Chapter 2
Welcome back to whenever your reading this and what time your reading this and play the song whenever ya want to
Now it's the next day and the plan has just landed and now there unloading the containers and driving them to the house well the bigger one that is but the smaller one opens to reveal a
(Black hellcat)
Joey:Hello child
Everyone else:Can you not do that
Joey:Fuck off
Everyone else:Nah we're fine
Joey:Well come on we're wasting time(I then enter the drivers seat and Haruka takes the passengers up front and Wolf and Lovota take the back seats) you all better buckle up because I heard if you pass 150mph the police won't do jackshit about it
Joey: yeah yeah also no one touch the music driver picks the music everyone else shuts there cake hole
Everyone else:Forgot about that rule
Joey:you always do
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(1:19 to 3:40)
Everyone else:what the fuck
Joey:I always do that you know that
Everyone else:But why
Joey:My pride and want to show off duh
Everyone else:why did we let you drive again
Joey:Because I know all the roads here
Everyone else:okay we'll get the roads down next time
Joey:(phone rings) Yo want up dude
???:Did you really have to get in a police chase
Joey:oh come on chief you should know I love to do that and so do the police they never get any fun
Police chief:true so same time next week
Joey:sure see ya
Police chief:*chuckles* sure see ya
I hang up the phone and everyone else looks at me
Joey:hey look the school and they have a parking spot oh hell yes and it's around a bend
Joey:Thank you God and Lucifer
You then shift into 6th gear and go faster and then hit the breaks and pull the emergency break then shift back into 1st gear and drift into the the parking space getting a lot of attention on you
Joey:sup my dudes
Everyone else:Hey
Sona:well that was certainly
Sona:Yes Mr.Sin
Joey:why thank you
Issei:get out of here and let my friends back and leave your hot babes here for me
Joey:Hey Wolf mind if I handle this(In a very calm but angry voice)
Wolf:sure dude(I then walk up to Issei)
Lovota:I bet 20 bucks he breaks the right leg
Wolf:I'll say both arms
Haruka:I'd say all four limbs
Now we go back to me and Issei
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Inside Issei's mind as everyone else didn't keep quite about the bets)
Issei:Hey come on buddy it was only a joke(nervousness showing)
Joey:Oh really hehehehhehehehahahaha(insane laughter) four limbs to break wonder which one first
Issei:wow come on dude don't want to be suspended on your first day right sona
And there was sona sitting in a chair eating popcorn
Sona:I don't see a thing
Joey:let's see ah yes first the arms(a sickening crunch was heard and we see issei with both his arms twisted 360 degrees
All the girls except for Rias and Akeno:DO HIS LEGS,DO HIS LEGS,DO HIS LEGS
Joey:you heard the crowd Issei
Joey:Nah(and then another sickening crunch was heard)
And we see his legs twisted 360 and I walk back to the three
Haruka:Give me the 20 bucks guys
Then Wolf and Lovota give Haruka her 40 bucks in total
Sona:Alright to class while I show the new students around
(Timeskip to the end of school because that shit boring)
Me and the group are now walking away from the school into the park then we feel four presences behind and we turn around and see four fallen in human form and we all think disgusting
Four fallen at the same time:we would like you to go out with us
The four houses:HAHAHAHAHAHEHEHE you really think that we wouldn't see through your human forms
Fallen:so you knew what we were
Four houses:yes we did
And just like that the four fallen split up and take us one on one
Four house:foolish mistake
The four fallen then throw there light spears at us but I step in front and use prides shield to stop the attack
Fallen:was he that foolish he wanted to di-
Joey:Now now that's not very nice(as I walk out do the dust with no holes in me from the attack) to say
And then we see a green gas appear out of the cloud and see that Haruka now has deaths masks and wars amor
(Wars amor)
(Deaths mask)
And Haruka also has all of the fours weapons
And Lovota has changed her clothes to a shirt with the Yin-Yang symbol on it and the knee long shorts have an angel wing (right)and demon wing(left) on it while having a ball of white and black energy in her hands and now Wolf who has changed into his nightmare form
(Wolfs Nightmare form with the sickle and chain)
And also imagine green gas like cloud on the ground in a 20in circle
Fallen:No way it's the four houses but how your supposed to be
Four houses:Extinct yeah we get that a lot
Joey:but now let's just finish this fast because this was supposed to be a 15 minute stroll in the forest and then get back to my car and then go home and sleep so Wolf you mind
Wolf: No not really(the green gas then turns a darker green and then flys up to the fallen and they then fall down Brian dead)
Joey:Now then I am a bit hungry wonder how fallen angels taste
The other three:Really
Joey: Yes I am(as I then take out a box and stuff there body's inside which start to cook them and then a ding goes off meaning it's done and the fallen got washed while in there don't want them to be dirty when I eat them)
I then take the box which turned them into stew and eat the whole thing
Joey: tastes like steak
The three:really?
Joey:yeah now come on let's get back I'm also driving
The three houses:no
Joey:I have the keys
The three houses:Damn it
(Time skip because your basically Tokyo drifting it with some baby driver in it)
The four houses:Home Sweet Home
Joey:Now let's sleep
Three other houses:sure
Joeys and ??? bed room
Joey:Do you really have to strip down to sleep
???:Maybe or its because I like to tease you
Joey:teasing me most likely but who says I don't like it
I then lay down and ??? then lays her head down on my chest and wraps her arms around me to sleep
Wolfs and ??? Bed room
And they just lay down together
Note I will not reveal the the mystery girls until someone figures out the back to back thing and this is a give away and also the three other people that this story has in it are not allowed to help or guess
*door gets kicked in*
???:This is SPARTA
Head shot
Alright then hope ya enjoy this is Joey signing off
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