Chapter 1
Cory's POV
I had jumped out the window and ran towards the woods...... if Shelby knew I was a werewolf...... she'd hate me..... I can't let that happen!!!!! I'm not going back til' morning......
Shelby's POV
I went to Cory's room and saw....... NOBODY THERE!?!?!? OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! WHERE IS CORY?!?!???!!!!??!?!!?
*5 Minutes later*
I had come to a decision..... I'm going to find Cory.....
*12 minutes later*
I was lost In the woods and it's almost morning..... and look what I saw.... a wolf running into the clearing I'm in.... it didn't seem to see me so I hid behind a tree..... I kept watching it.... until it transformed from this
into this
(A/N Just Ignore The Fact That he is upside-down in the photo)
"C-Cory???" I Said.
*Cory Turns Around*
"S-S-SHELBY!?!?!?!?!?!?" He Yelled
"H-Heeeeyyyy S-Shelby..... What a-are y-you doing h-here???" He Asked
"The better question is why are YOU here.... And what are you?!?!?!?" I Yelled... he looks like he wants to cry...
"I-I'm Sorry..." He Said, looking sad, "Aww, Cory! Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong!!" I Said... and then... I kissed him!! I broke the kiss and he said "W-Why did you D-D-Do that?!?! I-I-I c-can't believe you've done this.... But, It's OK!!! I have a small confession to make..." Cory said "1- I am a werewolf and 2- I love you!!! Please don't hate me...." he said "Aww, I Love You Too!!! And for the record, You look so kawaii as a werewolf!!!" I said "R-Really?" Cory asked, he looked Hopeful. "Yes!" I Said "Then can I do... This?" He Said with a smirk "Do wha~~" I was cut off by Cory kissing me "C-Cory... W-Why did you~~" I tried to say before he interrupted me "Why did I kiss you? Because I love you Of Course! And you said you loved me to, right? Or, are you just pitying me....." he asked "Does THIS answer your question?" I asked before I kissed him "I love you Cory. I will not lie about that!" I Said ".... I love you too Shelby." Cory said "JUST KISS AGAIN SO I CAN GET MORE PICTURES!!" Ross and Jess said from behind us— WAIT WHEN DID THEY GET THERE!?! "Since when were you guys back there!?!?!" Cory and I yelled "Since the Second kiss you guys had. Now... KISS AGAIN! Or else!" Ross said "OK OK JUST DON'T KILL US!!" Cory and I screamed....
Ross's POV
"And now, for the great finally, we have a miracle happening, is it Skymau? Well no not yet..." I Said "is it mithross?" Jess said "Maybe, But NO! ITS CORBY!!!" I Yelled "YASSSSSSS" me and Jess yelled "SHUT UP ALREADY!!!" Cory yelled... it was then I realized...... Cory has wolf ears and a wolf tail... "R U Werewolf?" I asked, being my derpy self (NO HATE TO ROSS! I AM A DERP TOO, AS IS MY FRIEND FROM CHURCH AND MY OTHER FRIEND FROM SCHOOL!!)
"Maybe I am.. and maybe the ears and tail are a costume.... I'll never tell..." Cory said "OK then... Bye!" Me and Jess said
Well, how did you like the chapter for today? I hope you enjoyed and have a Wonderfull day! BAIII GUYS🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼
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