The image above is close enough to what one of the characters is wearing, just in case nobody has any clue what I'm talking about.
The two girls turn to me and inspect my clothing, checking for any dirt, rips or anything cheap-looking, trying to make me look as presentable and neat as possible.
"His face is a disgrace but he'll have to do." Wendy says after failing to clean my face with a handkerchief and spit.
Both girls take one of my arms and begin leading me back through the place in silence.
As we take our second turn I spot a door similar to the one to my closet, but with black handles and a keyhole. Most doors have golden handles and no keyholes so this room must be special.
"That's the master's bedroom," Wendy tells me, "we're not allowed to go in there unless he takes us. It's very private."
"Very." Bebe echoes.
"He rarely takes us in there," Wendy continues, "You've either got to do something really good or something really bad."
They take me to another room with doorknobs instead of handles and coloured glass instead of plain wood on the door.
Bebe turns one doorknob and Wendy turns the other. Together they open the door and pull me inside.
Stood in a line are five other girls, all wearing different colour dresses. One is orange, one is yellow, green, light blue and indigo, like the rainbow but missing the first and last colours.
That's when I properly notice the colours of Bebe and Wendy's dresses, red and purple.
"Good morning, Wendy, good morning, Bebe." The other girls say in unison, staring at me in confusion.
"Good morning, ladies." Wendy and Bebe smile.
They release my arms and stand with the other girls at opposite ends of the line.
The line is facing a red chaise lounge where a tall boy with icy blue eyes is lying, staring at a golden watch with an expression I can't read.
The boy slides the watch onto his wrist then slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes sleepily with his slightly tanned hand.
His black hair is slightly flat on one side from where he's been leaning on it, but the rest of it is perfectly straight, the longer parts tucked behind his ears and his fringe gelled back out of his eyes.
He reminds me of Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler, only younger, cooler, more attractive.
He's wearing a white shirt with an S sewn onto the breast pocket, a black unbuttoned waistcoat with brown buttons, a blue tie draped across his shoulders and, strangely, blue jeans. He's not wearing any shoes, but he's wearing black socks. The golden watch adds a nice touch, taking a break from the doom and gloom of the black clothing.
He looks me up and down before his eyes settle on mine. I feel my face heat up and my stomach turn somersaults as he sits there for an uncomfortable amount of time without saying anything.
"Good morning," he says mid-yawn, "Kyle, welcome."
"How do you know my name?" I ask, "why am I here?"
He doesn't reply, much to my annoyance, but stands up and walks towards a small oak cupboard. All of the shelves are full of green-ish bottles, which I assume are alcohol, and different sized glasses.
He pulls out two small glasses and places them on a small table beside his chaise lounge.
Then, he opens the cupboard and pulls out a half-empty glass bottle and pours some of the liquid into each glass.
"Drink?" He asks as he puts the bottle back.
"Umm... no thanks, I'm too young," I admit, "but I do want some answers to my questions."
"Drink." He insists, gesturing towards one of the glasses.
He picks one of them up and returns to his seat on the chaise lounge. He sits back and sips his drink occasionally whilst waiting for me to accept mine.
I give in and take the glass. I hesitate before drinking, thinking of how mad my parents would be if they found out what I'm doing.
My throat burns when the alcohol hits it and I drop the glass accidentally. It shatters upon impact, the glass skidding across the floor, the alcohol staining the carpet.
All of the girls gasp and look worriedly from me to the silent boy, who's just staring at the broken glass on the floor.
"I am so sorry," I manage to say, "I didn't mean to-"
"Nicole," he interrupts me, "broom."
A black girl in a yellow dress quickly curtsies before rushing out of the room in search of a broom.
"Sir, do you want me to-" Bebe begins, but gets cut off by a single raised finger.
"No thank you, I'd just like Nicole to clean up," his eyes slide from the broken glass to me, "can someone please take Kyle to his room?"
I must've really messed up if he's dismissing me for a broken glass.
The girl in the green dress is pushed forwards by the girl in orange and the boy nods at her.
"Heidi, please take him to his room." He says, flopping backwards on his chaise lounge and shutting his eyes, indicating the end of the conversation.
Heidi, the girl in green, grabs me by the wrist and pulls me out of the room, not waiting for me to start walking. I trip over my own feet and almost walk into the door as it starts shutting before I'm out of the room.
We walk through the halls in uncomfortable silence and pass the room I woke up in earlier this morning.
"We just passed my room." I tell Heidi.
"That's not your room, we all wake up there."
We stop outside a large brown door with pink swirls and blue birds painted over it and the door frame. The handle is golden with small flowers carved into it and a small welcome mat sat in front of the door.
Heidi opens the door, revealing a small hallway with five doors, two on each side of the hallway and one straight ahead.
The doors have paper signs pinned to them with names written on them.
"These are our rooms," Heidi explains, "we all share with someone, except Bebe. The lucky bitch has a room to herself."
She opens the final door in the hallway and allows me to walk inside.
"This is your room." She announces, gesturing to the room.
A queen sized bed sits in the middle of the room, a bedside table at either side.
There's a dresser in one corner of the room, a small wardrobe in another and in the final corner is another door, which I assume leads to a bathroom.
A large tv screen is on the wall and a small coffee table is underneath it, the only thing on it being a couple of remotes for said tv.
A wide desk is opposite the tv, but there's no computer or anything fun on it, just a blank notebook and pen.
"Wow," I breathe, "this is so much better than my old room at home. Almost makes me want to stay here."
"You don't have to stay," Heidi whispers into my ear, shutting the door behind her, "I'm trying to find a way out. I'll be happy to bring you along."
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