Chapter 10: The Seven Deadly Trials
It wasn't long before Stampy and the spirits of New Growler would be approaching the first trial. "So how many tests are there, Sparklez?" Stampy asked.
"Well from what I did there's seven tests all together, but each one is based off of a sin. Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Pride, and Lust." Sparklez explained.
"You mean the seven deadly sins? That's not the right order isn't it?" Magnus asked, deciding to bud in on the conversation.
"Does it matter?" Anthony questioned.
"No not really. Each test slowly gets harder and harder, very few pass. But don't worry! At least you have someone who's done these tests before!" Sparklez boasted, at least pride wasn't the first test.
They walked up the trail that wrapped around the mountain. They seemed to be the only people going up, because so many souls were retreating. But then Stampy noticed the green sun that illuminated the whole inferno. "What's with the sun?"
"Oh that? Yeah the sun is made of hellfire. We thought it's red but nope, it's green." Harper explained.
"And a bit of advice Stampy," Sparklez warned, "remember how I said a week here is a year back in the living world? Well one full day is two months. Except on Sunday, then it's one month."
"What! What day is it?" Stampy asked.
"Not Sunday." Romeo said bluntly.
"Well we gotta go fast! Run, run, run!" Anthony shouted.
And it wasn't long before they ran to the first gate. It was like the one in Growler Town, old to put it slightly. And it had a sign that said Trial 1: Sloth
But before they entered the trial they were greeted by the angel Bruce. Though he didn't look like an angel, he looked like a poor peasant. Dirty clothes, messy hair and beard, but the man looked awfully tired. He let out a loud yawn and stretched, no angel wings or halo. Was he in exile?
"You," he said pointing a weak finger at Stampy, "you're still alive yes?"
Stampy nodded and the angel continued. "Do you wish to go through the trials? Trials that will show you who you really are as a person?"
Stampy nodded again to which the angel spoke more. "And you understand that if you fail even one trial your mortal body will die?"
"Yes Mr. Angel, I understand the risks." Stampy agreed.
"Then let your journey begin. May Notch and Jeb be on your side. Now hold still, this won't hurt." The angel pulled out a pocket knife and flipped the blade out. The others jumped back a little bit, but Stampy remained calm... although he was panicking in his mind.
The angel brought the small blade to Stampys forehead and carved seven 'S's into him. Surprisingly it didn't hurt and once the angel was done he nodded to the group and moved out of the way for them to enter.
As the group entered they suddenly felt tired. And saw cozy chairs, couches, and beds. They saw werewolves, wizards/witches, and even dragons peacefully sleeping.
But Sparklez snapped them out of it. "Don't give in! If you fall asleep, you'll stay asleep forever!"
Thanks to Sparklez they all passed the trial, and once they got out of the trial they ran to the next one. Unlike the last entrance this one was a gate, with a sign that said Trial 2: Gluttony
This time the angel was a woman. Angel Sherry. She was... round... to say the least. At least she had Angel wings, but they were small.
"Oh," she said, "I heard about you. The unconscious man right? Ugh, sorry about Bruce. Since he never got his wings he's been cranky. Here let me help you child."
She leaned in towards Stampy and patted his head. Then suddenly one of the 'S's was gone. Though Stampy didn't notice until Soren pointed it out.
"Good luck child. I hope you make it to the end." Said Sherry.
She moved out of the way and the gate opened. When they walked in they saw the trial, or was it? It was an all you can eat buffet, with everything you can ever imagine. Meats, vegetables, soup, cookies, and cake... lots and lots of cake.
"Fight the urge. If you eat something then the devil eats you. Anthony, Stampy.... Anthony? Anthony don't!" Sparklez cried.
Anthony was already walking towards the cookies and ignored Sparklez warnings. He picked up a cookie but dropped it when Magnus knocked him over and smashed the cookie.
"My cookie!" Anthony cried.
"No! It's the devils work!" Magnus growled.
Magnus basically dragged Anthony out of the trial. Stampy had to bite his finger to keep himself from eating the food.
The next two trials were Greed and Envy. Greed was all the treasure you could ever want, and Envy was illusions of people souls envied. Stampy passed those tests as if they were nothing. He had no Greed or Envied anyone, except Grazer but they made up. So now Stampy only had three 'S's on his forehead.
The next trial was Wrath and Stampy was greeted by the angel Manakel, the angel of peace. He was a bulky angel, wearing a full suit of armor, and held a golden spear in his right hand.
"It's been a few weeks since you've been here. If you haven't heard? The spirits that escaped have made it to dragon lands. They will meet the dragon king in a few days, and I heard they're about to bring themselves back to life!" Manakel explained.
"A few weeks? I've only been here for a few hours!" Stampy gasped.
"Time goes by faster here. If you want to get out of here before the months end, then you must escape before our green sun sets. Trust me I do not wish to be here as much as you young one. I should be with Notch in the stars, yet I'm here. Good luck young man, may peace follow you wherever you go."
With a wave of the angels hand another 'S' was removed, and as said before, he now has three 'S's left. The angel spread his wings and flew up, up and out of the inferno. Why he left the group had no idea.
So the group walked in and were hit with a sudden blast of a fowl stench. Looking around they saw people fighting, green blood was splattered in puddles all over the trial.
Sparklez turned to his friends and explained the trial. "Wrath. A shapeshifter turns into the person you hate the most and fights you. Probably why Manakel was the angel who guarded the trial, he wants you to make peace with your enemy. If you kill the shapeshifter then you fail the test, don't worry for the shapeshifter though. They can regenerate their bodies. But I wonder why Manakel left."
"Maybe a kingdom needs peace or something?" Magnus suggested.
"Or maybe a war is brewing somewhere on earth." Soren questioned.
"Since when did you care about war," Ivor spat at him, "that's coming from the person who committed suicide and took me down with him!"
"Guys please stop fighting and look over there!" Anthony pointed out.
In the distance a man who looked like TorqueDawg was fighting someone. Sparklez instantly ran over to his friend, he wanted to help him out of here, but as he got close he heard what he was saying, and what form the shapeshifter took.
The shapeshifter took the form of Romeo, wolf features and all. Though Sparklez knew it wasn't the real Romeo. "Filthy mutt!" Torque yelled.
"You're the reason why I was hanged! My carefree life was over! Now my body hangs on some stupid tree, like if I was a witch or something. I fucking hate you!" he yelled at the shifter.
Sparklez gasped when Torque used profanity (he hasn't heard his voice curse in years), but the Romeo shifter just laughed.
With one final yell (though it was hard to hear with all of the other yells and clanks of swords), TorqueDawg grabbed the shifters neck and strangled it to death. Even when the shifter was on the ground in a lifeless form, TorqueDawg still punched and kicked it. At least until the shifter vanished and TorqueDawg fell onto the ground.
Sparklez ran to TorqueDawgs side, but from the last time he's been on the trial he knows how the soul dies here. A person's soul here is poisoned and it eats their physical forms away, until the soul is left for the devil to take and judge.
TorqueDawg rolled over and looked at Sparklez with weary eyes. He coughed then said to him, "Heh... Better start building a coffin... Damn. I can't even take dying seriously..."
With those words being his last, the man fades away. And nothing was left of him. TorqueDawg cease to exist, in this world or ours...
Sparklez was too busy in his own pile of guilt and regret to help everyone else through the trial. No shifters appeared for Soren and Ivor because they already hated each other. While Harper was too busy keeping them from physically harming each other. The shifters were getting a laugh at this.
Romeo and Magnus was faced with a form of Ein, which they held back on attacking. No matter how many taunts the shifter threw at them. It called them Mutts, Filthy dogs, peasants, fools. Any name you can think of to insult a werewolf was thrown at them. But the two walked through it, and they made it to the end.
Anthony didn't have anyone to hate, except people who thought cookies sucked. Though you can't put that onto one person. He made it through as well, soul safe but a little grumpy.
And Stampy. Well, even the shifter didn't know who he hated was. All the shifter could see in the man's mind was a tall man in a cloak that covered his whole body. So when the shifter became that, all Stampy could do was laugh.
"What's so funny?" The shifter said in a squeaky voice.
"Because," said Stampy, "you don't exist!"
"What? No! It's me! You hate me!" The shifter growled.
"How could I hate something I made up?"
"But you... how could... what?"
"No idea, but I assume it's because I'm not dead. So move aside, I have a quest to finish!" Stampy hollered.
The shifter stuttered while Stampy walked past, tapping Sparklez signalling him to go. Harper dragged Ivor by the ear to the end of the trial, and Soren reluctantly followed.
One more trial done, one less test to do, and one more 'S' removed from Stampys forehead. When they reached the next gate they were greeted by three angels. Tabbris the angel of self-determination, Sariel angel of guidance, and Jophiel the angel of enlightenment.
The three angels looked at each other. Then Tabbris said cheerfully, "Hello young and mortal ones! Do you wish to continue you quest for new life?"
Ivor turned to Soren and whispered, "I thought these bible angels would be much more sophisticated."
"We can hear you old one." Sariel budded in.
"Old one? I'll have you know that I'm forty-three!" Ivor argued.
"Yes, and we're over a millennia old." Jophiel added.
"You. Sleeping man with the hoodie. Come here!" Tabbris ordered.
Stampy took a step forward towards the angels. Tabbris, Sariel, and Jophiel all looked the same. Except the fact that Tabbris was much more fit, Sariel held a staff, and Jophiel didn't wear armor like the other two. So technically you could tell them apart.
Tabbris and Jophiel each put one hand on Sariels staff, and they lightly tapped Stampys forehead with it. Just like magic, there was one less S on his head.
"Believe that you can do it!" Tabbris encouraged.
"Watch out for the paws." Sariel warned.
"Also, the trial is fighting a twenty foot, three headed lion." Jophiel added.
"Good luck!" Said the three angels in unison, they opened the gates and pushed the group in before slamming the gates shut.
Stampy and friends were greeted by bones and left over limbs of past humans. And like the angel said, there was a three headed lion already fighting someone else.
So Soren and Ivor decided to cower their way out of the situation by inching against the wall amongst the body parts. Anthony decided to join them and Stampy was too, before the lion turned and each head let out a roar.
"At least their in tune." Magnus joked. But now wasn't the time for jokes, as the group spread into different directions.
Romeo and Magnus stuck together and jumped into the pile of bones, either to hide or for satisfactory they didn't know. Anthony and Harper were running, dodging, and hiding from the lions swishing tail. That left Sparklez and Stampy who almost got crushed by the lions mighty claws.
But in the piles of bones Romeo noticed something, burning? Ash? Something smelled like it was burnt, and through a little peephole in the bones he saw an old face which he hasn't seen in three long weeks. It was Xara.
She had some sort of bone armor on and a bone sharpened to become a sword. How long has she been here? At least a week in order to make all that stuff. But how was she able to survive? Romeo thought. Was he crazy? Probably. Because what he did next took some alpha courage.
Romeo took arm bones (that were still intact) and jumped out of the pile. Then he threw the arm at one of the lions ears causing it to twitch. When Xara looked over at Romeo he grabbed her hand and said, "Run."
Before the lion could turn one of its heads it was already chasing Stampy and Sparklez. "Panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic panic!" Stampy repeated.
"Why hasn't anyone killed this lion yet?" Sparklez complained.
They were being chased in circles until the lions front right paw was about to squish Stampy. And in a brave move, a move which was his last, Sparklez pushed Stampy out of the way and he was crushed by the lions paw.
"Sparklez!" Stampy wanted to yell, but instead he hid behind the lions food bowl in fear.
The three heads of the lion sniffed around, and they turned their backs to Stampy. That gave him the chance to go and sprint to Sparklez. But as he got their he was both relived and surprised how Sparklez survived that, though everything was twisted.
"Stampy," he said weakly, "Well, heck... You'd think I'd... know better... Still, it was fun while it lasted... Who knows... maybe the devil will take pity on me. The next trial... don't give in... don't..." But he died before he could even finish his sentence.
Holding back the tears Stampy stood up and was faced with the lion staring at him. The middle head was only a few feet away from him. It wasn't doing anything. The other heads were growling at the middle one, but he didn't do anything.
"What? What do you want from me?" Stampy asked in an angry tone.
The other heads sniffed the air and suddenly stopped growling. The lions body was now laying down like a cat. "Go. Eat me or something. Maybe leave me alone? What do you want?" He asked again.
Magnus jumped out of the bones, and Ivor and Soren stopped inching against the wall. Anthony and Harper were already at the end of the trial, and were waiting for the rest to run over.
Now it was only Romeo, Xara, Stampy, and the lion on the field. When the lion inched closer, Stampy inched back.
"What in Notches name is that cat doing? I've been here for two weeks and they've never done this!" Xara complained.
"You look great by the way." Romeo joked. Though secretly he thought the bone armor made her look hot.
"That's so like you, Romeo. Who even allowed you to be alpha?" Xara argued.
Back to the main character, Stampy decided to do something he did with Winslow. So he picked up a bone and threw it to the left. The lions looked at it, but turned their attention back to Stampy. If it was Winslow then Stampy would do this test to see if Winslow wanted something from him. So he's basically doing this test again, just bigger. Well this is a BIG cat. Literally. He thought.
So Stampy came to the conclusion the lion heads wanted something from him. But what? Cat... I'm a cat person and this is a big cat... does it want a box? What box is big enough to fit a cat? Wait... does it want... oh for Notches sake!
Stampy reached into the pocket of his hoodie and pulled out a bag filled with catnip. The lions heads perked up one by one. They did want the catnip! So Stampy threw the bag away to the left and the lion got up and chased after it as if it were a ball of string.
When everyone was at the end of the trial they wasted no time to get to the next one. Stampy was still upset about Sparklez death, but he was almost at the top. Just one more trial Stampy. Just one more. He told himself.
The entrance to the final trial was like the first; an old archway with a sign that said Trial 7: Lust and nothing else.
"I guess everyone was too busy sleeping around to put a gate." Romeo suggested. Only to receive a punch in the arm from Xara, and a glare from the angel that guarded the entrance.
The angel that guarded this gate was Hadraniel the angel of love. He didn't look like cupid or any other romance idol. He was just a person. A person with a halo and big angel wings, and white robes that covered him with a little heart pin.
When the angel saw Romeo and Xara, he stared at them. When he looked to Ivor and Harper he laughed. But when he turned his attention to Stampy the angel smiled. "I've heard a lot about you from the other angels. You really are determined to get out of here aren't you?"
"Yes I am." Stampy responded.
"Well," said the angel, "when you're lover was here, she was determined as well. Love has many powers when the love is true. This trial will test that power in you. But first we need to remove one of those S's yes?"
The angel leaned over to Stampy and kissed his forehead. It probably wasn't meant to seem gay, but it felt that way. Regardless of the gayness only one S remained.
"Remember mortal souls. Love can cross the earth, withstand the storm, and it can conqueror even death." Said Hadraniel. With the flap of his angel wings he flew above them and sat on the rickety wooden archway, allowing the souls to pass.
But before they entered Soren grabbed Stampys shoulder. "Listen my little apprentice. You aren't the boy I once thought you were. You've become... better... to say the least. I don't deserve this chance to leave. Not yet. I can't even forgive myself for what happened in the wagon, so how could I forgive Ivor? I didn't pass Wrath. So I'm going back. Stampy... Do what this scholar could not... The world is in your hands."
When Soren started walking down the trail Ivor sighed and started walking down with him. "Where are you going?" Harper asked him.
Ivor stopped and looked back at the group. "I agree with Soren... for once. Go on, have an adventure! We'll meet again sooner or later. Goodbye friends!" With a wave Ivor turned and caught up with Soren. And instantly they started arguing again.
Harper turned back to the group and was greeted with confused faced. "What? I wasn't his boyfriend, I can chose if I want to leave or not. Now let's get through this, it'll feel great to see real life again!"
The trial seemed empty at first. Nothing there. Until they realized that they walked into some sort of meadow area. Trees and bushes were everywhere, but a dark grey sky and green sun still loomed over the sky.
They continued to walk through the trial until they heard moaning and rustling sounds coming from the bushes, even scattered clothes were on the grass. "I knew it!" Romeo called out.
"Ew." Anthony grumbled.
"I heard something about this trial. Close your eyes!" Xara called out.
Xara closed her eyes and Anthony, Harper, and Magnus joined her. Romeo rolled his eyes and had to heard the four like sheep.
Though Stampy didn't close his eyes, because a bunny ran up to him and was rubbing against his leg. He was already distracted. What kind of trial is this? It's peaceful so far, Stampy thought.
Since Sparklez was no longer with them Stampy had no idea what the trial was. In his opinion, this trial should've been Gluttony. This trial just sent out that vibe. But what Stampy didn't know was what was about to come.
You see, this trial was sort of like Wrath. Only shapeshifters would turn succubi/incubus into the souls crush, lover, sexual fantasy, etc. If the soul fails, then their soul is taken and their body is basically a slave to these sex demons.
When Stampy looked up from the bunny he saw so many people getting seduced by these demons. And it made him cringe. No wonder why Xara and the rest of the group had their eyes closed, it was to keep themselves from looking at them. But then he saw the third person who was missing. Lizzie.
Lizzie, had her hands over her face as one of the incubus demons was behind her, and thanks to the shapeshifters it looked like Dan. The demon had his arms wrapped around Lizzie and he was whispering something into her ear, besides other things. The incubus was also biting, kissing, and nibbling her ear as well.
Stampy turned away but was now face to face with a succubus that looked like Stacy. He closed his eyes and even put his hands on his face like Lizzie, but she grabbed his arms and moved them. "I've been expecting you~" She cooed.
"O-oh?" Stampy stuttered. What was he doing? He should be running away!
"Yeah. To be honest it was a lonely six weeks down here without out." She said.
Oh my goodness she sounds exactly like her. "R-really now?" Stampy said. What are you doing you flake! Run!
"Mhm. Remember six years ago before... you know... and we did the thing for the first time. We could do it again~"
"WHAT! I mean, wouldn't it be better to do it... privately?" What am I saying? Panic panic panic panic panic Panic PAnic PANic PANIc PANIC PANIC PANIC!
"Sure, why the hell not? I guess we're all old fashioned, nowadays people are willing to do it in the bushes. But I respect your decision."
Dang it Stampy! Why do you always get yourself wrapped into these sorts of things? First Grazer and now this! I'm about to be frickle frackled for the rest of my life by succubus Stacy! Hey they rhymed... NOT THE TIME BRAIN! PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC PANIC!!!
His thoughts only got worse when succubus Stacy grabbed him by his hoodie. Jebs Christ! Isn't a succubi's kiss toxic? Goodbye Stacy, I tried...
As the succubus pulled Stampy in closer for a kiss he was literally counting down the seconds he had yet to live. But then he had a plan. A plan so unforgiving, so sinful, so disgusting that it just. might. work.
Succubus Stacy was about to kiss him when Stampy put his plan into action. He slapped her. The succubus let go and touched the red spot on her face from the slap. "Why did you... what? Stampy... did you just slap me?" She asked.
"I know the truth succubus lady! I know you're not Stacy, because the real Stacy can't flirt if her life depended on it!" Stampy argued.
But there was no time for arguing, he punched the succubus in the breast and ran away. Lizzie actually saw this and kicked the incubus that was holding her in a very sensitive place, then she ran with Stampy.
"When did you die?" She asked.
"Run now, questions later! And I'm not dead!" Stampy told her.
Though no one was stopping them, they were running for no reason. When they got to the end of the trial they were back on the stone cold path of the mountain.
Everyone else already opened their eyes and once they saw Lizzie they mostly just waved at her. Though Stampy had a few questions.
"So. You like Dan huh?" He asked.
"Shut up!" Lizzie screeched.
The rest of the group explained to Lizzie why Stampy was here and how they need to get him out before the sun sets. "That's a shame. You'll miss the aurora borealis, it's green but still pretty." Lizzie said.
So over the an of a few hours Stampy met up with his old friends, went on trials based off the seven deadly sins, TorqueDawg died, Sparklez died, tamed a three headed lipn, Xara and Lizzed joined the party, Soren and Ivor left and, and he punched a succubus in the boobies. This is even crazier than the ten days the werewolves attacked. That's a record!
As they approached the light on the top of the mountain they where stopped by yet another angel, and another angel meant another gate. The gate was a mix of black and green, with a flaming sign that said Final Trial: Dtr45
The angel that guarded this 'final trial' was wearing a cloak of shadows so no one could see their face. Or body... or anything for that matter.
"I am Raziel. The Angel of mysteries. Do you wish to continue with the final trial?" The angel asked.
"Final trial? I thought these trials where based off the seven deadly sins!" Anthony pointed out.
"So what? Is there some sort of secret eight trial?" Romeo asked.
"Is it blowing stuff up? Please let it be that!" Magnus begged.
"No it's not that. I cannot tell you what it is, but if you do this trial then you'll return to the mortal world. You'll become a new person, no memories of your past life. Except you sleeping man. You get the lovely chance of waking up." Raziel said.
"I'm ready for this final test Angel Raziel!" Stampy said with confidence. The rest of the group (except Romeo) cheered.
"Then let it be so. And let it be written."
Raziel pulled a little shadow handkerchief from his shadow cloak and rubbed Stampy's forehead. The last S disappeared and then Raziel vanished.
Only courage stood in the way of Stampy and the trial. From waking up. And with a deep breath Stampy walked into the trial, otherwise known as the Dtr45.
Note: Ooo the final trial is coming! And here's a little explanation. Thanks to my co-writer EthanBrine he came up with 7 out of 8 trials. I came up with pride (because lions) and he came up with the rest.
Fun fact: Dtr45 was a mistake. A volleyball hit his laptop and that came out. And I told him that we're using this, so here you go!
So if List made you mentally scarred... Thank Ethan. He's even a professional M rated roleplayer! Good job buddy!
Another fun fact: The Lions names are Simba (Middle), Scar (Left) and Mufasa (Right)
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