2: First Day, First Impressions
Another Crappie Chappie! 😃
Your POV:
FOR FUCK SAKE! I was running down the sidewalk dodging people trying not to run into them. 'Ugh. Why the hell are there so many humans today?' After from what seemed like forever, I could see the school in a distance. To be honest, that place looked too damn big to be called a school. Looks more like a castle. OML IS THIS DISNEY WORLD? Lol it would be awesome if the Disney castle actually was a school and I would be attending it. Now that would be a dream come true. Any who, back to me running to school.
I stoped looking up at the huge flight of stairs that lead to the school doors... I'm so fucked. Welp! Better hurry up and get shit outta the way.
I was slouched over panting like a dog. 'God I need more exercise.' Standing up straight walking into the building caused me to get hit with a huge wave of anxiety. Looking down the halls made them look like they were getting longer. Yep I'm officially tripping balls now. I let out a deep sigh before rummaging through my backpack looking for my schedule. Pulling it out, I looked through it.
Homeroom: Mrs. Moon //room 120
1st: History
2nd: Art
3rd: Drama
4th: Social Studies
5th: P.W.01
6th: Gym
7th: Music
~/Go home/~
'Okay now let's stat heading to class.' Looking up from my schedule I see that the halls started to slowly-yet-qiuckly clear out. 'OFF TO HOMEROOM THEN!' I started to head off to class. As I walk I can't help but to see two tall guys. One with a short curly camo-green hair and one with short slim pastel-pink hair. 'There those two fuckers are.'
Dante's POV:
After from what seemed like a decade, me and Keith chose to start heading to homeroom. In the corner of my eye, I can see girls making goo goo eyes at me. Gotta admit I do like the attention. "Do you think it was a good idea to leave him/her like that?" Keith asks me. "Of course. Besides, I left her a note saying that we left without him/her and reminding him/her that school starts today." I say. "U-um. Okay." I stop and put a hand on his back. " What are you so worried about? I told you every thin-" "DANTE! KEITH!" 'Shit. ' I turned around to see a guy/girl with (H/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. "You fuckers have A LOT of explaining to do!" She/he yelled causing people to look at us. I let out a heavy sigh until I get cut off by someone. "I-it wasn't my fault! This was all his idea!" Keith says putting his hands up in defense then pointing at me. I mouth 'Dude! I thought we were friends! ' only for him to mouth back 'Sorry! '. "Of course Keith I knew that you didn't I tend to do this. I'm pretty damn sure that Dante dragged you into this." She/he says glaring up at me (ya ur short. Deal with it.) "Well it's not my fault you're a heavy sleeper." I say shoving my hand in my pockets. I can already see his/her hand ball up into a fist and raise it above his/her head looking REALLY pissed off. Welp. So long beautiful world. Goodbye to all the sexy mamas who I never got to date.
Your POV:
I raised my hand up getting ready to bring it down faster that you can say "Clash of Clans". That is until the tardy bell rings. "Ughhh great. Now I'm even more late having to deal with this bull." I say irritated. "We should get going to homeroom. The halls have already cleared out after what happened." Strawberry says digging his hands in his pocket then taking out a piece of paper which I suppose is his schedule. "Do any of you have Mrs. Moon?" He asks looking up with those adorable caramel eyes. "Cool I have her too!" I say. "Same." Dante says after me. "Well then let's hurry up and go!" I say smiling big before grabbing their hands then dashing down the halls faster than Sanic. All I can hear is their screams behind me, begging me to slow down.
knock knock knock*
As soon as I knocked on the door, everything went silent. Mabey this is the wrong class???
The door opens. "Ah hello! You must be the new student!" Says a woman with long dark navy hair and yellow eyes(Your a freshman while Keith and Dante are Seniors)who was surprisingly the exact height as me. We gave her a nod then she let's us in. "Sorry were late miss." Keith says scratching the back of his neck. "That's alright. Everyone gets lost on their first day. Now would you all like to introduce yourselves to the class?" She asks walking over to her desk. Keith walks over to the front of class turning to them. "Hello! My name is Keith Yamagata. I am 19 years old and hope we could become great friends." He says with a big closed-eye smile. Dante smiled due to the fact that all of the girls fawning(?) over him. He walks over to a desk in the second-last row by the window. Dante walks over to the front, ready for his intro. "Good morning." He starts off bowing. "My name is Dante Lee Jackson~ I am 19 and I do wish we could become friends- or possibly more~" He says winking at the girls causing them to fangirl. And now it's my turn. "U-um hi. My name is (y/n) and I'm (16-17). I hope we all could become friends." I say with a fake smile sweating a bit. I quickly walked over and took a seat beside Keith by the window while Dante Sat on the other side of him. "Ugh Dante why do you always try to attract girls to you?" I whisper to him. "First impressions matter." He says with a shrug. "And from your intro, they'll lable you as 'the shy potato'". He adds smirking. I growned before resting my head in my hand facing the window to take in all the details of the sunrise.
With this calming my anxiety down I ignore all the doubts I had earlier. Mabey. Just Mabey, this school year will be different.
OML THIS CHAPTER IS SO LONG! It's 1103. FRICKEN 1103 WORDS!!! I can barely feel my fingers anymore.
I would like to appreciate those who read this. This is just SO FLIPPIN AMAZING. LIKE I CAN'T EVEN! (lol idk what that last one is XD)
Any who~ See you guys later!
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