Chapter 4: I'm Alive
Izuku woke in what he assumes is the next morning to the blackness of his small cell once again.
Something he could tell was that his bandages felt softer than before. He didn't even remember treating them. So who...?
It was probable, he was the most compassionate out of any person in the League. Of course, he knew that it didn't stop Kurogiri from letting the other villains do whatever they wanted with him, but at least he was kind enough to treat any wounds that might be fatal.
He tried to sit up but immediately felt a large wave of nausea hit him like a bus. Izuku felt like he was going to throw up any minute.
Izuku fell back onto the mattress, praying that Shigaraki would have a sense of mercy and spare him the knife training today. His head pounded like a drum and he found it hard to think straight. Maybe he had a fever? He couldn't tell for certain.
Kurogiri opened the thick door and saw him. "Follow me," He said.
Going against all his instincts telling him to lay back down and ride out his pain, he stood up, using the wall for support.
He walked after the man of mist who would stop every once in a while for him to catch up. Except he didn't take him to the room filled with glass, he took him to the bar. By then his head was killing him but he tried his best not to show it.
Shigaraki sat there at the bar with a black shirt and black pants. Disembodied hands covered his body. Izuku hated disembodied hands. He shuddered hard. The handman looked over at him and put down his gameboy. "Hey, brat," He spoke with venom.
Izuku would've flinched back if it weren't for the fact his head was still slightly spinning. Shigaraki got up and dig into his pocket, then he pulled out a face mask and shoved it into his chest.
Stumbling back a step, he took the mask. There must have been a confused look on his face because then Shigaraki said, "Put it on, you idiot."
Doing as he told as to not upset Shigaraki, he put on the mask. It covered the small cuts and bruises along his jaw and cheeks but his black eye from getting punched earlier was still very much visible. He didn't know what the mask was for, though.
What were they doing today? Was there going to be more training, or did Shigaraki get tired of that and wanted to just torture him?
Kurogiri handed home back his dagger and Izuku held it firmly in his bandaged hands. Now that he looked at them through hazy eyes he saw that the bandages would need to be changed. His blood could be seen staining them from under. Maybe he lost too much blood and that's why he feels sick?
As he held the knife he thought about how good it would feel if he attacked Shigaraki right then. He was probably the only person in the world that he wouldn't mind dead.
Except he'd already tried it, back when he still had his voice. Of course he was overpowered and the punishment was very severe, the long wide scar that covered his entire back was a testament to that.
Thinking about how much pain he was in last time scared him into obedience.
"It's almost time to go, Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri said.
"Splendid. Let's go."
The following actions were somewhat of a blur to him. He remembers the purple portal opening up. The same kind from when he was kidnapped. Then Shigaraki grabbed his bandaged arm and pulled him next to his side. Shaking and scared, he stayed still, not wanting to upset him and get hurt.
What about the collar? If I leave the parameter of the bar I get shocked!
It was then that he noticed Shigaraki holding the controller for his collar and his blood ran cold.
The next thing he knew he was walked through the portal at Shigaraki's side and was standing on unfamiliar ground. His bandaged feet stood on that of concrete and not hard wood.
Still, he kept his eyes on the ground, making himself look as small as possible. He gripped the dagger so hard his nails dig into his palms.
From the corner of his eyes Kurogiri's portal expanded and villains and thugs came out.
As stiff as a board he kept his eyes glued to the ground and the knife in his hands. It reflected his gaze back at him and when he looked he was even more scared.
Shouta watched Thirteen finish their sentence and get their applause but immediately after a sick tension filled his body and the air grew colder.
He turned around just in time to see a purple portal open at the base of the fountain that lay in the center of the plaza at the bottom of the stairs. His body grew stiff with primal fear as he watched hoards upon hoards of villains come out of it.
"Hey is the training starting," Kirishima said as he took a step forward.
"Stay back!" Shouta ordered and all the students looked to him. "This isn't part of the training. Those are real villains."
He scanned the crowd of villains until his eyes landed on the back of them. One wore complete black with disembodied hands covering his limbs and face. He had silver hair and stood next to hulking beast with black skin and a yellow beak. Behind him stood the warp villain that brought them there.
He was purple... and had.. yellow eyes. Shouta's blood ran colder.
The silver haired villain had his hands gripping something through the portal, to which Shouta watched him give a great tug. Then he saw what he was grasping. A boy.
Shouta stopped breathing.
The boy was covered in dirty blood stained bandages, all the way down his arms and covering his hands and all the way down his legs where they wrapped around bare feet. He kept his head down but Shouta saw the mask on his face. His hair was long and looked like a rats nest, it was almost completely black but the shine of green was visible in the light. In his hands was a gleaming dagger to which he held on like a life support. A thick black collar wrapped tightly around his neck with a slim device on the side of it.
His shirt.
That was Shouta's old shirt.
A black band t-shirt that was covered in blood grim and grease. It still looked multiple sizes too big and draped over his skin like a blanket, covering his thin skeletal form. His shorts fit better than they did before but still went down to his knees.
It was him.
Shaking and scared stood Izuku Midoriya. The little boy who'd been kidnapped straight from his home.
"All Might was supposed to be here, but I don't see him. Was the schedule wrong?" The hand villain said and brought Shouta's attention back to him.
Then it clicked for Shouta, the press from that morning. It was a diversion to sneak onto campus.
"Thirteen, protect the students!" He shouted. Before he could think twice, he leapt into action and into the fray.
He attacked them a few at a time, any of them that came close. As he fought he kept a close eye on the boy. He tried making himself look smaller and at some point his head went slightly up so he could see what he was doing.
Shouta could see from the corner of his eye as he fought. Dark circles under his eyes were as shiny as bruises. Small cuts on the side of his face that were still healing. Wide dark green eyes that shone brightly with fear.
Focus on fighting, think later.
He blinked but the minute he did, the warp villain was gone and screams came from the entrance. He tried getting back up there but more thugs blocked his path.
Forced to keep fighting, he took down each villain one by one. His students had been scattered and he wasn't there to protect them. The villains were here for All Might but he wasn't in class.
"You really are cool, Eraserhead. But don't you think you're a little outmatched? You work better in stealth missions. But you're useless against a group. As useless as a Quirkless child," Shigaraki laughed. The boy next to him flinched at his words.
Finally the last thug fell and bodies lay scattered across the ground, but instead of a feeling of victory, he had a feeling of forbidding.
Shigaraki leaned down a whispered something into the boy's ear and Shouta saw the look of absolute horror in is eyes. Shouta panted in exhaustion as he look at the boy.
The greenette stared at Shigaraki's hands, to which Shouta just realized in one hand he held a slim object. It looked like a remote. His eyes went back to the black collar around Izuku's neck, the small device on the side looking much more threatening.
He turned back to Shouta with hesitation. "Go you brat!" Shigaraki yelled.
Izuku jumped up and clenched his jaw shut, then ran at him. His feet were light and he avoided the unconscious bodies of the thugs with eased practice. The knife gleamed in the light as he skipped.
Shouta never thought he'd have to fight a child. Especially not one that looked so pale and thin and hurt. Even if he moved quickly and lightly, there was pain on his face with each movement that he seemed to try and ignore.
Trying as hard as possible not to hurt him, he dodged the knife when it got close. He used his Quirk on Izuku on instinct but of course it had no effect on him. Tears pricked the sides of his eyes as he swung. "Hey." Shouta said as softly as he could.
He couldn't use his Capture weapon to throw him, he was already injured as he was. Shouta could try to use it to bind him but he was too close for him to reach up for it anyway.
Izuku ignored his calling and kept swinging, the pain evident on his face.
"Hey!" Shouta said again as he dodged.
The knife grazed Shouta's face and he felt the blood rush down his right cheek. He grabbed Izuku's wrist firmly and the first thing he noticed was the feeling of scars from under the bandages.
Izuku's other hand immediately punched him in the shoulder. It wasn't hard enough to hurt, it was rather weak. But was enough to push him back and let go of him.
"Hey!" Shouta said more firmly.
Izuku still didn't stop. He seemed to be getting more and more frantic in his attacks as if he had a time limit, but he still was able to avoid the bodies of the villains without even looking.
Shouta managed to put enough distance between himself and the boy, he reached up and gripped his scarf. Throwing the cloth around his wrists he pulled it tight. "Izuku!" He shouted.
The dagger fell from his hand and clanked against the ground as it skidded away.
Tears finally fell from Izuku's eyes but he didn't make a sound. Shouta pulled the scarf taut and towards himself. The boy was brought forward with it and into Shouta's open arms.
He held the boy tightly in a hug as he felt him shake. Whether it was out of fear or his crying, he couldn't tell. Shouta could trace the scars on Izuku's body and he kneeled down to hold him tighter. Bandages could be felt under his shirt and around his torso.
"Izuku," Shouta said softly. "It's okay. You're okay."
Izuku's body grew weak and he pulled away enough to see his face. Shouta pulled the mask off to reveal his pale and sickly face. Freckles dotted his cheeks like constellations and a large bruise sat purple at his jaw. More small cuts were on his cheek as if he had fallen on glass.
Fat baby tears rolled down his face and Shouta lowered his goggles to look at him more clearly. He held his tied wrists in case he tried to do something.
Now that the adrenaline was wearing out of the boy's body, he looked more frail and weaker. Putting a hand to his forehead, he noticed he was burning with fever. Why was he so sick?
"You failed the test, brat," Shigaraki's voice spoke.
He could feel Izuku's body grow stiff and still. Without removing Izuku's bonds, he pushed himself in front of him as a shield to protect him. Shigaraki held the object in his hand up with his finger from the other hand on a button.
Immediately after he pressed it, Shouta turned around in time to catch Izuku falling. He spasmed continuously in his arms with his eyes rolled back into his head. "Izuku!"
It only lasted a few seconds.
There was no scream or noise other than ragged breathing as the shock finally left and Izuku fell unconscious. "This is what you get for failing," Shigaraki laughed. "Nomu, finish off what the brat couldn't."
The "Nomu" at his side immediately perked its head up at the order, finally able to do something. Shouta jumped back, the boy in his arms all too light, and set him down at the side of the field. He jumped back into the fight just as the warp gate villain appeared next to Shigaraki.
"Tomura Shigaraki," He spoke.
"Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?"
"The rescue hero is out of commission, but there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got out of the facility."
Anger ever so present on his face, he scratched at his neck, "Kurogiri. You fool. If you weren't out warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body!"
Shouta was too busy fighting the Nomu that he couldn't listen in better to hear Kurogiri's reply. Already weak and tired from fighting, he slipped up on dodging and the Nomu crushed him.
He let out a pained yell as his arm was bent back and snapped. Blood seeped out of his body and everything was going hazy. A ringing was set in his ears but he saw Shigaraki sprint towards the water where he saw two of his students, Kirishima and Asui.
Hand outstretched towards Asui's face, he used his Quirk. It hurt so bad but he persevered.
"You really are so cool, Eraserhead."
The Nomu bashed his head into the concrete and he felt his strength involuntarily slip away.
We're finally at chapter four.
Yes, I know we're starting the story here but this is the only way to let Aizawa see Izuku is still alive and needs help.
So... who liked my angst?:D
Idk, I thought it was pretty good. I'm watching the show as I write so I'm following along. Aizawa won't be hurt as much as he was in cannon because he hadn't fought the Nomu that long.
I want your theories on what happens next.
I wanna see how wrong they are or how right they are.
Don't judge me.
Anyway, Thanks for reading!
(2570 words)
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