Hours later, loud music blasts through invisible speakers, the beat fast to get everyone in the party mood.
Drinks and snacks are passed around, people make small talk with strangers the master invited and I sit in the corner sipping a Diet Coke on my own.
How exciting.
"Hey there," a hot blond whispers as he slides into the seat beside mine, "I've never seen you around here before. Are you new or somethin'?"
"Uhh yeah." I shrug.
'But not for long.' I think, wishing I could leave with Heidi right now.
"The name's Kenny," He tells me, leaning closer to me and resting his arm on the back of my chair, "what do they call you?"
"They call me out of your league." I smile sweetly, imaging air horns blasting like in all the good vines.
"Ouch, you're savage," The blond grins, holding a hand to his chest in pretend hurt, "guess I'd better try my luck somewhere else, huh?"
"You guessed correctly." I smile again.
He slaps me on the back as he gets up to go and attempt to flirt with someone else.
I finish my Diet Coke, leaving me with nothing to do. Fun.
I get up to go and look for Heidi, but the room is really small and more people showed up than was expected so it's hard to move in here, let alone find anyone.
Since everyone is busy partying it's a perfect time to go through with our plan, I just hope we can do it in time and escape.
I spot the master chatting to Bebe, who looks as if she's met the love of her life, which she probably thinks she has. Poor girl.
The master, on the other hand, looks bored out of his mind. Poor guy.
A hand grabs my shoulder and pulls me through the crowd into a quiet corner away from everyone else.
I almost cry out, but when I turn my head to look at whoever grabbed me I realise it's Heidi.
"Listen kyle," Heidi whispers, "we haven't got long. Bebe is occupying the master by subtly hinting she wants a new lipstick, so we need to go now."
"Are you sure now is the time?" I whisper back.
"Now!" She repeats, her grip on my arm tightening significantly.
I nod and she removes her hand from my shoulder, instead taking my hand.
She pulls me back through the crowd, greeting random people as we pass to make us seem less suspicious.
"Oh my gosh Heidi," gasps Esther as we pass her, "I can't believe you're actually going to do it!"
"Haha yeah..." Heidi smiles awkwardly, trying to avoid a conversation before it starts.
"You go girl!" Esther grins, winking.
Heidi laughs nervously and waves with her free hand before dragging me away from Esther.
We dodge people dancing and finally make it to the door. Making sure nobody is watching us, we slip out of the room and into the empty hallway.
The lights in the hall have been dimmed almost to darkness, making me feel as if we are two characters in a horror movie waiting for the monster to jump out from around the corner.
"You told Esther?" I hiss as soon as the door is shut again.
"No! I told her about us," Heidi rolls her eyes, "I'm not that stupid, Ky."
The door opens suddenly and Heidi pushes me up against the wall, pinning my arms to the wall and putting her face close to mine so it looks like we're kissing.
"Act natural," She whispers, "don't blow our cover."
Three people stumble out of the party room, each of them appearing to be drunk out of their minds. Two blonds and a guy in a blue hat.
It takes me a second to realise that one of the blonds is the guy who hit on me earlier and now he's pushing two guys against a wall and shoving his hands into their pants whilst they make out.
"Hey," Kenny grabs our attention, "any idea where the bathroom is in this place?"
Heidi removes herself from me and points down the hall to where the bathroom is.
Kenny thanks her, licking his lips hungrily as he goes back to the other two males who are now quickly undressing themselves like their clothes are on fire.
"We should head somewhere more private," Kenny whispers to the two now shirtless men, "we wouldn't want Stanley to find us, would we?"
The other blond pulls himself away from the guy in the hat and takes the two by their hands.
"Let's go," He grins, "I'm n-no stranger to Stan's bathroom floor."
"Damn tweek," the guy in the hat laughs, "never thought you were such a slut."
"Watch out, Craig, he might be trying to overthrow us as King Sluts." Kenny jokes as he begins to lead them in the direction of the bathroom Heidi pointed out, leaving Tweek and Craig's shirts and a belt on the floor.
Once the bathroom door shuts, Heidi jumps into action. She grabs my wrist and runs down the hall towards the door she thinks leads outside.
Even out here we can hear the music from the party room so if someone left the room we wouldn't be able to tell, making this escape even harder. If anyone opens the door we'll be busted faster than you can say 'oh shit'.
When we reach the door, I give the door knob a quick twist to see if it's locked, but fortunately it's unlocked.
"Ready?" I ask Heidi.
"Ready." She nods.
I twist the door knob and open the door.
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