Round 8: lucky seer
(Note: we had Confirm Deaths off for this round)
Your role is...
Oh great, i can meme kill wolves now!
Me: picks to reveal DDos
DDos is 🔥 🧨 Pyromaniac 🧨 🔥
Pyro douses
Wolves kill
💀 Elinor
Select a mayor
Me: I have info
Kappi: let's simp for JC
🎩 JC
Me: DDos is pyro I'm the seer
DDos: votes himself
💀 DDos
Me: wow he didnt even ignite
Chooses to reveal Kappi
Kappi is 🛡Guard 🛡
💀 Kad
💀 Impolse
MemeGod is Dictator, he makes a coup detat
💀 Elinor
JC: Kappi is innocent, I won't say her role. Also, is there an assassin?
Carter: witch, I killed Impolse. You were targeted by wolves
JC: then who killed Kad?
Carter: likely either white wolf or assassin.
JC: maybe rolecall
Other Carter: tamer, meaning both Carter and Kappi are good.
Kappi: jc knows my role I'm fine
Carter: witch
MemeGod: dictator
Ryker: Hunter
Respekt: I'm little girl 'nd I saw ryker as a wolf in the night
Ryker gets voted and pulls out gun
💀 Respekt
💀 Ryker
🎊 Influencer has completed their mission! 🎊
Game not ending
JC: ok it's Other Carter everybody else is confirmed
Other Carter: Carter might not be witch! He could be an assassin! We didn't confirm him Village!
Picks other Carter
Other Carter is White Wolf
JC: yeah it's other Carter I'm seer
💀 Other Carter.
Victory! The village has won!
JC was Seer
Ryker was Hunter
Meme God was Dictator
Carter was Witch
'Other Carter' was White Wolf
DDos was Pyromaniac
Impolse was Necromancer
Elinor was Werewolf (Crow)
Kad was Black Wolf
Kaz was Anesthetist
Kappi was Guard
Respekt was Influencer
Other Carter: it's hard when u have to kill a wolf every night or else you'll be exposed as white wolf
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