are mom is Clara afton!
This is gonna be epic!!
Elizabeth's P.O.V
We we're in the park just having fun and a girl with violet hair walk up to us.
Normal brat:hey mom is Clara afton!
Chris:no are mom is Clara afton.
Normal brat:let's call are mom's then!
We all agree and called are mom.
Normal brat/The afton kids:MOM!!!!!
The brat's mom walk up to us.
Normal brat:now we're is your "real" Clara afton mom?
Mom teleported to us with her anamatronic form.
Ballora/Clara:yes kids?
Lina:mom this kid said her mom is Clara afton and we showd her who is the real Clara afton.
Mom tourn into normal and tourn around and she see the mother of the kid.
Ballora/Clara:you fake.
ther where blood in dad's hands with his knife.
William:nobody proteins to be my wife childrens.
He said as he pout his head into mom's left shoulder.
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