Hey y'all. So firstly, u guys r gonna get the last and final short story on this book. Soon enough, I'll open up the book for stories where you all will get it in an arranged manner. ALso, if u guys like the story, I might make it a novel ;-) Have a great day!!
(Hope y'all don't mind third point of view)Also the story is purely fictional with a hint of realistic thoughts. so the places, etc does not exist.
A familier psychopathe
Raindrops are quite amusing. Did you know? With every pitter-patter, it clings on to windows and glasses, very slowly falling, but if motivated, comes back with full force to damage all; just like the human beings, who have lost purpose of life. Such are Elizabeth Vermon's thoughts as she,along with her brother, drives to his workplace.
Johan Vermon, roughly twenty four years, is the twin brother of Elizabeth, both having the exact same black hair, with chocolate brown eyes, except for the change in physique. Which Elizabeth has some muscle due to her constant workout, her lean and thin nerdy brother doesn't seem the need and constantly works on medicine. He is a genius and works his arse off to make sure he stays on the path of his dream; to excel in medicine and help the mentally disabled. For a month, he was simply given the chance to observe what the doctors in mental asylums do but since today was the final day before he becomes official, he was allowed to bring a guest. He couldn't find anyone better than his beloved sister, Eli.
Elizabeth never really liked science. Sure she likes chemical formulas and potions but the human body? Not her cup of tea. She's more of a financial person who loves to work with her numbers and 10 year old calculator, still in perfect condition. Her brother and her aren't so alike for twins but what matters to her is their bond and safe to say, it's beautiful. Its actually like tug of war you see, with both sides fighting, only not to win but to keep it intact, perhaps adding small cuts to it but nevertheless never ceasing to balance. However, to say she is displeased will be an understatement because she never,ever, wanted to visit F.M.A.( Froncierge Mental Asylum), the cities famous but horrifying location, to which her brother just had to land a job upon. Sighing heavily, she looks over to her brother, but seeing him with a content smile stops her from saying anything. After all, he hasn't smiled like this since.. Elanor died.
"We've arrived!" Johan says as he skips out the door and rushes to open his sister's .
"Slow down Jo. What's the hurry?" Elizabeth says, a little overwhelmed.
"We haven't reached yet. We gotta walk up the trail to that humongous scary looking forest and beyond to reach.. F.M.A. " He says with dramatic pauses.
Elizabeth looks around quizzically. She has always been wary of few things in life mostly concerning her brother but since he has been working here for quite long, safe to say, Elizabeth will trust him and ignore her instincts for once.
"Lead the way scientific llama."
"With pleasure." Jo bows dramatically and takes the lead. Elizabeth lightly chuckles and follows.
" And we are here. " Jo says in a sing-song tone.
"Cut the enjoyment dear brother. Its lowkey choking me." Eli says with hint of annoyance but amazement . The facility was eerie alright, with dark black paint coating the outer walls and doors, statues with lifeless eyes and vacant smiles on their faces. To add to the vibe, the sounds of incessant screaming echoing throughout the thin walls causes shivers to run down Elizabeth's spine.
"It'll be alright sis. Let's go in. It looks weird and old and crazy but its fun and knowledgeable and well, crazy." He laughs off, trying to warm his sister but not really doing a good job at it. Eli faintly smiles back and follows her brother inside, with renewed courage. She'll be fine. They'll be fine. What can even happen?
"Crash!" She was wrong. A lot can happen. She whiplashes and looks behind to watch the door close behind her firmly. As soon as she enters, she sees a room, far in the third floor of the facility, where she could make out a silhouette of a person, with magnetic silver eyes looking at her with scrutiny and shock.Taking deep breaths, she walks forward, side by side, with her brother , keeping her head upright, no matter her fright.
"Well Vermon, seems like we have a guest. Who might this lovely lady be? A man of light blond hair, with bottled green eyes grinned to the twins.
" Henric, this is my sister, Elizabeth and Eli, this is -
"Henric Valour, your closest friend in this facility? Heard a lot about you Henry." She says, extending a hand to the happy, twenty six year old.
"Yup exactly. I like your sister bro. Come on let's show you-
A loud, thunderous growl interrupts Henric, almost breaking the glasses of the tall building. Elizabeth's eyes grow wide as she looks at the rest of members carefully, seeing how everyone stops and looks at each other with horror, her brother and Henric, mirroring a more vivid expression.
" Jo, what's going on? " She asks with growing curiosity. Before the terrified brother can answer, someone comes in running, gripping onto one arm, bloody gashes marring his chest. "
"C-CELL ONE HUNDRED TEN! C-C-Cell" he rapidly breaths, falling to the ground in the process. Henric rushes forward.
"Gavio, what's wrong. What happened to that cell?" He asks, eyes changing with overflowing emotions, fright, overpowering all.
"I-its g-gone ber-berseck. Plea-please sa-ve me." He whispers out and closes his eyes shut.
Jo turns to his sister frantically .
"Eli, listen to me. Go home. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. Just rest assured. It's just another e-experiment in the asylum gone wrong." He encouragingly smiles, waving it off. Then his face pales.
Elizabeth becomes confused. "Wait experiment? What are you talking about?" She looks at Jo in question .
"What he means to say that there is a patient who had to suffer through an experiment, or to be clear, a surgeric experiment which has made him go berseck. Perhaps it messed him with more. He usually throws tantrums so nothing to worry." He says too fast, with hurry, pushing her brother away. This is sceptical . Very sceptical. As Elizabeth goes to question more, a loud scream silences her, followed by others. All of a sudden, time stops when a man emerges.
He doesn't seem to be of much age with eyes, glowing brighter than gold itself, bringing the superiority of gold to silver much lower and marking silver as the brightest. His accentuated jawline, with high defined cheekbones has almost made Elizabeth gape. With clothes torn into pieces and a simple whit pant to cover his lower part, he looks like a beautiful, magnificent psychopath. However, she knows those eyes, from somewhere. She knows she saw them years back, in a life, where she was happy and full of bliss. The same eyes she remembers, followed her to the playground as she swung for hours playing in the mud to embrace nature. Eyes she herself played with and hoped that she was forever trapped under this silver, breathing only when she had to.
His happiness was immeasurable. His childhood true love was finally back. She came for him. He knew she will. He was positive. Her brown eyes never fails to calm him down, as if it was the very chocolate he could eat for eternity and never get bored of. Now he wasn't alone anymore. He will have his love, his queen by his side now and no one will be able to tear them apart. No experiment, no asylum, no doctors. His childhood insanity will come to an end today.
He advances to her with determination, only to have his goal blocked by a weak, scrawny man. His mind clicks. He knows this guy. He is a doctor here. Not being able to hide his distaste, he snarls and throws the man away like the rag doll. A loud gasp leaves his beloved lips. Not wasting a second, he wraps his arms around her and says the words he has been waiting to say for all these years.
"You're here and finally mine, mi amour. From now, I will cherish you forever and those of who try to dare touch you or keep you away from me suffer a very painful consequence. " He bellows, scaring the living daylights out of everyone.
Elizabeth was utterly confused. What should she do?
And we are done. Want me to continue? Lemme know down the comments.
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