Chapter 12: Deku
I'm getting kinda sick of people asking me if Katsuki remembers Izuku and if Izuku remembers Katsuki. All I can say is... use common sense. They were four years old when Izuku was kicked out of his home. That would've been enough of a traumatic experience for him to remember, but in comparison to everything else he's had to go through Id say it was safe to assume he doesn't remember much of anything from before he was on the streets. For Katsuki the most he'd remember is playing with Izu once.
Another note, We're almost at the training camp! time flies, huh. we'll just have to see what happens~~~
Enjoy the chapter~
The boy in front of him sat in his chair with his legs tucked up to his chest. He played with his fingers while looking down at the floor nervously. Nezu kept a small patient smile while he waited for Midoriya to tell him what was on his mind. Midoriya was a smart if not shy boy who didn't often share what was on his mind, from what Nezu has gathered.
He'd decided to have the boy shadow the teachers for many reasons. One being that if a boy who has grown up surrounded by villains still wanted to be good, then Nezu was honored to teach him.
Their similar experiences created a bond between them immediately. Plus, it was hard to come across intelligent conversation nowadays.
It was a surprise in itself that the boy had asked to speak with him alone, though. He'd been here for about two weeks under UA's care and had hardly left Aizawa's side once. He guessed that was reasonable.
Midoriya finally looked up, determination blazing in his gaze and spoke, ever softly but as loud as he could, "Did you find them?"
Nezu sat back with a small breath. This had been one of the first conversations that he'd had with Midoriya: Where he'd come from, and what had happened. The boy had recounted his experience to him with vague detail but nonetheless had told him about the others that he'd left behind in favor of getting help. Unfortunately in his rush to escape that night, he hadn't thought to memorize the way back.
Police were still searching, but were ultimately coming up empty. Although, Midoriya had mentioned that one of the villains bases, the one that he'd been held captive at for most of his life, was a small bar.
But with the knowledge that the villains had a warping Quirk on their side, they had no idea what prefecture it was in.
There were still people waiting for help and they had no idea where they were. Nezu could tell that Midoriya felt guilty for not being able to give more information, but it was understandable that he hadn't thought of any of that while he was under that much pressure. And thanks to him, they knew the Quirks of the League in detail, and the fact that All for One was still alive thanks to the help of a personal doctor.
Midoriya had been trying to distract himself in favor of learning from Aizawa and becoming more comfortable with his new freedom, but now he was comfortable enough to ask.
"I'm sorry, Midoriya-kun. We haven't found anything," Nezu said.
Pain flashed across the boy's face before relaxing into an emotionless blank stare. "I see," He whispered.
"The police and heroes are doing everything we can to find where they are, I can promise you that." Nezu was a bit hesitant to mention it, because it was something that Midoriya could live without hearing. He'd told him that there had been a man named Osachi that had kept him company.
After looking through missing persons files, they'd found someone by the name Osachi Kae with a nullification Quirk. He had a short criminal record, nothing too bad other than dealing drugs and some property damage. He'd gone missing a few years ago.
It's too bad that his life ended the way it did.
The Nomu from the Hosu incident, one of them in particular, had his dna traces.
Midoriya deserved to know, but knowing would only make him blame himself. So regretfully... Nezu watched the boy sulk out of the room, ignorant of what had happened to his friend.
"Hey Midoriya!" A voice called from behind him. Izuku struggled not to flinch away from the touch of Ururaka and Ashido as he came up behind him with smiling faces. "Are you free this weekend? Maybe we can hang out?"
Izuku hesitated. He didn't know what Aizawa's policy was on having others in his house without permission, and even if he did want to hang out he didn't have any social skills whatsoever. This was all still new to him, having people that wanted him around.
He shook his head slowly, not wanting to make the girls angry with his response and whispered, "I'm hanging out with Aizawa-san."
"So you do live with him! I knew it!" Ashido squealed. This time Izuku actually did flinch and tensed up. Seeing his reaction she, thankfully, quieted down. "What's it like? Does he live in an apartment or a house? How many cats does he have? Is his house decorated or is it bland like him? Come on dude, you gotta tell me everything!"
"Mina-chan I think you should calm down," Tsuyu came to his rescue. "I think you're freaking him out."
"Yeah Mina, one question at a time," Ururaka agreed.
"You guys are a killjoy. Aren't you curious? Come on Midoriya, throw us a bone here?" She leaned into him as he took a step back.
What should he say? Would Aizawa appreciate him answering any of these questions? Probably not. Maybe he should just answer one to get them off his back and leave him alone. Don't get him wrong, they were all very nice to him, but sometimes they got very loud. "He has two cats," He whispered.
"Really? I thought he'd have at least seven. But knowing he's a cat person answers a few other questions." Oh thank the gods, maybe that meant she'd leave him alone now.
"Hey Midobro!" Just kill him already. "What's up!" Kirishima said as he dragged a few more people up to him. "Were you just coming from the principal's office? What did you want to talk to him about? Is it about your uniform coming in?"
Nezu had told him that he was planning on having him join Class 1-A with their training and come to his office during normal classes where he would teach him personally. The mouse also told him this was a good opportunity to analyze the hero course students and tell them how they can improve their skills. This was how he could be useful.
He was also told that the reason that he didn't just join normal classes is because it would be a waste of time. Because of his already high IQ and him being at a college level, there was nothing those classes could teach him, but Nezu didn't want to just end his learning.
But his uniform hadn't come yet. Up until this point, he'd just been wearing the same black hoodie that Aizawa had bought him and a pair of baggy jeans. It was comfortable so he didn't complain, but it was kinda annoying that the students kept staring at him since he stood out so much. But Aizawa already told him that there had been a delay and that it was coming soon.
He could just tell Kirishima it had been about the League but he didn't want that kind of attention again. "Yeah, said it would come soon," He whispered. His throat was beginning to get sore.
"That's cool dude," Kirishima flashed him a bright smile. Izuku kept his straight face and held his notebook close as he looked around him for his guardian. "Y'know, that packet you gave me about my Quirk and fighting style was cool, if not a little harsh at some parts, but helpful. Thanks dude!"
Izuku spotted the tall slim figure of his foster parent and perked. Giving a quick nod to Kirishima, he made his escape.
Catching up with him, he walked behind the man like a shadow. "Hey kid, finish your talk with Nezu?"
He nodded and kept his pace.
"I don't understand how your not terrified of him. Nezu can get scary at times," Aizawa said.
Izuku didn't know what to say to that, so he just decided not to say anything. Instead, he let himself space out. Where was Osachi? What was the doctor doing to him right now? What had he left him to?
Guilt ate at his insides like greedy baby birds. What if he was dead?
"Kid? You ready to head home, Hizashi is probably waiting for us in the car," Aizawa brought him out of his steadily darkening thoughts.
Izuku let himself stare at the scar on the man's cheek for a little longer than what was necessary. He did that. He'd caused that. What kind of person was he? Not a good one, thats for sure. After a few moments he nodded and they were about to step out of the school when he heard a familiar voice call a vaguely familiar name.
"Deku! Wait!"
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