"So, Killia, how has your position been going lately?" John's father eyed me. I had to be careful with my thoughts around him because he'd managed to somehow unlock the ability of mind reading, and he didn't seem to like the way I called John "shit."
"Not bad," I mumbled, staring down at my nails. They were long and sharp. I applauded myself mentally, and Ellis scowled. Yes, John's dad was called Ellis. I called him Ellie.
"Any reason those nails are so sharp?" He questioned.
"Yeah. My last murder was pretty annoying before they were dead, so I had to turn to full demon mode. I can't kill anymore, though. One more soul and my wings will turn completely black." Right now they were a supremely dark gray.
"And can you still defend my son without the last resort to killing?"
I snorted. "Last resort? Really, Ellie? That has always been the first solution. But yeah, I can. It's not like I'm a deadweight as soon as I can't kill."
"Well, it is why they named you Killia," Ellie muttered, ignoring the fact that I called him Ellie.
Half spawn were always named after their first act. My first act had been killing my mother in order to survive. So they named me Killia.
I had a half sister who had been born a few years before me, and the first thing she'd done was sing(how, don't ask, because we had obvious advanced intelligence)and my mother had named her Song.
She'd taken care of me, concerned over how my wings had slowly darkened several shades over the years as hers remained the pure white of a halfling that was still clean. Eventually she'd allowed the big dude up there to hire me as his translator of sorts between worlds, hoping he'd keep me from turning my wings black. I'd been nineteen back then, having just graduated from the academy.
He'd just given me one look and told me the location of my mother's grave, where all the women he blessed with children(sorta like the lady the mortals warbled on and on about giving birth to Jesus without all the stuff in bed)were buried.
And then he told me about what I knew I'd been named for. I'd killed my own mother for her blood and her soul, and it became my form of survival, the reason that Song had been so upset about my wings. I'd unknowingly chained myself to the need of souls and blood as food.
Now it was necessary for me to kill, and I kept myself alive on the weird creatures of Hell that managed to crawl up. And boy, were there a lot. Devil down there was apparently having a hard time.
And of course, I'd reached my limit of kills at one hundred years old, just when life was actually getting good for an immortal bitch like me.
One more and I'd be cursed to the depths of Hell.
Jesus got me, though. Said he'd figure something out between now and my next kill.
For now, I had to eat and drink storage souls and blood. That was nasty.
"...next year, John will be going to the academy...are you even listening, Killia?" Dang. Ellie had caught on to my thought stream.
"Me? Nah. Let's go over my contract," I suggested.
Ellie grumbled but turned his hand over, palm up, and said,"Temporary contract number one, please. The halfling Killia, aged ninety-eight, signed over to the fairy child John Aster, aged eight."
The air shimmered and I watched as my contract paper materialized in his hand. He handed it to me, and I unrolled it, reading like I did every month.
"So, this is my last year to decide whether I'll sign another contract to be his permanent guardian or renew this temporary one, right?"
"Yes. While the House of Aster wouldn't mind you leaving, Killia, you're the only halfling to have ever been summoned, and you're also the only halfling to have ever signed to any other creature besides a mortal. The fact that you're able to be summoned means you were decided as a dangerous being that needed something to attach them to the Heavenly Realm."
"Sometimes I wonder if I should've interrupted my own summon and waited for a mortal to call," I mumbled absently. "You fairies have some intense magic."
"You said my son's magic tasted like tacos, Killia."
I frowned. "Really? It tastes like ice cream now. Salty caramel. Or maybe it just tastes like Starbucks."
He took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. "Killia."
I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, Ellie. Look, I'll consider signing that permanent contract, but you have to consider something too."
His expression lit up. Ellie was very eager when it came to protecting John, I'd learned over the past two years.
I narrowed my eyes. "I need the House of Aster and the House of Commons to defend me if I have to kill."
His lips pressed into a straight line. "The House of Commons? Killia, you are also asking Jean's house to defend you? You know my wife can convince them, but it will cost you one very good murder."
I smiled. "I believe it should be good. Hey, I'll even make it better. If you manage to convince both of your houses within a week, I'll sign that permanent contract as soon as possible. How 'bout it?"
Ellis hesitated, then nodded. "Alright. Deal."
Hmm. Maybe I should be nicer.
We shook hands, and I handed my contract back.
"And tell that damned academy that Killia Aster should be there in a year or so. I'll be showing up with a fairy pipsqueak." Ellie seemed to be reassured by my first claim as I dipped my head at him.
John burst into the room as both me and his father stood, sneakers going squeak squeak squeak as he jumped up and down.
"Yeah, John?"
He noticed me calling me by his actual name and stopped, straightening. "Hi, Dad. Killia, Mom said we should head off to the mountains since I can't sleep."
Can't sleep my ass. John could sleep like a bear hibernating in the winter when he wanted to.
"Okay. Head outside. Grab my haladies, will you? Mind the blades. Don't want you to become fairy meat too soon."
"Right!" He bounded off with a parting,"Bye, Dad!"
As soon as he was gone, Ellie looked at me.
"Did you just ask my ten year old to get your haladies?"
I shrugged. "Yeah. What of it?"
I left too. Ellie could go take a shit in a bush for all I cared. And fall in it.
I paled as soon as I realized I was still close enough for him to hear my thoughts and set off at a run as he shouted,"KILLIA!"
So much for kindness.
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