Chapter 8
Joey Sup my dudes it's time for another chapter but this time we have a special guest though I wouldn't call him a guest more like another author for this chapter but I present the one and only
Chuck Norris:Chuck Norris other wish know as me and now it's time for this chapter to take off also play he music whenever
On the phone
Joey:yes I know what I did was a bad idea but come on we helped you out
???:I know that but did you have to do it in such a loud way
Joey:that was your brother Michael and the only one who was left was Azreal other then the new one in heaven
Michael:I'm not really surprised you know about this and what do you mean only one left there should be more then thousands if the old ones died
Joey:Michael they've been draining all of there powers till they were dead from it
Michael:but why
Joey:I know that the A.O.D's would allow devils to reincarnate the dead and alive with some restrictions and would ask the soul of it wanted to be alive again but they made evil pieces with the power of the A.O.D's so they could reincarnate who ever they wanted
Michael:how could they even do that
Joey:they want powerful servants at any given point no matter the cost like what Rias little sister of Sirzechs did with all her pieces with help from her brother as all of them were put in chose to live or die and I'll make you my servant anyway as she pretended to be a savior
Michael:I see thank you for telling me this old friend
Joey:you,Lucifer,God,and all the other archangels and Lucifer's personal demons know me scene I was born so yeah and you all helped protect my family so I'm returning the favor but I would do it even if you I didn't own you a favor
Michael:I know and that's what made Hod so interested in you he never knew what path you would take nor anything in your future
Joey:well even with some strange eon or event many things can become possible
Michael:True and this is the end of this call so bye
Joey:See ya later
I then hang up on the phone
Haruka:come lay back down it's Friday night and tomorrow's Saturday
Joey:Alright fine
I then lay down and Haru then lays on top of me and wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my chest
I then wrap my arms around her
Joey:yeah yeah I know but you're also Mine
Meanwhile in Wolfs and Lovotas room
Lovota:get back here and finish me wolf like the animal you are
Wolf:why of course Lovota
Okay then let's not dig any further there cause I don't feel like writing a lemon yet but a little tease yes
We then look outside the house to see someone on the roof sitting down
Chuck Norris:I do not need sleep but only the blood of my enemies
Joey:stop with the monologue we're trying to sleep here go onto of the city tower for that and be like Batman
Chuck Norris:you're right about that and I need to jump off it and do a superhero landing
Joey:sure just don't cause too much damage to the ground
Chuck Norris:sure
He then goes to the top of the building and starts monologuing then he jumps and does a superhero landing
Chuck Norris:why do people say that hurts the knees that actually seems like something you should do every day but more like jumping out of an air plan level high now time to return home as every one is as sleep except for Lucifer probably having sex with Chloe
Meanwhile with Lucifer and Chloe
Lucifer:oh my you found my love handles detective let's see what else you can find
Chloe:I don't mind digging around
Alright then that's enough of that and let's continue with this onto Saturday
Timeskip activated :Saturday morning
Haruka:who the fuck as enough balls to interrupt my cuddle time
She then goes to the basement and into the container to find a shotgun loaded with dragon breath rounds
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(In case you don't know what it is and I think the cover picture is more then enough to tell you how pissed she is eh)
Haruka:come to mama because someone interrupted my cuddle time with daddy
Shotgun:yes use me and kill the ones at the door
Haruka:oh shut up you stupid soul in a shotgun and ah there's the mute button got to thank Joey for that
She then goes up the steps and goes to the front door and opens it to reveal Rias and sona
Haruka:you better have a good reason for this or else this shotgun will live up to its name of Hell Fire dragon shot
Rias and sona gulps loudly at hearing this
Rias:well some exorcists have come looking for you so we were wondering if you wanted to meet them after school in the old school building
Haruka:very well we accept
Rias:But sho-
She get cut of as Haruka cocks the shotgun and don't even dare make dick jokes
Sona:you can close the door now and we'll be on our way out and we'll take that as a yes for all of you
Haruka:glad some of you have a Brian
She then closes the door and puts the shotgun under the bed just in case and hose back to the cuddling with me
Rias:Alright they have agreed to meet you here after school on Monday exorcists
???1:very well we'll take out leave
Rias:But who are you
???1:we don't have to show you our faces
Rias:Fine and I suggest that you be careful when you insult them or say something about the girls they have
???1:very well
And that's a
Chuck Norris:wrap
Deadpool:Alright someone has told me to kill you both and have promised 1 billion dollars so here I am
Joey:you thinking what I'm thinking
Chuck Norris:yes I am
We both then do a round house kick and send him into the sun
Joey:much better right
Chuck:right and we both hope you enjoyed this chapter
Joey:This is Joey
Chuck Norris:This is Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris/Joey:and we're signing off
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