Chapter 17: Fragile Hope
Hey so I'm a little disappointed right now. My mother wants me to find a chapter in one of my stories to send to my grandmother for Christmas because she used to teach seventh grade English. Now, I am not in seventh grade and that is one of the reasons I'm nervous to send her a chapter because I just know that she's going to 'grade' it like i am a seventh grader. Oh I can hear it now "This is too graphic for your age" or "make it a little more kid friendly please?". I swear to the gods. I can write graphic fight scenes if I want to, I am not a little kid. Also, who wants to send a chapter of your full time fan fiction to your Grandmother. No thank you. She wouldn't understand most of the slang and the use of honorifics that are associated with Japanese language. I decided this would be the chapter I send to her. I hope my mom wont want to read it before I send it. She'd get on my case about swear words. Yay.
Anyway, enjoy~
Izuku didn't want to be there, but really when did he ever want to be in public. This sucked in so many ways. He didn't even want to come on this stupid training camp, but Aizawa had made him come because he was apparently apart of the class now.
It was a class of nineteen students, two of which having been expelled at the beginning of the year and then one of the chairs being filled by Izuku.
He knew his foster guardian had expelled them for not having potential, one of them being a pervert and the other not up to training. It was harsh, but Izuku didn't really see any fault in that reasoning. He was sure that wherever those students were now they were okay.
He really couldn't believe that it had been a month since his escape and rescue. For such a short time he gained a little healthy weight back. He was still unnaturally thin, just... less thin. It was progress okay?
Izuku had also been keeping up with training. Aizawa was teaching him more about knives and swords while Snipe taught him how to shoot a postal. He didn't have any solid evidence, but he thinks Aizawa was going to teach him how to use his capture weapon soon. It was all logical if he wanted to be the world's first Quirkless hero.
He'd gained a bit of muscle and could talk a little better. He couldn't scream or shout, but he could quietly speak. More progress. Recovery Girl had told him that if he kept up the training he would be able speak at a louder volume soon.
Though he still didn't see the point in taking him on this trip with a bunch of rambunctious people. From the point Aizawa had told him about it he didn't understand and he still didn't. He knew he'd be training physically, but from what he'd been told (overheard in the staff room) was that the kids were going to be training with their Quirks.
He didn't see the point in that if he didn't even have a special superpower. Other than helping other students train or making observations, he didn't know how he was supposed to help.
The scenery outside the window passed as the bus drove along the highway. It was such a nice day outside.
Aizawa was definitely planning something.
He knew it. When things are nice there was always something planned. He did it around the apartment a lot. It was never anything big, but small things that were supposed to keep Izuku prepared for anything.
After talking with the class (usually one sided) he learned that his guardian used his "logical rouses" on his students too. On a larger scale. Izuku wasn't nervous at all, but he was nervous for the others. He knew when to expect Aizawa was about to try something. They didn't. Which was honestly surprising consicering how many times he pulled them.
Izuku knew exactly what he was planning the moment they stopped at a cliff for a "break and breather". Nonetheless he got off the bus, but stood next to his guardian. It came to him as two of the Pussy Cats hero team came out of a bright red car and started acting suspicious with their cat themed hero costumes and overly catty ways. As much as he loved cats, neko people made him anxious.
Her Quirk was Earth Flow. A Quirk that helped her manipulate the ground and earth. They were on the Pussy Cat's territory, not too far from their lodge.
He knew exactly what Aizawa was planning.
He looked up at Aizawa to see him smirking under his capture scarf. The sadist. "They don't suspect anything. It's almost sad," Izuku said.
Aizawa looked down at him with amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Should've known that you wouldn't fall for it."
Izuku tucked his hands in the pockets of his favorite black hoodie. He's been wearing it over his uniform lately because he likes the hood. Pulling out a hair tie, he tugged his shoulder length hair up and tied it into a half up half down style to keep it out of his eyes. A few stray curls fell from the tie and framed the side of his face. "Of course I wouldn't fall for it. I'm already used to your awful tricks."
"Awful? They're not that bad. Are they?" He asked in exasperated fake hurt.
"Yes. I'd suggest getting better or else the others might start to catch onto them too," He advised. Izuku watched Aizawa's smirk grow.
"Duly noted," He paused thoughtfully. "Go with them so they don't get themselves killed. She's about to collapse the cliff. Might wanna start now if you don't want to get covered in dirt."
Izuku hummed. "Good idea. Thanks," He said as he ran forward towards the railing without waiting for a reply. He saw his classmates' stunned and startled faces as they watched him leap forward onto the railing and throw himself off the edge towards the trees below.
It was just as his body was in the air that he heard the shaking of the ground his feet had left not only a second earlier. His classmates' cries were lost to the rushing air in his ears as Izuku, ever the quick thinker, pulled a hidden backup knife from his back pocket and used it to land in a tree. Aizawa had advised him that you could never be too prepared and Izuku agreed with that logic wholeheartedly without doubt. It was something that the others would have to learn quickly if they wanted to make it as Pro-heroes.
He twisted his body and shifted his weight as to not dislocate his shoulder as the knife stabbed a tree's trunk. He swung forward and planted his booted feet onto a solid branch. Once he was sure that he wasn't going to fall, he pulled the knife out of the bark and stuck it back in his pocket. Izuku looked down and huffed as he watched his groaning classmates stumble to stand up. They were covered in dirt and mud from the fall.
Some looked like they had a better fall than others, but he was still disappointed in their lack of quick reflexes. Yeah, he was trained to use knives and to be quick and light footed months before they had any real training, but it was the middle of the school year. They should at least have better reflexes than that.
Drawing a deep sigh, Izuku climbed as high as he could go and peeked out over the tall heads of the trees. He could see the lodge from his position and marked the distance and direction as he climbed down. On the way he heard Mandalay, one of the Pussy Cats, shout that they had until noon to get there or else they wouldn't get lunch.
It caused more of his classmates to groan.
Some of the students were arguing over which way to go and what to do by the time he descaled the whole trunk and he waited on the last branch for someone to notice he was there.
Maybe someone would ask "Where's that quiet kid?"
He was probably fooling himself, but no one had noticed him yet so that was a win. It meant that he Aizawa's stealth was rubbing off on him.
"I should've known Aizawa-sensei was going to pull something like this," Iida said. He looked over to the students that were arguing and scowled. "Mina-san, we will not be throwing someone into the air to see where to go. Kaminari-kun, we will not be dying here. Aizawa-sensei wouldn't leave us here for dead."
Kaminari didn't look completely placated, but nonetheless stopped shouting.
Seeing as no one would notice him anytime soon, he jumped to the ground and brushed off his pants. Iida looked over at him and looked like he was just reminded to scold someone because that's exactly what he was about to do. "Midoriya-kun! There you are! What you just did was dangerous and reckless. You shouldn't jump off cliffs. You could get seriously injured!"
Iida stopped in front of him, eyes sharp and looking for an answer. His uniform was disheveled and covered in dirt from the fall that he'd yet to brush himself off from.
"I didn't want to get dirty. I also know which way to go. The lodge is Northeast about five miles," He said.
"How do you know?" Iida looked baffled.
"Saw it from a tree. We should stick together so we don't get lost. There's no way we're going to make it there for lunch, but if we start heading off now we can get there in time for dinner," Izuku replied.
The class rep really needed to learn poker face, the look he was sporting made him look stupid.
He regained his composure and started to guide everyone into a formation. Izuku was up front as a navigator and held his knife once again in his hand as he led them into the forest.
Maybe this trip wouldn't be so bad, Izuku thought hopefully.
Hope could be so fragile.
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