Small taps on the window in my room made me wake up, ears twitching.
"What the hell?" I muttered, squinting against the bright sun pouring in.
John was no longer sleeping on my wing, and as I touched it, the feathers were at my body temperature, meaning he'd left quite a while ago.
As I shaded my eyes with my hand, I saw a huge group of demons outside my window.
I stared, the demon that had tapped on my window staring back as I stood up and opened it.
"Are you coming from my brother?" I asked roughly.
The demons nodded, bowing. "Yes, Miss!"
I narrowed my eyes, stretching and yawning. "All right. The same deal as always. I'll do it with minimum pain and you guys pretend I beat your asses. Deal?"
"Whatever you say, Miss!" The demons said simultaneously.
"Then, are you ready? Serve me well in the future, as you do now."
They all nodded eagerly again, expectant.
"Take care."
I gathered some magical force and blasted it outwards, stopping it just before it hit the demon closest to me. The resulting wind blew them away, except for one that I caught before his companions disappeared into the sky.
"Hello, Kros, how are you today?" I glanced at the elderly general as I swung my legs out the window and sat down in mid air with him.
He smiled kindly at me. "I am fine, Young Miss, very fine. Is there something you need?"
Kros was a demon general that had been born centuries before me, and was just as old as my mother and father. Because my father couldn't take care of me after my birth, due to his duties, Kros instead became my guardian until I hit maturity at 20. He was a very grandfatherly figure to me and often helped me with issues I needed aid with.
I frowned. "Yes. Demos is making trouble for me and my charge, but I can't see to that at the moment. Albeit, I did practically force him to make a contract with the kid, but there's no need for him to fuss so much. Also, if you could help me make sure Father doesn't hear anything about this?"
Kros smiled again, standing up and bowing. "As you wish, Young Miss."
I blinked and he was gone. Probably teleported home. Although he was an old bag of bones, he probably still had enough magic to level an entire country.
I turned around and stepped back inside my room, the window closing behind me with a bit of wind. I took a step forward to teleport to the dining room, arriving to a plate full of meat covered in soul gravy and a glass of what looked to be the usual blood.
Why were the things I had to eat so cliche? I'm not a fucking vampire. It's not my fucking fault Mom thought it was a great fucking idea to try and feed me some magic right out the fucking womb. Now she has to wait to reform herself or whatever. Jesus Christ.
"Jean, this is magical blood, right?" I said, sniffing the air as I sat down. "I've told you, I'm not a vampire."
She looked down at me from her place further up the table. "Oh, I'm sorry, Killia. I'll get the spirits to bring it."
I yawned in reply and began eating my food, storing the glass of normal human blood in some space to my right. As soon as I pulled my hand back out, a different glass landed on the table, this one sparkling with magic.
"Thanks," I murmured under my breath. The tiny dots of light that had set the glass down twinkled and disappeared.
"Killia, I heard some odd magicians have been running around on the mountain. Be careful when you take John there." Ellie finished his food and glanced at me.
I waved my hand. "No problem. I'll take care of him."
"And, also, I got what you needed. Come by my office later so you can sign the permanent contract."
My ears flicked in surprise, poking my hair with the pointy tips. "Really? Holy shit. Alright then, I'll see you when we get back from the mountains."
Ellie really had gotten the promise of two prominent fairy houses to back me up, huh? I'm impressed. Fairies are far from being capable at compromising half of the time unless there's some really big reward for them. Guess Demos and Song were a good enough compensation.
Ellie looked disappointed by my thoughts. "Killia, we're really not that shameful of a species..."
I gave him a disbelieving stare. "I've been around long enough to know I'd have to pay an arm and a leg for a favor from any of you fairies if I wasn't a contracted beast. Don't bullshit me, Ellie."
He glared at me and sighed. "Some of us are decent, we're not all like that. It's just the heads that are."
"Huh. By the way, I know John isn't allowed at any gatherings yet, but as a potential heir, he's obliged to go to the one before he starts school, right? Is there a need for me to accompany you?"
Jean left the table as I asked this, calling out John's name into the hallway so he could leave with me for the day.
Ellie frowned. "Actually, yes. They would all like to meet John and the powerful demon angel beast of his." His frown deepened in disapproval.
I flicked a finger in acknowledgement, watching as my bare plate lifted off from the table, my empty glass balancing precariously on top as spirits carried it away. "I see. I'll be prepared, then. It's a week before he leaves for the academy, right?"
Ellie nodded, his expression plainly showing his annoyance at the idea of his son finally being introduced into society. "That's right. I hope you don't find it bothersome, Killia."
"I do, but there's nothing I can really do about it. Thank you for the heads up. That brat of yours is coming, so I'll see you to sign the contract later."
He smiled tiredly, then stopped me with a hand as I began walking towards the doors.
"I see he isn't the shit anymore?"
I tipped my head to the side. "He asked me to stop calling him that. My master's orders are absolute."
He sighed, dropping his hand. "I understand, that's good. Killia, have you ever considered studying emotions?"
I gave him an odd look. "No. I don't think I have the time to sit down and read up on it. I study enough by living with you three, don't I?"
Ellie gazed at me, then inhaled slowly. "I suppose so. Maybe you'll understand more as you grow. Also, Killia, I'd like you to adjust your body growth and your current size to John's today, in preparation for the way you will start living when you enter the academy with him."
I bowed my head. "I understand. I'll do it right away. John, you can come in now, I can sense you out there."
John grumbled, plodding into the dining room. "Killia, are you really going to change now?" He asked excitedly.
"Mmhmm. Come here, I need you."
He ran to me, stopping as I grabbed his shoulder and studied his figure.
"Alright then, me as an eleven year old, huh? Here it goes."
My bones crackled as I shrunk down, reaching John's exact height, and unfortunately, my chest also slowly grew smaller, my body turning slightly bony. My wings became a little smaller, and last but not least, my pointed ears shrunk as well. Everything else was the same as before, from my intelligence, brain development and facial features to my wing color and magic power.
I opened up an eleven year old Killia sized space next to me, stepping inside of the white space to rapidly wear the right clothes.
Backing out, I turned to look at Ellie.
"Good enough?" I asked, spreading my hands out. "Your kid is pretty tall, huh?"
He smiled. "Thank you, Killia."
I bowed. "As you first ordered me when I was summoned, I have adjusted myself to my master's growth and size so I can seem like any other child growing alongside him, aside from power and abilities. My first promise is fulfilled. Are you sure this is what you want it to be?"
Ellie nodded. "This is good. You can leave now."
Alrighty then. I turned to see a star struck John as he gazed at me in amazement.
"Let's go, John."
He broke out of his surprise and smiled brightly at me. "Okay!"
Holy fucking shit. It's been a while since I updated, huh?
The chapters might seem odd, because I did indeed go back and adjust how Killia reacts to the summoning of her brother. Instead of being a reaction of fear, she is now scarily annoyed by the idea of him, which is confused by Ellis as also being terrified, like he is.
I've had 10 and 9 in storage for a long time, but because I didn't really like how they turned out, I decided to hold them back until I got to this chapter. With any luck, anyone who actually read this will find it nice to read instead of confusing and annoying.
Anyways, the climax of this little prequel is coming up quite soon, but beforehand, I think I might upload a chapter I wrote, which details Killia's summon.
Please continue to enjoy this, if anyone is still reading! Thank you very much!
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