2 years ago
Author's POV
It was a fine early morning. The sun rose, filling Y/N's dark room with light and hitting her face as her peaceful sleep was interrupted by her mother's shouts from downstairs for her to wake up.
"Mads... Hurry up or you will miss your flight!" Her mother called. "Are you coming down, or do you want me to come up there with a bucket of ice-cold water to get you a bath in your bed?" she asked playfully.
Her mother was a middle-aged woman whose face was always bright and shining with a big smile. Y/N was the only child of her parents, and so they were always joking around playfully with her as they cared about her and cherished her like she was still a baby.
"Ani eomma (no mom), I'm up now," Y/N said as she slowly lifted herself off the bed like a zombie, and walked towards her bathroom to get ready to go downstairs for breakfast.
I am going to Seoul today for my new university. I really am going to miss Y/H/T (my hometown), so many memories were made here ever since I was born. Luckily, I am going away from my annoying friends, but no matter how annoying they were, they were still the people with whom I felt like I belonged.
After I had a nice shower, I went to my wardrobe and pulled out some stylish but comfortable clothes that would not bother me on such a long flight. This is what I wore:
Comfy right?
After I was done getting ready, I went downstairs to have breakfast.
"Oh, Mads, you look lovely today. I'm going to miss you so much. If it wasn't for us working here, we would never have let you go alone," my mom said as a single drop of tear slipped out of her eyes and rolled down her smooth cheeks.
"Oh, Eomma, you are so emotional." I said as I reached out to wipe her tears. "Don't worry, I will call you as soon as I land. I will be living in the campus hostel, so there is nothing to worry about. It will be safe there, and hopefully I'll find some friends if they don't think that I am a complete nerd," I said.
My mom got up from her seat and hugged me, saying, "Oh, don't worry, sweetie, you will surely make lots of friends because of your cheerful personality. They won't think of you as a nerd when they see what a precious gem you are and how unique you are.
After we were done with our breakfast, my mum told me to go and get my things so that my dad can load them in the car and get going. I went upstairs to do a final check of my luggage before I went downstairs with all my things and before I left my little world to go into a new and bigger world.
I got everything ready and was about to leave my room when something struck my mind, and I just totally froze on the spot. Oh my God!!! I almost forgot to leave the letter that I made for my parents in their room. I thought of doing this as soon as I got my university's approval. I just wrote about their daily schedules and what to do and what not to do since I am their only child and I really don't want my parents getting worried or sick when I am not around. Sometimes, I have this feeling that I am their parent and they are my children, given the way they act so carelessly about their health.
I opened my nightstand drawer and took out an envelope with the letter addressed to my parents. I wrote,
Dear Eomma and Appa,
By the time you get this letter from me, I will already be on my flight to Seoul or even sitting in my dorm at my university. I just can't imagine how thankful I am for you guys being my parents. Most importantly, I love you both with all my heart.
Well... I didn't really write this letter to get you guys emotional or anything; your mother-like daughter is leaving this letter for you guys to take care of yourselves while I am not here. Don't think that I will just leave this letter full of things on what to do and what not to do and not make sure that you guys are actually following this or not. I will be calling you guys every day to make sure that you guys are ok. Video calling in specific, so I know that you guys are not lying to me about it (plus I would just want to see your faces because I miss you guys so much).
Anyway, Eomma, make sure that you take your heart medicines on time. That is three times a day after food, so remember. I know how much you hate the bitter taste of those medicines, but like I always say, it's for your own good. Also, I have reorganised your entire wardrobe with stylish clothes, so go style yourself up and go to that fancy restaurant that you always go to behind my back. And one more thing, I know you hate our next-door neighbours, but if anything happens, just go to them; I have already talked to them to make sure that you guys are alright. So if Mrs. Bowie comes knocking on our door, please don't get into a fight with her for not minding her own business. Please.
Appa, don't laugh at Eomma for having alving all this lecture from me. It's your turn now. Make sure that yare home by 10 p.m.l this lecture from me. It's your turn now. Make sure that you are at home by 10pm. Seriously, I mean it. Eomma and I get really worried about you, and now that I am not there right now, Eomma will have extra worries, so we want to keep that worry away from her and be easy on her heart. Also, Appa, this is a really serious job for you; don't go on filling in for someone else's shift on your day off. A day off means a day off. And if I hear that you were at work on your day off, then I will be taking the first flight back home and dragging you out of that engineering lab of yours.
Now, for the both of you, make sure that you lock all the doors and windows before you go to sleep and try to relax as much as you can. Don't worry about me. I will be exactly fine, maybe with my new friends that I will hopefully make lots of.
Both of you, please take care of yourselves. Even if I am far away, I will always be really close to you two, in your hearts. I love you guys. Take Care.
Yours Truly,
I quickly took the letter and went to Eomma and Appa's room.
"Hurry up, Y/F/N, get the car ready. Y/N will be down here with her things soon. We have to get her to the airport as soon as possible or she will miss her flight." I call to Y/F/N as I rush around the house getting all the things Y/N is going to need for her flight.
"Y/N's got two and a half hours until her flight. What's the hurry?" My lazy husband said to me
I suddenly stopped and looked at him with wide-open eyes.
"Did you just say two and a half hours?" I asked
"So what? Her flight is at 2:30 pm, and it is 12:00 pm right now. Slow down," he says, getting a little irritated.
"WELL THEN HURRY UP! In two and a half hours, people have to get checked in and wait for their plane. And don't forget the nasty security checks. She will miss her flight if she is going to join that security check line any later now.
Y/F/N stands up and looks at me quite annoyed but still does what I told him. As he walked out the front door, I turned around and quickly continued to pack all the things for Y/N. Will she need this there? Maybe yes. How about this? Absolutely. I thought to myself whenever I saw any of Y or N's belongings.
After a few minutes, I heard muffled noises coming from the front door, as if someone wanted to cry out for help but their mouth was being forcefully covered. I turned and walked towards the door to see the source of that sound. It sounded quite irritating but painful. As I got closer to the door, I spotted a small pool of blood on the front porch. My eyes grew wide as if they were going to pop out of their sockets.
Y/F/N was struggling to get away from a medium-built person who was biting on his neck. He was quite tall, and as soon as he put his head up, I could only see his mouth filled with blood since his face was covered by his huge black hoodie. He looked at me and opened his mouth; along with the blood there were two long, sharp fangs, like those of a snake, but more lethal by the looks of them.
As soon as I saw his fangs covered in my husband's blood, I screamed as loud as I could before he let go of Y/F/N, letting him drop on the concrete. I could not see him moving. A second later, the man with the deadly fangs jumped at me...
Hey Army, I'm really sorry for the extremely late update. High school life is just so unpredictable; one minute you have nothing to do, and then the next minute you have 4-5 assignments due on the same day.
Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a bit blunt for a start, but this is my first Wattpad story that I am writing, so I am kind of learning to get used to how to write stories as I go.
I hope you enjoyed it, and I promise that I will come back with another update real soon.
Saranghae 💜🤞
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