Chapter 2
Now, you may think you've met them all, but you're far from that...
Xenia had given up trying to communicate with the girl sitting next to her an hour ago. All she knew was that her name was Tatina, and she had her head in the clouds. The girl kept on staring off into space, and not paying any attention to anything. Xenia had always thought she was outlandish, but she was ready to retract that statement as soon as she stepped on this bus. A boy was making his seventh flower crown, and the girl next to him had unwillingly started one as well, although she was quite skilled at it. Some girl was applying make-up, and another was aimlessly doodling in his sketch book. He had paint-stained pants on, as well as a determined face. Xenia sighed, unhappy.
"You know you're a demigod, correct?" Tatina finally said.
"My father's Zeus. Who's yours?"
"I don't know?" Tatina didn't speak for the rest of the ride, and finally, Xenia got up and sat down next to a different person.
Isidore barely looked up as a black-haired girl plopped down next to him.
"Hi, I'm Xenia. Who are you?"
"Cool." Silence.
"Can I see what you're drawing?" Isidore shrugged and let her see it. She gasped.
"These are really good!" she finally choked out.
"Oh, I don't know about that." he said modestly.
"Well, they're the best I've ever seen."
Markos was a burly built guy; extremely strong, and got a couple of glances from the pretty girl with make-up. He was sat next to some talkative chick, and he would rather go to hell.
", anyways, I'm here now!" she said. She'd told him her entire life story.
"Hmmm." Was all he said.
"Oh! I forgot! I'm Delfin. Who are you?"
"Markos." he grumbled.
"I like that name." she said enthusiastically.
"Can you tell me about yourself, Markos?"
"Sure... I love to fight. And I like swords... I guess."
"That's great! You know, you remind me of my one friend..." and she was off again.
Helia smiled. She never tired of it. She woke up at daybreak every day. She loved archery. She loved everything. Except politics. Those were nasty.
"So, how are you?" she sang to her seating partner, Galatea. Galatea was a sullen girl who Helia thought needed to smile more.
"I don't care." she said automatically.
Before Helia could press on, the driver announced that they had arrived. There was a whoop, and everyone clambered off.
"Let me get your bags, sweetie." said Felix. Alyssa snorted.
"Over my dead body." she tried to reach for them, but she was too short. Suddenly, she felt someone lift her up. She grabbed her bags, and prepared to punch Felix when he let her go, grabbed his own luggage, and ran like the devil was after him. Alyssa stamped her little foot, but it was no use. She sighed, and walked up the hill with the rest of the group.
"Welcome," said an old man in a wheelchair, "to Camp Half-Blood. I am Chiron." Aretha studied him, calculating. Tatina nodded slightly. Then, suddenly, he climbed out of the wheelchair. A giant horse's body came out.
"What the-" Markos starts.
"You are demigods; sons and daughters of Greek gods and goddesses."
"What about God?" asked Marina
"That is another matter. A confusing one, yes, but still He is there. Percy, will you give the tour to them?"
"Of course." A black-haired green-eyed man stepped forth.
"I'm Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you." He shook each kid's hand.
"Time for the tour."
"These are the cabins. You'll be staying in the Hermes cabin for now, but once you're claimed, you'll be staying in the cabin of your parents. I stay in the Poseidon cabin, usually. That's my dad. Annabeth is in the Athena cabin. Nico's in the Hades one. Will's in the Apollo one, there."
They came to the Hermes cabin.
"Well, well, well. More undetermineds?" asked a boy as they came in.
"Yes, and you'll take care of them, correct?"
"Of course, why wouldn't we, Percy? Come inside, all of you." They obliged, and set down their stuff on unoccupied bunks and the floor. Felix gallantly offered his bunk to Alyssa, which she turned down. Rhode had barely flounced down when a pink aura surrounded her.
"Well, you're an Aphrodite kid! Who would've guessed! Now, Percy, could you take her there?"
"Sure." he shrugged, and led Rhode to the Aphrodite cabin.
"Would you look at that! Time to go eat." the guy called. They all got up hungrily, and shuffled to the Big House.
Varvera was approached by a nymph, who took her order.
"Um... I'd like a hamburger, and fries. With root beer. Non-alcoholic root beer, of course." She looked at her plate and was surprised to see her order fulfilled.
"Ummm... thanks!" she said.
Chiron raised his glass. "To the gods!"
"To the gods!" the rest of the room chorused. Each kid picked out something on their plate-the juiciest chunk of meat, the biggest grape- and joined the line. Varvera snatched up her longest fry, and joined in. When it was her turn, she hesitated.
"To Hera, so I may be claimed." she finally decided. As soon as her fry touched the first tongue of the flames, a smoldering hammer appeared right above her head.
"Welcome, Varvera, daughter of Hephaestus!" Chiron boomed. She grinned, picked up her plate, and moved to her newly designated table.
Xenia cautiously approached the sacrificial fire. She threw a piece of pork in and whispered quietly,
"To Mother... Where and who ever you are."
Tatina dreamily tossed a steak cutlet in, and instantly a thunderbolt struck over her head.
"Congratulations, daughter of Zeus." Chiron said in awe.
"For Ares!" yelled Euphemia as she chucked some chicken in. A boom thrashed in the room, and a spear glowed above her head.
"Daughter of Ares, welcome!"
Aretha carelessly threw a grape in without a second glance. She wasn't like any of the other demigods here; that was a fact.
The Apollo cabin led the sing-along, and soon, children were being claimed left and right. Helia bounced and clapped as the sun above her head bounced along with her. Markos grunted slightly as Ares claimed him as well. Delfina, Marina, Marinos, and Hippo-I mean-Lytus-jumped with glee as Poseidon sent his trident above their heads. Felix smiled coyly as a caduceus popped up over his own head-Hermes. It made sense, Alyssa thought as a book came over her own-Athena. Arman looked as though he might faint as Demeter claimed him, and hugged a sorely surprised Lilika, who bore the same symbol. Isidore finally looked up from his drawing in amazement a a rainbow shimmered over his. Xenia nearly choked as Hecate's misty wheel appeared over hers. Galatea was only annoyed as she was surrounded by a dark aura- Hades' child. But so was Malantha, only...
That's when all chaos broke loose.
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