Chapter 3
~ Jake's P.O.V ~
I watched as Jade's brother threw her into a nearby tree. Suddenly something inside me snapped. I shifted into my wolf and attacked her brother. He hurt my mate, now I was going to hurt him.
Me and her brother fought for who knows how long. I had to admit, he was a good fighter. But I was better. I threw him into another tree and he stopped. His wolf lay on the ground panting until he shifted back. I had won the fight. I shifted back, threw on some shorts, walked towards where he was and stood over him.
" You ever hurt her again and I will kill you. Wether you're her brother or not. " I spat.
I leaned down and punched him in the face. I admit it was unnecessary but I was pissed at him for hurting my mate. He passed out and I ran over to Jade. Her sister was already there trying to help her. I pushed her over slightly and picked up Jade.
" You take your brother back " I said.
" Take care of Jade " She responded before running to where her brother was.
" I will " I yelled after her.
I quickly picked up Jade and brought her to my room. I laid her down on my bed and looked down at her.
" Try talking to her " My wolf, Jay, said.
" She's unconscious. How is she going to talk?" I asked.
" You are so stupid. Mind link her " Jay laughed at me.
" Fine " I replied.
" Jade? Are you ok? " I mind linked her.
" She's ok. " A different voice answered.
" Who are you? " I asked.
" Jade's wolf. I'm Emma " The voice replied.
" Do you know when she's going to wake up? " I asked Emma.
" I'll try and wake her " She replied.
~ Jade's P.O.V ~
I couldn't see, everything was pitch black.
" Jade! Wake your lazy butt up! " Emma yelled at me.
" Emma what is going on? " I asked.
" I'll let our mate explain that " She replied.
" Jake. Is he ok? Where is he? " I said.
" Wake up and find out " She answered smugly.
I gathered all the strength I could and kept trying to open my eyes. When I did, I was in someone else's room.
~ Jake's P.O.V ~
I stepped back a little and let Emma try to wake up Jade. After a few minutes she woke up.
" Jade! " I smiled as I quickly made my way beside her again.
" What happened? " She asked.
" Your brother threw you into a tree to see if I would protect you " I replied.
Jade's eyes quickly became gold with anger.
" Hey, everything's ok, relax " I said.
" Did he hurt you? " She growled.
" No, I'm ok. I beat him in our fight " I answered as I grabbed her hand.
" Ok, good " She sighed. " I should probably get home " She added.
" I'll drive you " I offered.
" Thanks " She smiled.
We both left my house hand in hand and made our way to my car.
~ Jade's P.O.V ~
The ride back to my house was quiet. Neither of us said anything nor bothered to turn on the radio. When we did get back to my house, I could sense that James was awake. And mad.
" Jake come inside " I demanded.
" I think I upset your brother enough " Jake said.
" No. You're my mate and he needs to accept that " I replied.
" Ok, fine " Jake smiled.
" YAY!!!!! " I heard Jake's wolf scream
" Jay calm down " Jake said.
" No, she is starting to trust us! " he yelled excitedly.
" Seriously Jay be quiet. She can hear us " Jake replied to his wolf.
I smiled as we got out of the car and made our way to my front door.
" You ready? " I asked as we stood outside of the door.
" I guess so " He answered.
I grabbed Jake's hand and we walked inside. James was on the couch and when he saw us he growled.
" James, relax " I said.
" WHY IS HE HERE?! " James yelled.
" Because he is my mate and you need to accept that! " I yelled back.
" I do trust him! " I growled.
I pulled Jake upstairs and into my room. I slammed the door shut behind us.
" UGH! " I yelled.
I sat down on my bed.
" Jade it's ok " Jake said comfortingly as he sat down next to me.
I looked at him and he smiled at me. When we broke eye contact he mumbled something.
" She trusts me "
I smiled even more and leaned my head on Jake's shoulder.
" Hey Jade " Jake said.
" Yeah? " I asked.
" No rush or anything, I swear, but when are you coming to my pack? I was just wondering. Again, no rush " He asked.
" I don't know but soon " I answered.
" Next week? " Jake asked with a goofy smile.
" Sure " I laughed.
Suddenly James came bursting into the room. His eyes instantly snapped to Jake and the look in his eyes looked like he was going to kill Jake at any second. I growled and stood in front of Jake protectively. James tried pushing me out of the way but I grabbed his arm. I dragged him down the stairs, out the front door and into the woods. Then I threw him to the ground.
" I told you. You EVER hurt him and I will hurt you " I growled.
" What was I supposed to do!? You are leaving!" He yelled.
" James I have to, that's how it works and I'm going " I said.
I saw Jake run out of the house, looking really pissed off.
" Jake go back to the house " I growled to him.
" Never " he said back.
I smiled at him before turning my attention back to my brother. James stood up and I moved so I stood beside Jake.
" I'm not going to hurt him " James said. " Go ahead and leave but if you don't visit I will kill you " He smiled at me.
" Thank you James " I smiled back.
" You better protect her Jake " James said.
" I will " Jake promised.
" Lets go losers " I laughed.
I was still weary of James but he was my brother, I trusted that he'd try to get along with Jake. We all walked back to the house. James went back to sitting in the couch while me and Jake went back upstairs. When we got to my room I closed the door behind us, without slamming it this time.
" Hey Jake, is it ok if I go to your pack with you tomorrow? " I asked.
" Of course but what happened to next week? " He replied.
" I want to go and I wanted to go before James changes his mind about this " I answered.
" Ok then. Lets get your stuff packed " Jake said.
I grabbed a few suitcases and put most of my things inside them. By the time we finished it was around ten o'clock at night.
" Alright its ten, I'm going to get going " Jake said.
" Ok " I frowned.
We both walked downstairs and to my front door.
" Goodbye Jade " Jake smiled as he kissed my cheek.
" Bye " I smiled back.
I watched as Jake got into his car and drove off. Once he was out of my sight I ran inside and to Ruby's room. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply.
" Come in " Ruby sniffled.
I opened her bedroom door and walked inside. Ruby was sitting on her bed crying. I quickly closed the door behind me and went to sit down beside her.
" You know " I said.
" Yeah. I'll miss you so much " Ruby cried.
" I'll miss you more " I replied.
We both hugged and kept saying how we'd miss each other.
" I got to go say goodbye to James " I said.
" Ok, but you better say goodbye in the morning " she demanded.
" I will " I promised.
I got up off her bed and walked downstairs. James was still there sitting on the couch.
" Hey " I said as I sat down beside him.
" When are you leaving? " He asked.
" Tomorrow " I answered.
" What?! What happened to next week? " he asked.
" I decided on going tomorrow " I replied.
His eyes slowly started tearing up.
" I'll miss you so much James. I promise I will come and visit " I said.
James moved over and pulled me into a hug I I felt his tears landing on my shoulder.
" Please don't cry James " I pleaded as my eyes tear up as well.
" I love you sis " James said.
" I love you too " I said back.
" I'll miss you " He sniffled.
" I'll miss you more " I replied.
" Impossible " He mumbled.
We just sat there, hugging goodbye.
" You better get to sleep " James's said as he wiped his tears away.
" Ok, goodnight " I smiled.
" I love you Jade " He smiled back.
" Love you too " I replied.
I walked upstairs and got ready for bed. After I finished I jumped into my bed and sleep quickly overwhelmed me.
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