Chapter 7
Sup it's ya author adof hitler coming back from hell
Joey:No this is my book anyway welcome to this chapter not written by dead again adof hitler not having history be remade but anyway onto the chapter and play the music whenever
Now then after the fight with the two perverts it's time to see a Lucifer vs fake Lucifer fight but we first no time to remember who the red dragon is but eh I'm just having fun but onwards to the fight and we also see the fake Lucifer sitting on a throne
Lucifer:Now this is something I expected to see the fake Lucifer putting himself above all others when the four are supposed to be equal in power and let's not forget you'll also turn down a deal if it doesn't suit your liking, well to bad ya big old cunt it doesn't work like that
Sirzechs:now now we don't need to put false accusations in everyone's head
Lucifer:you do realize you did that while rejected thing in front of the whole underworld
Sirzechs:uh guys how come I didn't know that
Other three devil kings:we did tell you but you were ah yes being a siscon
Lucifer:oh how the mighty have fallen so low and to think that you could even fall lower then you already have but to be far you were made by an angel that got casted out of heaven
Sirzechs:your wrong the original Lucifer wasn't casted out he was made by HIM so that damed souls after Adam and Eve sinned
Lucifer:actually that's wrong that's what made me get casted out of heaven as I'm the serpent that made them eat the apple well anyway let's fight Sirzechs as I would like to go home and drink with Joey
Sirzechs:very well there's and area that we can use
They are then teleported to a empty field by Sirzechs
Lucifer:this is the field that we fight on I would of expected a big coliseum but let's begin shall
Sirzechs:yes let's begin
Sirzechs then charged up a ball of Power of destruction which he then threw at Lucifer who took it head on
Sirzechs:Now that this fight is done
Lucifer:I wouldn't exactly call this done
Sirzechs:NANI. No one could survive that
Lucifer:well I'm not exactly no one now am I as I have told you I'm Lucifer Morningstar the devil
Sirzechs:No way it can't be true that your him
Lucifer:oh yes I am and I hope that you do enjoy the actual hell once you die
Lucifer then moved faster then the eye can see and then stabbed Sirzechs in the stomach with his hand
Lucifer:well talk about penetration eh
Lucifer then threw his body to the side
Lucifer:if you can survive that then I guess I'll let you keep the underworld a little longer
Lucifer then spread his wings
Sirzechs:I-I-Impossible h-h-how i-is t-that p-possible (going unconscious from blood)
Lucifer:Like I said I'm Lucifer Morningstar the devil and I've decided to take a little break from my vacation in LA
And as he said that magic circles from the devils appeared and Lucifer took that as his time to go
Serafall:what happened here Sirzechs
She then notices he's bleeding out
Serafall:hold on Sirzechs I'll get you back
And as that was going on Lucifer went down to the holding cells of the angels of death
Scene change:forgotten cells to everyone except a small few
Lucifer:so this is the place where they put my brothers and sisters but it seems so empty
???:L-l-Lucy is t-t-that y-you
Lucifer:there's only one angel that still calls me that and yes it is me Azreal
Azreal:s-so i-it is you
Lucifer:hold on I'm going to get you out of here
Azreal:Don't bother only one of the four houses can break theses
Lucifer:well then good thing I know a few people then
He then calls me
Lucifer:Joey I need you to get over here
Joey:let me guess need help freeing your sister
Lucifer:I need he- wait how did you know that
Lucifer:whatever can you get over here
Joey:yeah give me a second
Haruka:come back to bed we aren't done yet
Lucifer:what were you two doing
Joey:Just don't ask that but yes I can come and good thing I'm almost finished with Haru anyway
Lucifer:alright then see ya
He then hangs up
Azreal:so you got a member from the sin house
Lucifer:and how do you know these things
Azreal:that's a secret
A magic circle with the seven sins on it then appears and out came me Joey sin
Lucifer:I'm glad you could make it
Joey:eh don't worry about it this is important
I then take a look at the shackles and then out of no where they turn rusty and break off
Lucifer:what did you do
Joey:that's the thing I don't know what I did an dI think we should get her out of here as soon as we can because those shackles were draining her powers away from her and that's why there's no other angels of death they were doing that to all the others they drained them completely dry
Lucifer:Hey Joey you don't mind if you take her back to the house
Joey:I was about to ask you that question but I'll take her home
Lucifer:alright then I have something to take care of here
Lucifer then spreads his wings and I take Azreal home as to not get in the way of Lucifer destroying those cells
Joey:one last thing before I go wasn't there a new angel of death in heaven
Lucifer:Yes there is and the fast I destroy this prison the better
Joey:Indeed and I'll be leaving now
I then open a magic circle to my house and left Lucifer to do as he pleases with that prison
Well that's a wrap guys I hope you all enjoyed this and most of all I hope you guys are having as much fun doing this as I am and don't worry this angels of death thing isn't over just yet
Chuck Norris:You must have forgotten
Joey:you want to join in on this
Chuck Norris:Yes I do
Joey:that's fine then your in next chapter and this is Joey and
Chuck Norris:Chuck Norris
Joey/Chuck Norris:Signing off
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