. "Daddy, please." Maci whispered.
"This is all your mothers fault, blame her." Liam said. He beat even harder on the poor child.
"Liam STOP!" Shailene screamed, pulling him off of her daughter. "Get out of my house!" Shailene cuddled her baby girl.
How do you feel about Liam?
Why do Olivia and Demi hate their dad so much?
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