Night 4
Strings woke up once again, but he screamed the moment he woke up. "OKAY!! I AM GETTING ANSWERS!!!!"
He then looked down at his chair and narrowed his white eye. "CHAIR...PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM..."
He then placed all four of his arms on his desk and began pushing, screaming and grunting.
"COME ON!!! YOU...CAN...DO THIS!!!!" Strings screamed as he continued to push. "COME ON!!!! AGHHHHHHH-"
That's when he realized something...the chair was bolted to the floor.
"DANGIT!" Strings exclaimed as he slammed his head against the desk. "Why can't I move?! Why did Fritz even make me this way!? Is Fritz my Dad?! Should I call him Dad?! If yes, then why did Dad make me this way!? I have legs!!!"
He then sat up and turned to the animatronics...but was then given a bit of a surprise.
Popgoes, Sara, and Saffron were all looking at him...but they had their heads tilted, one eye narrowed, and their jaws open.
" guys heard that?" Strings said, looking from side to side.
Of course, the animatronics didn't respond, nor move from their confused/shocked expression.
"Oh, boy." Strings said before sighing and then grabbing his phone. "Okay...Dad. What now?" He said, pressing play.
Although? He still had MANY questions as to what had happened in the last call. Such as that noise Fritz said was his brother and what he meant by Bonnie having a 'rough childhood'. Was her mother abusive or something? Fritz didn't seem to be that type.
But then again, he trapped Strings in this chair...or maybe someone else did? Or perhaps this was a malfunction?
"Hello again." Fritz spoke on the phone. "So, I've decided to actually take breaks between recording these calls. Thought it would be smart, y'know?
Not many are left, but I thought I might as well make a good showing at the finish line. I didn't think recording these would be THIS stressful though. I mean, I don't even have any notes. No script. It's why I'm just rambling on and on and on. Sorry about that by the way.
So! I'm pretty sure you're confident with your job! So I think it's a good time for you to know a little more about me! I have a feeling you're curious.
Right, where to begin. I was born in November, 1968 in Texas. I lived a fine life up until my teens. Had no real problems with money, but we weren't exactly rich. My father was architect and my mother stayed home with my and my brother, Simon. You remember, right? We lived in the 'flats' call them apartments over there, I think.
It was decent, but then I reached 18 years old...and things took a rough turn when I got my first job.
Don't ask."
Strings almost shivered at that as he looked through the cameras, stopping Popgoes once again. He then chuckled. "Getting better at this."
He then saw the monitor in the server room glow red. So, he pressed the red button and then the yellow Badger Button. "There we go!"
"Anyway, I was involved in a serious head injury. Frontal lobe to be specific. But I survived the injury. There was a donor, a very generous one, who donated a huge amount of blood.
Whoever that person is, they saved my life. The whole thing was pretty strange. Maybe it was a team of people who donated the blood to me? Or maybe one person? I don't know.
But then, I made a risky move. I was healing, but paparazzi was always outside the hospital. I was only a teenager, just becoming an adult, so paparazzi wasn't exactly...the best treatment. I had just met death in the face, and I didn't want even more people other than the ones I loved getting in my face, asking me about my trauma and reminding me about it...when I want to do nothing but forget about it.
So? I convinced my parents to move to England. So, maybe on top of being a security guard, you can be a friend too.
Thanks for letting me talk if you listened the whole way through. It's nice to get these stories off my chest. My brother disappeared a long time ago and my daughter? Oh, she's only 18. How am I gonna tell her about that stupid job and my trauma-"
"Wait...he said his brother was talking to him yesterday!" Strings said. "How long of a break was that...?"
He hummed...but then he heard mechanical footsteps. He looked to the side...and screamed at the top of his non existent lungs.
There, standing right beside him was a tall and animatronic Badger...with glowing blue eyes. BLAKE.
Strings tried to back up, but he couldn't. Panic was rising in his chest and he couldn't help himself anymore. He screamed and screamed. "HELP!!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!"
Then, he saw on the cameras, Sara and Saffron climbing through the vents. The panic was as high as ever.
But then? Strings shut down. It seemed his programming had a function. Too much panic? Immediate shutdown.
Blake tilted his head before looking at String's now black eye. It had tiny red words on it.
Blake then saw some kind of hard drive in the back of Strings' head and then went back into the server room. But, as he let go of Strings, one of his lifeless arms tapped a random question, which was:
What inspired you to build this place?
"Ah! I like answering this question. Bonnie is the only one who asks though, but I still love answering.
What inspired me to build this place? Believe it or not. The animatronics weren't at all what you think they were meant for.
I get a lot of nightmares. Especially after what happened when I was 18. I had no way to deal with them. But then? One of my friends, online, told me something...interesting.
She told me of these...dream catcher or scarecrow type belief. They say, uhhh, maybe I'll make an example.
Say. You have a nightmare, and your dream is you falling off a building. Say you build a trampoline, small one probably, and then go to sleep. The belief is that you go to sleep, and the object you build goes into your mind! It was fascinating.
So, I thought I'd give it a try. And sure enough? It worked. I kept going and going, before I eventually settled with Popgoes and the gang.
They were pretty scary in their beta designs. But then, I remodeled AKA rebuilt them entirely. Then, I made this place.
Alright, that's all. Cya kid."
Blake came back with a wrench of some kind and then tried to dig it into the back of Strings' head, trying to get the hard drive.
Sara then came from above, hanging from the vent above. She tilted her head at Blake, curious.
Blake then ripped out the hard drive and it fell into his hand. It had writing on it.
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