At precisely one o'clock, I hear gentle knocking on my bedroom door. I jump off my bed and open it to let Annie in.
She looks tired, most likely because she's never stayed up this late before, but if she is tired she doesn't say anything about it.
"I'm ready," she tells me as soon as the door is shut, "I know the plan, let's go,"
I laugh at her eagerness. I almost forgot how young she was, of course she doesn't understand the seriousness and dangers of what we're about to do.
It's cute though, how eager she is to help me. I bet Ike would've been the same.
Or would he? I don't remember what he was like. He might've hated me.
"Okay, but you have to be quiet. We have to avoid waking anyone up." I remind her.
She nods and holds a finger to her lips. I roll my eyes, but open the door again and lead her outside.
We creep past everyone else's bedrooms, wincing every time a floorboard creaks under our feet. The door squeaks loudly as we leave and slams loudly behind us, as if mocking us.
The hallways are dark; the lights have been turned off at some point during the night. Every step I take sends a chill down my spine and I feel as if I am the victim in a horror movie.
Annie seems fine though, her blank expression not showing any feelings as she tiptoes slowly beside me.
We reach the master's bedroom and my heart feels like it's about to drop into my ass from fear. If he's in there, one wrong move could wake him up and get us in trouble, but if it's not, he could be in his office or walking around the halls and we'd get in trouble that way.
Annie kneels down beside the door and presses her ear to it, listening intently for some kind of sign somebody is in there. She looks over at me and shakes her head, shrugging slightly.
"I can't tell if anyone's in there," she whispers, "if he is, he's either in his bathroom or sleeping. If he isn't, well... we're probably going to get busted tonight."
I bite my lip. That wasn't the answer I was hoping to hear.
"We're just going to have to take our chances." I whisper back.
We creep past his bedroom and start walking to the office.
The office isn't too far from the bedroom, but in the dark it's hard to see where walls are or when the corners are, so it takes us a lot longer to get there than we had hoped. When we do get there, we hear voices almost straight away.
"-been non stop ever since yesterday," Heidi's voice whimpers, "I need a doctor, now. Please..."
"I don't know if we can do that." The butler's voice says uncertainly.
"I'll have to contact my sister," Stan's voice sighs, "I'll have to do it tomorrow, she's probably sleeping right now."
Annie taps my shoulder to get my attention. She points towards the direction of the voices, which is most likely outside the isolation room, and then jerks her thumb towards the office door.
"Go quickly!" She whispers, "I'll guard the door."
I unlock the door as quietly as I can and then slip inside the office. I don't shut the door properly since it could make a noise, so I leave it slightly ajar.
Once I'm inside, I go straight to the desk. It has four small drawers and two big ones that are like small cupboards, the two computers on top and a small bin next to it.
I rummage through the bin quickly just in case, but it's only full of candy wrappers and scraps of paper with meaningless doodles scribbled on them of childish trees or dogs.
Next I decide to look through the drawers on the left side of the desk. The top one is where he got the lube from and there isn't much else in there, just an unopened Nerds box.
The next one is more promising. It has a stack of unfinished paperwork that appears to be the costs of everything in here.
I read through it, waiting for something to look suspicious or helpful to my hunt, but sadly it's mostly food and water, heating and all the power he's using up.
I put the paperwork back and try the cupboard below, but it's locked. Damnit!
I move to the right side of the desk and look through the top right drawer. It's full of random crap. Tape measures, rubber bands, random cables and various medicines, including an asthma inhaler.
Nothing useful seems to be in here.
The bottom one is almost as useless. It contains a bottle of 'Blushing Petals' hand sanitiser, a dog collar, some glue sticks and another key! It must be the key to the other cupboard, so I leave it aside for a second.
I try the cupboard underneath and luckily that one is unlocked, but sadly it's completely empty.
Now I have the key I can open the cupboard, presuming that's what this key is for. To my luck, it slides in effortlessly and unlocks the cupboard. Inside is one thing, a strange thing that I never expected to be locked in a cupboard.
A green hat.
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