Tagged by denkihee <3 (you've got a paragraph below)
1. broadwayschuyler I think we all knew this one was coming. I love you!! I'm so so lucky to have a twin who cares about me as much as you do! We also got lucky to share the same interests (although, you are my biggest competition in acting (; ) You're so beautiful and I wish you could recognize that. Keep singing, you'll make it on broadway, I know it.
2. lazylxsers you have been nothing but supportive to me and honestly I'm so lucky to have met you. You're writing is so amazing and I wish you'd give yourself more credit for how talented you are at such a young age. Thank you for everything. You're braver than you think!!!
3. -TotallyNotStraight Well, we've been friends for awhile now haha. Honestly, you're really the only person who has stuck with me for this long even though we've never met in real life. You're so kind and caring, I just wish you knew that as much as I do. Just know that you are enough. Keep staying strong. <3
4. tran_pan_blue you are such a kind person. You've stuck with me even after I fell off the face of the earth for so long. I wish I could be as amazing of a friend to you as you have been to me. Give yourself more love!! You are really really amazing and I wish you knew that!!! The Jeremy to my Michael, right? :)
5. Els_Bisexual_Eggos Hun, where do I even start? You deserve so so much love and support, more than I can give to you on my own. You're kind, and funny, caring, and just a great friend. I hope some day you can get away from your family to just be yourself. Maybe I can meet you in person when that happens. Hang in there!!!
6. hamham1O1 I'm so happy we met!!! It's been great getting to know you (and just from a Comment section at that!) Keep being yourself because honestly, you're amazing the way you are.
7. Evan_TheAcorn_Hansen you were the second person to ever follow me. (And the first was my sister) I remember how excited I had been when I saw the words "Evan Hansen" next to a picture of Kurt Hummel. I was like: "OMG SOMEONE ELSE LIKES BOTH OF THESE THINGS TOO." And I had only gotten to the third season of glee by then (I have watched the whole series by now). Never change who you are, I'm so lucky to have met you!! You've always been so supportive. Believe in yourself!
8. save_the_trees I know I've said it a lot, but, I'm so happy I met you! You've been so kind and caring. You're funny, understanding, and an amazing writer. We should talk more!!!! Us It Stans gonna stick together, right?
9. denkihee I dunno if I'm doing this right by tagging you but I wanted to (you obviously don't have to do this again). We haven't know each other for very long but I can already tell how amazing you are. You are such a good friend, that I know, and I'm so lucky to have made it into your list of 15
10. MetalChicken My bro! We don't talk enough! I wish I could meet you sometime just to give you a hug. I hope Everything is going smoothly in your world! <3
11. ew_thats_straight we've been friends for awhile too! You're such a goofball and I'm so lucky to have gotten to know you. We should talk more!!! Be yourself, you're perfect the way you are (although changing yourself if it's what makes you feel better is okay too haha) whatever makes ya comfy.
Is it cheating if I call it quits? I don't really have too many people I'm really close to except you guys. I'm sorry if I forgot to add someone (leave it to me to do that). I love you all so don't take it personally! <3333
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