"So... you didn't have to fight, and you brought both of your siblings?"
Ellie's disbelieving tone made me offended.
"What, is it that astounding to have all three of us serve him? Your House should be more than satisfied! It hurts that they don't think I'm enough in the first place!" I scowled at him as I dropped my siblings to the ground inside of the dining hall.
"Well, no one ever expects to see all three of you at the same time... You're usually getting in trouble for something or killing, Song is doing her Saint duties, or Akeldemos is being locked up for another few days."
I frowned at him. "So?"
"And you're practically all the 'warriors' of the world... One of you alone could claim an entire world as yours. It's obvious your brother did." Ellie cast a slightly nervous look at him.
"We could, plausibly, but I would never. Song is too pure to do something like that... Hey, what's with that face!?"
He coughed. "Nothing. Jean?"
I heard her running down the hall, appearing in a few seconds as she arrived, excited.
"Did she do it? Wait-" Her eyes widened at the sight of my sister's body lying on the floor, one of her wings casting a long shadow over their enormous table.
"Killia? Who did you kidnap?" She scolded immediately, eyes flicking up to me.
I gaped at her, annoyed. "I don't kidnap! My name is not Kidnapia, it's Killia! That's my sister, by the way."
Her eyes widened so much I thought they would fall out of their sockets. "Your sister? The Saint!?"
"That's the one," I sighed, nudging her with my foot. "What a drag."
"It's an honor to have her here! Killia, don't kick her like that!"
"Whatever. She's waking up, by the way, and so is Akeldemos. You wanna consider getting the kid in here at some point?"
She glared at me and yelled,"John!"
Just as my siblings began to open their eyes, the shit came careening through the doors, panting. He spotted me and ran to my side, hugging my waist.
"Killia! You're okay, right?"
I smiled, patting his head. "Yeah, kid. Look, those are my siblings! They'll be your beasts from now on."
Jean visibly panicked. "The Saint as my son's beast? Killia, don't say that!"
I shrugged. "It's true. I'm not doing the work to return them, and none of you can do that. So we're gonna keep them for John. Alright?" I stared her down, and she frowned, nodding reluctantly.
"Killia," Song slurred, her pale blue eyes opening as my brother struggled to get out from underneath her. "What did you do?"
Akeldemos shoved her off and wriggled away, gasping. "Song! You weigh too much! Oh, Killia! Why'd you knock me out?"
I glared at him and aimed a kick at him, gently pushing John away at the same time. Akeldemos' eyes narrowed in anticipation as his wings bristled, ready to block it.
A pale hand shot out and caught my leg, making me pause as the updraft of both of our movements sent the table flying. My gaze landed on Song as she leveled a sharp look in my direction, her other hand held out in midair to keep the dining table floating.
"No fighting..." She started.
The room was silent as the three of us simply threw nasty looks at each other, Akeldemos at Song, Song at me and me returning it to Akeldemos.
"Um," Ellie mumbled,"is there a mutual hate in between all three of you?"
I ignored him and sighed.
"No fighting with smaller beings around," I finished sullenly.
"Smaller beings..." Ellie mumbled.
Song relaxed as Akeldemos folded his wings back, my foot landing on the ground.
"No. We just get into arguments once in a while," Song said pleasantly.
"We work based on what Killia says, so it's really not that odd-"
Song scowled at Akeldemos, and he shut his mouth, face paling as they both looked at me.
I laughed nervously. "Don't listen to them," I said, flapping my hands. "No one works based on what I say. We all have our individual agendas."
"Yes, yes," Song agreed. "Oh, are my wings bothering you? I apologize." She had noticed Jean's admiring eyes and her wings slowly shrunk to a more human size.
"Oh, no, no! They're just so different compared to Killia's..." Jean cast a slightly disappointed gaze upon my black wings, and then looked at my brother, who had the same to offer.
"Hey now, Jean, don't forget I've been protecting and teaching your kid for three years already. I do a plenty good job of it," I grumbled.
"Yes, but...couldn't you have prettier wings?" She complained.
I cranked out the best smile I could, annoyed. "No. I'm already pretty good looking, what the hell? Isn't that enough?"
"Speaking of the kid, is this the one we're supposed to contract with?"
I turned around to see John trembling as Akeldemos looked him over.
"Demos! Get away from him. You're scaring him."
My brother seemed too excited about the fact that I had called him by his nickname to care about John anymore as he darted towards me.
"Oh, you called me Demos! You're such a cutie, you know that?"
I scowled at him and smacked him down, hearing Song's sigh as he cracked the floor when his cheek hit. Ellie and Jean flinched away, slightly shocked.
"You idiot! Don't scare my charge, you ass!" I ground his face into the crumbled marble.
"So adorable," he groaned, half unconscious.
I growled and left him alone as Song patted my shoulder. "Leave it, Killia. Explain to me why we should all be contracted to a fairy boy?" She glanced at John, who seemed to fear her a bit as well as he inched away. "A child can't have our power as his to use, don't you think?"
"Aw, come on, Song," I pleaded, giving her puppy eyes. "He's not spoiled, I promise. Besides, this is sort of for me. You see, I'm almost up with my kills, and I need his parents' houses to back me up..."
She studied me and sighed. "Sweetie, couldn't you have done better than a fairy child? I could've provided you with an angel child, or Demos with a demonic one, why a fairy?"
"Don't make their race out to be so bad, Song, they're very decent," I argued. "Also, their magic tastes good, did you know that? The younger magic, anyways."
She suddenly narrowed her eyes at me, irritated. "You ate his magic because you sensed it, didn't you? You sense every magical summon every day! And you fell for a fairy?"
"You make it sound like we're romantically involved, Song. He's just a kid. Besides, they used my summon design! It's been ages since someone used it. I couldn't help myself."
Her expression softened as she petted my head, making my wings quiver in happiness. I loved it when my sister doted on me.
"Alright. But only because you wanted it, okay?" Her eyes locked on something behind me, and she reached over me to grab my wing.
"What's this? Why are your feathers pulled out in patches, Killia?" She fretted, worried. "You usually take good care of them."
I sensed Ellie swallow behind her and Song whipped around to look at him.
"Did you have something to do with this, sir?" She asked sweetly, eyes screaming murder.
(Note: Song is as much as a siscon as my brother. She's just much better at treating me, so I can appreciate her affection.)
He looked at me pleadingly.
I sighed. "It's okay, Song. I got hurt a little when we were summoning you."
"Oh! My bad. I'm sorry." Her murderous intent disappeared as she smiled, the angelic aura once again appearing. Even Jean seemed unnerved by her sudden change as she slowly backed away towards her husband.
"N-no problem," Ellie stuttered, slowly relaxing.
"Turn around, Killia, let me see your wing. I'll heal it for you."
I smiled. "Okay."
I swiftly spun around and couldn't help the odd purr of contentment that rose in my throat as Song's humming reached my ears. She used her music as her way to heal, accomplishing both a soothing and healing effect at the same time.
"Okay, you're done. You had small scratches on your neck and wrists and your waist too, are those fine?"
I beamed up at her. "Yes! They'll heal on their own."
She smiled gently at me, patting my head again. "Good."
"Why can't you like me too, Killia?" Demos groaned as he sat up, his long, pointed ears flicking bits of marble off of them. Impressively enough, although two of us siblings were in different stages of demonization, our angelic appearances due to genes were still there, so we looked just like Song. Really, the only difference between demons and angels were the colored wings and the dark magic.
I frowned at him. "Because Song is better than you. Even if she is a siscon, at least she isn't as much a weirdo as you."
Song laughed smugly. "You see, Demos? Killia loves me better."
"But whose example did she follow? That's right, mine!"
Song scowled. "Whatever."
I heard Jean murmur,"So these are the legendary three siblings? And the older two are fighting over the younger one's affection? It's different than what I imagined."
"Sorry to disappoint, then, Jean, but they fight over me a bit," I said, turning around to look at her. She jumped in surprise, apparently not expecting me to have heard her.
"Um, Killia?" John's nervous voice came from the doors as he approached me.
"Yeah, kid?" I asked, turning around and smiling.
"These are your siblings?"
I nodded. "Yep. See, they're gonna be the beasts, okay? And you'll be a better master now! This way no one will hurt you, okay?"
He smiled at me. "Yes."
I patted his head and turned around to my siblings.
"Time to become owned beasts, guys."
So, yes. Siscon/brocon tropes. Sorry lmao. They sorta interest me because there are some that are utterly disturbing and others that are actually sweet. I'm trying for the sweet one here, if it wasn't clear.
See y'all in a while! We'll be wrapping up this first "arc" in a few chapters! This is only meant to be a prologue to the main story. Expect about six or so more chapters before we finally arrive to the Academy!
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