Chapter 6
Sup my fellow readers and authors it's ya boy skinny penis nah I'm joking it's ya boy Joey with another chapter and play the music whenever
So now it's the time of the fight and Haruka and Lovota are beating up the third again but oh well moving on we have me and Lucifer against two perverts
Riser:Give up now Riser has already
He then bursts into flames
Joey:nice trick let me show you mine
I then turn into
Joey:And you think your hot my body it literally made of fire not like you could even dent my armor
I then charge at him but then relies these two are lustful so I turn into
Lust itself and now time to make my plan work
Lucifer:hehehe I guess I should just leave you eh
Joey:Sure besides you have that fake Lucifer to take care of
Lucifer:True, I resign
Announcer:Lucifer Morningstar has retired in order to fight Sirzechs
Joey:Now then time to get to work
I then cast an illusion over both of them and let's see what Issei's is
Now we are in issei's lustful fantasy with all the girls he's meet in a harem
Joey:so this is what you truly lust for
Issei:what who said that
Joey:me and I can grant you most of theses girls " never" if you just go to sleep
He then gets a neck chop form me and falls unconscious
Joey:To bad that was my doing huh now let's see Risers
Lord Phoenix:you are no son of mine get out
Joey:oh did he get the wrong thing oh yes he did hold on
I then change this
Lord Phoenix:Now son I know you love this human girl but you have to marry Rias
Riser:No I will not
Lady Phoenix:come in dear let him love that girl
Lord Phoenix:Fine I didn't really care anyway
Joey:oh my suck a twist in fate
Riser:who's there Riser demands it
Joey:oh it's only me and you don't have to pretend to be that arrogant perverted mask you made up
Riser:How did you know
Joey:I reveal that lustful desire you oh so wish could happen just surrender and Rias won't even bother you again or your parents
Riser:how do I know I can trust you
Joey:well then let's shake on it
Then my hand lights on fire with blue flames
Riser:I surrender
Joey:And just like that I'll hold up my end
Sirzechs:You have won this fight so what is your wish
Joey:You mean four as you said a wish if in the power of the four Devil kings
Sirzechs yes I did now what are they
Joey:1. Cancel the contract between riser and rias 2. Have Rias and Akeno serve the rest of there punishment 3. Keep Rias and Akeno after there done getting punished away from me and 4. Keep Rias away from Riser
Three of the devil kings:done
Then all of a Suden his foot gets lighted on fire
Joey:there all in your power so just say yes and the fire won't spread
The fire then goes up to his leg dangerously close to burning his dick very slowly
Joey:just say yes
Sirzechs:Fine Yes I agree
Then the flames disappear
Joey:also note you have two months to get this done before Rias and Akeno punishment is over
We then move on to Rias and Akeno
Haruka/Lovota:What's 100-7
Anyway we'll get back to that later as we now see all the devils asking for me to join them and me saying move bitch get out the way bitch to then all while I slowly change into my wrath and random devils running away
Joey:Much better
And that's a wrap guys and sorry for making this short but hey it's a fighting chapter now anyway hope you enjoy and this is Joey signing off
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