Chapter One
Aretha looked out the window, her brown hair flowing. She had a lot on her mind as of late. She and quite a few others had been forced onto this odious bus. A man with shaky legs was driving in front, but it was still a wonder that they didn't crash. He kept looking nervously around. With her dark eyes, she scanned the room once more, but berated herself. She'd always done that; studying everything, as if she were looking for something. She was the only one in her school that didn't shiver at the sight of wild animals or animals dying. She was mediocre at best with a bow; she'd only tried once, and had gotten mad at the tutor, so she'd (accidentally) pinned his shirt to the wall. That was the first-and only- time sh'd ever tried. She had no family; her mother had died in a hunting accident a long time ago, and her father had run off somewhere. She had no hope of meeting either.
Meanwhile, Euphemia had been scowling at everything for the past five minutes. She scowled at the girl who was making her hold the mirror up, the quiet girl, the bubbly girl, talking away, and so many others. She couldn't wait to get out of that prison cell...
Varvera sat, crunching her Doritos. She'd been placed next to some girl who was ranting about how we needed to care more about our ecosystem and how the world was going to blah blah blah. She nodded vigorously. After the girl had stopped to catch her breath, Varvera finally got a word in edgewise.
"I'm Varvera. Who are you?" she asked.
"I'm Lilika." answered the girl.
"Well, Lilika, did'ya notice that there are more girls than guys here?"
Lilika paused, as if counting. Then she broke out into a smile.
"Oh my goodness... you're right."
"Maybe when we get to wherever we're going, we can make an Eco-safe technological prank on them." Lilika laughed.
"Perhaps. And we could make nature friendly technology for you!" Now Varvera grinned.
"Sounds like a plan."
"Alllllll done!" Rhode crowed, and the tough-looking girl lowered her mirror and grunted. Rhode smiled. She looked lovely. No, scratch that. She felt lovely.
"So. Do you know where we're going?" she asked the tough girl. The girl shook her head.
"Me either! Hopefully, there's boys." The rough girl rolled her eyes.
"Touchy, are we? You know, I could set you up! What's your type? Strong, I presume?"
The girl finally said her first words. "I. Don't. Have. A. 'Type'."
"Oh." Rhode blushed, and fell silent.
Malantha was feeling indifferent. Actually, scratch that as well. She was feeling nothing. Her black hair was unsettling, as were her mysterious eyes. The boy next to her had been fashioning a flower crown for the past twenty minutes. He finished, with a satisfied smile. He then carefully set the crown upon Malantha's head. Normally, she'd kill him, but she had a soft spot for flowers. Roses were her favorite; they had sharp thorns. The boy was looking gleeful, and it was all she could do to not bash his face in.
"I'm Arman!" he announced.
"Whatever." she replied, but he was unfazed.
"What's yours?!" he asked, excitedly. This boy, she decided, she would strangle in a minute.
"Malantha." she replied. What was she thinking?!
"Cool! I'm really excited for where we're going. Do you know?" he had her now. Damn this boy! She thought.
"No idea." she said dryly.
"Me either! But apparently, we're half-blood, and we're gonna go to a camp!" the entire bus had fallen silent, and were listening in.
"We are?!" asked a girl with make-up on. Malantha had to stop herself from gagging.
"That's what I heard!" Arman said proudly.
The entire bus exploded with conversation.
Alyssa had the worst luck in the world. She had to sit next to some guy who thought he was priceless and owned the world. He stretched out on the seat, further aggravating her.
"Well, whaddya know?" he asked. Poor Alyssa felt like that poor girl with the flower crown in front, being forced to put up with someone they could not. She finally lost it.
"I know you're an annoying prick." she snarled.
"Careful, princess," he joked. "Wouldn't want you to get heartbroken over me!" He grinned. She wanted to punch him.
"I doubt it." Alyssa challenged.
"I'll make you a deal, princess. If I get you to kiss me-"
"While I'm conscious." She added on that partly because she had watched too many movies to not do so.
"Yes. If I get you to kiss me by the end of the summer, then you owe me a week of dating."
"I'll make it better. Loser has to do something decided by the winner."
"Deal. I'm Felix, by the way."
"Alyssa." He stretched out his arms and grinned.
"You're cute when you feel victorious, did you know that?"
"Shut up."
Hippolytus had sat next to two people, a girl and a boy. The both had black hair and misty blue eyes, like a ship at sail in the mist. If they weren't siblings, then Hippolytus would probably sit somewhere else, due to the girl practically being in the boy's lap. But, they had asked. And told him that they were, indeed, siblings.
"I'm Marina!" the girl said, bouncing up and down.
"I'm Marinos!" the boy exclaimed. (A/N: If you've read All of It, you know I have a soft spot for twins. I LOVE to write with them.)
"We're twins!"
"I can see that." Hippolytus said, interested by these bizarre kids.
"We love the sea and the ocean." Marinos said.
"I... I do too, weirdly enough."
"You look just like us! Doesn't he, Marinos?" Marina squealed.
"He does!" he agreed. "So. What do you love to do?"
"Horses. I am all about horses." Hippolytus confessed.
"Awesome! What's your name?" Hippolytus blushed.
"Hippolytus." he said, small. He hated his name.
"Can we call you by a nickname?" Goodness, these kids were chatty!
"Uh... I guess. Just not Hippo, please."
"Of course. How about... Lytus! It has a nice ring to it!"
"Sure, why not." Hippolytus-er, Lytus-said. He smiled, feeling like he finally belonged.
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