He's lying
I quickly got home and popped over to my Father's workshop "hey Dad-" I started before realizing it was empty.
I raised an eyebrow confused before heading to the kicthen to once again find an infamous note.
Dear Kiibo,
Went out on vacation with some colleagues sorry I couldn't bring you!
Left some money in the usual spot for food and don't do drugs
Really? Should I even be shocked at this point? Probably not. Still, this is not ok. I mean does it really take so much out of his day to welcome me home, maybe talk to me...anything at this point...it's actually considered neglect for peace sake.
Maybe I am just over thinking things...I really shouldn't bother or bug him he does work hard...but at the same time don't leave just a freaking note!
I looked over to the console and sighed, I should apologize for suddenly leaving and having that outburst yesterday.
I went over to check my messages.
UltimateSupremePantaLord: Kiibo why did you leave?
UltimateSupremePantaLord: Is it because of my lying? Did something happen?
UltimateSupremePantaLord: Come on Kiiboy I'm bored without you :(
UltimateSupremePantaLord: Was it something I said?
UltimateSupremePantaLord: Come on tellllll meeeee
UltimateSupremePantaLord: I'll message you all night! I'll spam this chat to no end!
UltimateSupremePantaLord: Kiibo please I actually want to know.
UltimateSupremePantaLord: I have to go to bed, this isn't over!
I walked over and noticed Ouma had already messaged me a few minutes ago.
UltimateSupremePantaLord: Hey Kiibo, I can't play today sorry
KiiboTheRobot: Why not? Is it because of yesteday? If so I am sorry I really didn't mean to explode like that
UltimateSupremePantaLord: No it wasn't that
KiiboTheRobot: Then what? Please tell me I want to help whatever's troubling you
UltimateSupremePantaLord: I just want to be alone right now ok?
KiiboTheRobot: No I need you to tell me so I can help you Ouma!
UltimateSupremePantaLord: That's hypocritical considering I tried that for you yesteday
KiiboTheRobot: I know and I am so sorry I will...I will explain why I acted like that if you tell me what happened to you please Ouma
UltimateSupremePantaLord: I read the Cursed Child
KiiboTheRobot: That's a lie
UltimateSupremePantaLord: My favorite store ran out of Panta
KiiboTheRobot: Stop lying! It's not helping your case at all!
UltimateSupremePantaLord: I am not lying
KiiboTheRobot: Yes you are so tell me!
UltimateSupremePantaLord: No ok, for goodness sake no
KiiboTheRobot: Please! Ouma just tell me already!
UltimateSupremePantaLord: I don't want to talk about it.
KiiboTheRobot: I thought we were friends
UltimateSupremePantaLord: We are
KiiboTheRobot: Friends talk about these sorts of things
UltimateSupremePantaLord: Again that's hypocritical
KiiboTheRobot: I know, I know it's just I've been bullied for it my whole life and I was scared you would to
UltimateSupremePantaLord: So now you think I am a bully?
KiiboTheRobot: What?! No! I just was explaining! Ouma your the first friend I ever had and I want to help you I'm sorry if I am being forceful I just need to know so I know your fine and ok
UltimateSupremePantaLord: You've been bullied...?
KiiboTheRobot: Yeah, I have a lot actually. Is that what's going on?
UltimateSupremePantaLord: No
KiiboTheRobot: Then what is it? No matter what kind of horrible things it may be I will stay by your side
UltimateSupremePantaLord: No, ok no I'm logging off
KiiboTheRobot: Ouma no!
UltimateSupremePantaLord: I told you Kiibo I don't want to talk about it bye
KiiboTheRobot: Ouma!
UltimateSupremePantaLord Logged Off
Darn it! Why did he leave? I'm really confused...something must have happened today or after I left because he usually doesn't act like this.
Ugh but I got no idea what...I don't think it has to do with school because usually he just complains like a child and if I take his word it isn't because of yesteday so what...just what is he hiding from me?
It had to be something. Something big happened to him, especially if I could see through his lying. It takes a while to notice those small breaks in the mask he sometimes puts up...but it's there and those cracks are always more apparent and he goes more extreme when something is hurting him.
I just wish he would tell me what...
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