(Marinette's POV)
The next day as Ladybug, I was at Adrien's mansion and I saw he had minor black fur on his arms and legs like stockings. He was freaked out but I calm him down since I'm there for him. At least he's holding onto his humanity since I know he's a strong kitty. I also made him not lick his fur like a cat since he can't fight the urge.
"Oh, Adrien. It does not look good." I touched his hairy arms.
"Is the cure ready yet? If I transform at night, I might not be able to turn back again." Adrien was nearly tearing up.
"Just calm down. It should be ready until noon. Give it time until the formula is right. If you try it too soon, you'll get stomach pain" I said.
"Alright then." Adrien understood.
"I feel scared that everyone will see me like this" Adrien wrapping his cat tail around my waist since he's too stressed.
"As long you stay here and as Cat Noir, nobody else will find out," I said.
"Don't forget that Hawk Moth feeds on negative emotions to akumatize, you'll need me as Cat Noir." He gulped his glass of milk, "Tell me about Cat Blanc. I'm really worried why you fear of him...well, me per say"
"It's a bit of a story but you sure want to hear about it?" I was hesitant.
"Yes, please. I never saw you so distressed and scared of your nightmare. You already know mine but now I don't know your new nightmare" He begged to know since we have no secrets for each other.
"I don't know what happened because Bunnix brought me to the future where Paris was covered in high tide water, everyone including my Hawk Moth and my future self was cataclysm into ash statues underwater, and the Eiffel Tower was knocked down. But when I saw you, you weren't yourself as Cat Blanc and you became obsessive and twisted due to loneliness for days or weeks. You wanted to take my miraculous to make a wish to make everything go back to the way it was. It was horrible and I had to fight you to de-akumatize you. The cause of it was that you found out my identity when I left a beret gift for you. But I don't know what made you got akumatized. That is why I fear if you found out my identity, you would become him" I explained the whole story to him.
It took him a few seconds to process, "Milady, I didn't know that would happen. But know this" He carefully held my chin up, "I'm not letting Shadow Moth akumatize me because I don't work for villains. And I would never ever become twisted or evil like that white cat from your nightmare. My love for you made me strong. As long as I have this with me, you won't have to worry about the akuma attacking me" He held the magical charm.
I giggled and held the magical charm, "I think this charm needs a new theme" I opened my yo-yo and puts the charm in it, and out came a black with green spots magical charm.
"Thanks, Purr-incess." He took it and put it on.
I scratched his cat ears which made him purr in happiness, his tail swishing back and forth due to how he's feeling right now.
"You're welcome, Adrien." I then hugged him.
He rubbed his head against my neck and purred with love and affection. I hear my earrings beeping due to how long I've been Ladybug, it made my kitty groan in disappointment.
"I'll see you at noon with the cure, my kitty. Be a good kitty for me" I scratched his ears.
"Okay." He replied with a sigh.
"Do you need a kiss, kitty?" I asked with a grin.
He smirked and pulled me in for a kiss. Whoa! He really needed it since he's been tortured enough with the curse. His whiskers tickled my cheeks a bit but no matter what he is, he's still the love of my life. Chloe or Lila would reject him easily if he was mutated into a partial cat. But for me, I would never reject him.
"See you milady." He said.
And with that, I yo-yoed out the window.
(Adrien's POV)
I looked at the new magical charm that my lady gave me. Just like the theme of my alter-ego. Now she doesn't have to worry about me becoming Cat Blanc. Hopefully, he doesn't exist in her nightmares again. Maybe he might exist in mine since he nearly tried to kill her and that's what I fear, losing the love of my life.
"Give me a break, I'll never understand you humans falling in love!" Plagg complaining.
"Well, I'll guess you need to learn," I said to Plagg.
"I'm a kwami and I never learn about humans" Plagg munched on his cheese.
"The only thing you like learning is that cheese. And basically, I'm a human and the owner of the cat miraculous" I said, licking my furred arm but stopped since I don't wanna cough a fur ball again like I did early this morning.
"Well, you gotta teach me more about love," Plagg said.
"You barely listen to me when you listen to your stomach" I rolled my eyes.
"So do you. You never like fish or pigeons to eat" Plagg said.
"Oh yeah. But in this form yes." I replied.
"Well if I'm right, I wonder how yours and Ladybug's would be, kittens with ladybug wings" Plagg joked.
"PLAGG!" I hissed like a cat at what he just said was very inappropriate.
"Sorry!" He gave a sheepish grin.
"Seriously, we are way too young to be parents. As much as I do want to be a future father to our future kitten but not like this! Sheesh!" I lied down on my bed like a cat.
"Adrien I'm sorry," Plagg said.
"Apology accepted," I said.
"Are you gonna take a cat nap?" Plagg asked.
"Yes, until it's noon." I nodded while closing my eyes.
"The only thing I'm gonna hear is you purring in your sleep" Plagg goes back to the shelf filled with Camembert.
"Purring calms me down, Plagg. Now let me nap in peace, please" I said as I took a nap.
It was 2 hours until noon and I waited for my lady to show up with the cure. I walked on all fours pacing back and forth to wait for her. I know she's smart and always finds a solution to the problem. That's what I love about her.
"Any second now she's here," I said.
"You pacing back and forth is gonna make you savage like an animal," Plagg said.
"Right." I stopped what I was doing.
"Please walk on two legs this time. You want to keep your conscience as a human, right?" Plagg said.
I stood up and walked to the window, "I just can't wait to be cured."
"And I hope you get your humanity back. I can't stand to see you throw up fur balls" Plagg gagged.
"Plagg, cats will always cough fur balls" I groaned in annoyance.
"Yes but it's gross." He said.
"It's in their nature" I sighed and my ears perked at the sound of Ladybug's yo-yo coming this way.
"She's coming." I got up and saw her.
"Hi, Adrien." She opened the windows.
"Hey, bugaboo," I said my nickname to her.
"I got the potion. Ready to get your human life back?" She asked and hands me the purple vial.
"Let's hope this works." I took off the cork and drank the potion.
As I drank the whole thing, I saw purple colors coursing through my veins underneath my flesh. The fur on my arms and legs was shrinking and leaving with my real skin. Claws shrink back to my human nails; I quickly ran into the bathroom to look at my reflection to see if my eyes change back to human eyes which they really did. The tail shrinks and disappears into nothing, the cat ears disappeared and my human ears appeared back, the whiskers disappeared too. But one thing left is my feline fangs which shrank a little bit. I guess it's because my fangs appeared first, so I guess it's just to leave a memory of the night I was turned into a Werecat.
"It worked! I'm human again!" I screamed with joy.
Ladybug sighed in relief to see me back as a human again. She didn't think fast enough when I hugged her tightly at how happy I am that she cured me, "Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome." She hugged me.
Then Dad and Nathalie came in hearing us, "Adrien?" They saw me normal again.
I blushed that I'm caught hugging my lady and quickly removed the hug to straighten myself up, "Hello" I said shyly.
Dad approached me and then hugs me close, he rarely does that, "Adrien, you're back."
I didn't expect to get hugged by my father but at least he's happy to see me normal, "Y-Y-Yeah, all thanks to Ladybug finding the cure"
He let go of the hug and looked at Ladybug, "I believe I owe you a thank you to you, for curing my son." Father said.
"You're welcome, Mr. Agreste. But promise not to be too strict to him." Ladybug said.
"You know I can't promise that," Father said.
"But then again I did manage to cure him." Ladybug said.
"I'm grateful to you Ladybug. Thank you for helping me." I thanked her again.
"You're welcome, Adrien. It's my pleasure." She replied.
"See you again if I'm ever in danger" I kissed her cheek left and then right.
"You got it." Ladybug said before she left.
"Since now you no longer have that condition, you can go back to school again, Adrien," Father said.
"Thank you, father." I hugged him.
The next day, everyone was happy I was back. Chloe was too obnoxious as always to care what happened to me. Lila was about to lie about checking in my room the other night but I know she's making a lie because she broke into my room the other night as Volpina. I can tell by her lie that she has no heart to care for anyone other than caring about making excuses and lies to fool her victims and myself.
"Get off, Lila. I know you didn't want to check how I was doing the other night. Ladybug told me what really happened which was never okay" I gently pushed her away from me and hugged my best friend Nino for a few seconds and then to Marinette which this time she didn't stutter.
"Hey, Marinette," I said.
"Hi Adrien, I'm so glad you're back." She hugged me.
She and I know who we are but we promised to never tell anyone about our alter-egos.
"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! I could've taken care of my Adrikins, Mari-trash!" Chloe complaining again.
"Yeah, until you'll easily reject me like I'm a useless person to you, Chloe" I glared back at her.
"And for the record, you never respect anyone's opinions!" Marinette added.
"Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe scoffed but Sabrina smiled at us.
"See you after school, Marinette." I winked at her.
"See you too." She winked back.
After school has ended, I told my bodyguard and my father on the tablet held by my bodyguard that I'm gonna spend some time with Marinette at the park together. Even though that was a lie when instead, we are going to spend time as heroes at the Eiffel Tower.
We hid in the alley and said our transformation words.
"Spots on!"
"Claws out!"
We got to the tower and reached for the top. It started to light up since it's nearly evening. Such a romantic night for both of us.
"Now that we have no secrets, we can tie the knot" I teased her but she glared at me, "I'm kitty-ing milady. But I love that cute angry pout you make" I grinned.
"Very funny, silly kitty. As I told you, we're too young to be married and it's gonna be a very long time to build up a relationship with our double lives" Ladybug stroked my chin.
"Yeah, I know. But together we're strong." I held her hand.
"Really? I still see you have your pointy canines whenever you smile. Are you gonna get super jealous if someone stole my heart or are you gonna mark me like a cat protecting his mate?" She teased me.
I made a low growl as I brought her up close to make her sit on my lap, "Like Evillustrator or Copycat stealing my lady, never! You still the only lady of my nine lives"
"And you're the only man of my life. The purrfect one." She smirked.
"Was that a pun I heard, bugaboo?" I grinned.
"Yes, it was." She said.
Then we both shared a passionate kiss together. She played with my untamed hair as I purred in delight while I stroked her slender waist with my 'paws'. As we broke away from the kiss, I gently bit her neck with my pointy canines to mark as mine as I heard her moaned a little from the bite. Nobody and I mean NOBODY is gonna steal my lovely lady away from me. Marinette and Ladybug are both the same person that I fell in love with.
"I love you Cat Noir." Ladybug said.
"I love you too my Miraculous Ladybug," I said.
I purred in the crook of her neck, "My queen"
"And my king." She smiled.
"Tell me, milady. Are we still platonic or are we more than just friends?" I stroked her lower leg for an answer.
"Well, I don't know, given we confessed our love." Ladybug blushed.
"And accidentally revealing our secret identities, I say we are even. Now I know the boy you are in love with is me all along" I smirked and rested my hand on her waist.
"I'm a really lucky girl." Ladybug smirked back and we kissed again.
"After all, we live in the city of love, purr-incess" I purred.
"Mon Chaton, you know how to charm a bug. You can do better than that than your puns and flirts" Ladybug teased me.
"Meow, I can do more than just my puns and flirts. Can you resist this?" I did my cute baby doll eyes to make her resist me. Kinda like the puppy eyes.
"Oh my! So cute!" She got excited.
"I can still go on, bug eyes" I still kept going.
"Okay, that's enough. You're killing me" She giggled.
I stopped since she's had enough, "Cute as a cat, handsome as a model."
"Yep. I love both." She said as we looked at the sky.
I checked the time on my baton and it's 9:05 pm which means the curse in me is gone. I sighed in relief that I'm finally back to normal, except the pointy canines still on me but that's okay. At least it's not long like a vampire but a little shorter and sharp.
"I should get back home now Kitty." Ladybug said.
I kissed the back palm of her hand, "Miss you already, milady" I jumped off the tower, and pole jumped from building to building.
From that day on, Ladybug and Cat Noir have never been more closely than before, no secrets between each other to hide. Together they remain the heroes into the future.
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