An awesome thing has occurred! You ready for me to tell you? Well, I have gained a temporary super power! My know what your thinking 'super powers aren't real' but I have come up with a completely logical explanation for my new power.
The power I have gained is.....
Static Electricity!
Yeah, laugh all you want, but I'm serious. It's winter time where I live, making the air in the house really dry. Are humidifier is broken, so static builds up. My hair is really thick and gets staticky very easily. I wear these fluffy socks when I'm inside to keep my toes warm, so you can imagine where this is going. Every 5 steps, I can shock someone. If I take more steps, the shock hurts more. Am I classified as a super hero yet? I might actually leave a mark on someone's skin. I'm actually a little afraid to touch anyone 😂. Thor needs to come give me some hero lessons.
I first needed to test it, so who better then my younger brother? He's not super young, so don't be pointing fingered of me being a bad sister! Sometimes, they deserve it. After testing my super power, my cat tried to run against me while I was walking up and down the hall. I actually saw the spark of electricity hit my cat...... poor Queeny.
So now, I'm hoping it will rain soon. Having a super power is fun, but it can only really annoy people. Lol, I have the lamest super power to ever exist. But it only works in my house, no where else. I just think it's really funny 😆
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