Shadow Moth
(Cat Noir's POV)
I only have an hour left until I turn into a Werecat again. If Shadow Moth ever comes out of the shadows again, I'll claw him. No! Not like that. What was I thinking? This curse is making me wanna attack my father when I feel threatened.
"I can't take it anymore with my father, milady. If I don't smile with my teeth for the ad, he'll ground me forever." I said, prickling my fangs with my clawed finger.
"What's wrong with how you smile? Teeth or not, you look handsome in the ads, no matter what" Ladybug said.
"Yes, but It's not my dream. I wanna do something I like than being told to." I gave a sad sigh.
"Oh, kitty." She scratched my ears which made me purr.
"But I think being Cat Noir is my dream to be, milady. I feel free as the wind" I purred with my eyes closed due to how relaxed I am as a cat while milady scratches my cat ears.
"That's the positive part of your dream. I got plenty of dreams." Ladybug said.
"And what's that? To be my future bride when we are adults?" I flirted.
She scoffed but I can see that she wants that, "You wish. You don't know who I am underneath my mask."
"All the girls are fighting for Adrien, no one fighting for Cat Noir. Maybe someday you will tell me who you are." I smirked.
"What are you gonna do, bite my neck like a vampire?" She teased me about my fangs again.
"For the last time, I'm not a vampire. They're just....cat fangs. Reminds me that tomorrow is my photoshoot for the Halloween magazine ad and my father is making me look for a girl to be in the photoshoot with me. Lila and Chloe are not my options" I said, looking at the moon, only 30 minutes until I transform again.
"How about Marinette? She....um.....maybe you can ask her to be your model partner" She stammered a little.
"Marinette? Well, she's better than Chloe and Lila, sweet and kind but quite a shy girl." I said.
"She's the best fashion designer. I heard she designed a hat for you before. She's got great inspirations, don't you think?" Ladybug said with a little blush.
"Yes, she does. You remind me of her." I said with a smile.
"Well, except I got blue hair." Ladybug said.
"I'll think about it. But whenever she sees me, she kinda...stammers a lot. But I guess she's just too shy to talk to me. I danced with her once, and she was okay with it. But if she sees me with my teeth, she'll freak out. She cannot know about this. First my teeth, now I think my eyes will shift to feline eyes and I got nothing to cover it" I said, explaining about Marinette to her and she had a little blush.
"We'll see. If that's the case it will be big trouble." Ladybug said.
"I can't let anyone see my eyes or my teeth. Unless....you have eye color contact lens to cover it" I said, praying that I don't become a fugitive.
"Hmmm, I think I do have some." Ladybug said.
"Great, come with them by tomorrow, if possible," I said.
"I'll remember to drop them by early in the morning in your bedroom. It's better to be prepared" Ladybug said.
I groaned from feeling myself transforming again, "It's time. I hope the vial works" I jumped off the roof and hid in the alley. I felt my body transform again.
(Ladybug's POV)
I hope the potion works because I care about my secret love. If Shadow Moth sends out an akuma or a sentimonster, Cat Noir will feel threatened. I could hear his yowling again. I jumped off the roof and went to find him in the alley.
And there he was in his werecat form again. I jumped down in front of him.
"Cat Noir? Are you in there?" I asked nervously, hoping he still has his human conscience in that form.
He looks at me, studying me like I'm some kind of different person. It took him a few seconds to recognize my scent. He let out a purr and circled me, rubbing his head against my neck.
"Uhhh.....glad you can recognize me, kitty. Good big kitty" I giggled that even as a gentle monster, he's probably showing his good side since he can't talk. I petted him on the head, making him purr cutely.
"Are you gonna eat a bug, kitty?" I asked to see if he has his human intelligence and shook his head no.
"Do you remember me as your lady?" I asked him again to see if he remembers me. He nodded at me, it's working.
"Looks like you got your human conscience back. Okay, now tell me. What does Chloe make you feel?" I asked him and he gave me a low growl of disgust.
"Right, nobody wants to befriend her anyway." I agreed.
He gave me a pout that she was his only friend for him when they were young, but of course, they no longer remain friends ever since Chloe got akumatized as Queen Banana.
"And Lila? Do you still see her as a liar this time?" I asked him and he nodded with a cat hiss.
"I take that as a yes." I petted him again and licked my cheek to show kindness to me, "Hehehe.... that tickles." I couldn't contain my giggles.
Just then, he growled in suspicion like something is lurking around. He sniffs a scent and he growled at something on the roof. He jumped to the roof and I followed him.
"MEEEOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!" Cat Noir extends his claws out, glaring at the villain we haven't seen in months. Shadow Moth.
"So we meet again Ladybug. I see you brought your werecat with you." He said with a cold voice.
"I tamed him and he's in a better mood until you had to ruin it" I used my yo-yo as a shield.
Werecat growled and stood in front of me, protecting me since cats are very territorial.
"Oh that. Time to put you animals back in my cage" Shadow Moth mocked us and charged at us.
(Werecat's POV)
No way am I letting that villain intimidate us like that. Time to get wild like a panther, Adrien.
"RAAAARHH!!!" I leaped at Shadow Moth, protecting milady.
"Get off me foul beast!" Shadow Moth struggled with his cane against me. He pushed me off and I landed on my feet.
"GRRRRR!!!" I circled him to corner him.
"You want a catfight? You got it!" He creates a senti-monster in form of me but white. You have got to be kidding me?!
"RRRRRAAAGH!!!" The white werecat senti-monster growled.
"See if you can handle my pet!" Shadow Moth said.
"Kitty, I'll fight him while you take on White Kitty." Ladybug said.
Though I'm worried if Shadow Moth takes her earrings but I trust her. I growled at the senti-monster and we fought ugly like a catfight. We bit each other and struck our paws at our faces, hissing, and growling. I can't use my cataclysm or it will cause the senti-monster to go out of control. Shadow Moth is controlling the senti-monster and the amok feather he put it on is that keychain Effiel tower. Just like Mayura did once when she created a senti-ladybug.
I was able to pin the senti-monster and knocked him out, I rushed towards Shadow Moth and tackled him down grabbing the object that contains the amok and tossed it to Ladybug.
She crushed it and the senti-monster dissolves into nothing. The amok feather was released and my lady purified it and let it flow freely.
"Hand over the miraculous Shadow Moth or this cat will" Ladybug threatened our enemy.
"Not until I get yours next time!" Shadow Moth hit me in the face with his cane and managed to get away from jumping roof to roof.
"MEOOOOOWWWWW!!!!" I yowled in anger that he hit away again. I almost had him where I wanted him. That coward butterfly and peacock man!
"Almost." Ladybug sighs in defeat.
I groaned that I'm gonna transform back to human again. I jumped off the roof and hid in the alley.
(Ladybug's POV)
I jumped off the roof to get to my kitty who is morphing back to a human again, along with the torn catsuit flashing back to its regular normal catsuit.
"He got away...again. I was so close" He collapsed but I caught him in time.
"Well, I did put up a fight, did I?" He looks up at me.
"Yes, you did. Like two male lions fighting to be king," I said.
"Well next time Shadow Moth won't get away." Cat Noir got up on his feet.
"Thank god you didn't kill him," I said.
"If I killed him, I'd be no hero." Cat Noir said.
"Do you remember everything as a Werecat?" I asked, hoping he remembers everything.
"Yes, yes I do milady." He said.
I carried him in my arms to take him back home. He looks exhausted from battling that sentimonster but I can tell he was much stronger in that Werecat form like a panther. Adrien or Cat Noir, he's so dreamy that he's like my prince char-meow-ing. Why didn't I notice that Cat Noir is Adrien the whole time?
Once there, he transformed back to Adrien and I saw no injuries or claw marks this time. I turned around to not look so Adrien can get changed.
"Thank god you didn't get injured this time, Adrien," I said, looking at the window.
"Nine lives, milady. I fight like a cat. Especially like my feline cousin, Purple Tigress" He made a joke.
"Oh, kitty. You and your cat jokes" I giggled.
"Okay, you can look," He said as I turned around, noticing he's wearing black and green pajamas.
"I'll remember to bring those contact lens early in the morning. Maybe around 5 am." I assured him.
"Thank you, Milady." He thanked me.
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