Game 13: Pairing Games Part 3
Had a Vote whether to do Pairings or Wattpad Users for the next chapter but got no votes :( , So I decided why not Pairings for the next chapter!!
Anyways let us have Silence for the wonderful Star_SHIPSS for giving us a Anthem!
"Make a wish upon a star, you are being watched from afar You could drown in a frozen lake, in you end your life's at stake Kill to save your life after all, or you will take a massive fall This is all for their enjoyment, wrecking lives within a moment Come and play our twisted game, let's just hope you have good aim"
"We are here to save our lives, you'll be holding bloody knives We never wanted it to be this way, underneath a mockingjay Not all can make it out alive, all you can do is survive In the end, we aren't a bore, that is something we know for sure I wish you the best of luck, in these games, you have to- FUCK IM DEAD NO-"
Thank You, Let's meet our Constants!
District 1 ( Joeirious and H20Joenoss )
District 2 ( Moolirious and WildBac0n )
District 3 ( SeaChoas and H20Cat )
District 4 ( PewDienoss and EvanLily )
District 5 ( MiniCat and ZeRoyalChoas )
District 6 ( Basicallyido Delirious and H20Vanoss )
District 7 ( Joenoss and H20Suniza )
District 8 ( RiCat and Jackiplier )
District 9 ( TerrorLadd and SunCat )
District 10 ( H20Cry and Delitoonz )
District 11 ( PewDieCry and Basicallyido Ladd )
District 12 ( Galty and SeaMexican )
As always May the Odds be ever in your Favor!
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
PewDienoss runs away from the Cornucopia.
Delitoonz breaks H20Cat's nose for a basket of bread. ( Wildcat broke Toonz's nose for Bread and Delirious :3 )
MiniCat sets an explosive off, killing H20Cry, Joenoss, Jackiplier and Basicallyido Ladd. ( Minicat is on a Triple Kill Roll! )
WildBac0n runs away from the Cornucopia.
PewDieCry runs away from the Cornucopia.
EvenLily runs away from the Cornucopia.
TerrorLadd finds ZeRoyalChoas hiding in the cornucopia, but ZeRoyalChoas kills him. ( Terrorladd also on a Killing roll )
SunCat takes a handful of throwing knives.
Moolirious kills SeaChoas with his own weapon. ( Moolirious also on a Kill Roll! )
Basicallyido Delirious, H20Joenoss, and Galty work together to get as many supplies as possible.
SeaMexican snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
H20Vanoss runs away from the Cornucopia.
H20Suniza and RiCat fight for a bag. H20Suniza gives up and retreats. ( No Fighting You too! )
Joeirious runs away from the Cornucopia.
Day 1
H20Cat tries to sleep through the entire day.
WildBac0n receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
SunCat defeats PewDienoss in a fight, but spares his life.
Galty discovers a river.
Basicallyido Delirious cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. ( 0_0 WTF )
Joeirious, H20Joenoss, ZeRoyalChoas, and RiCat hunt for other tributes.
EvenLily practices his archery.
Moolirious receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
PewDieCry, H20Suniza, SeaMexican, and Delitoonz hunt for other tributes.
H20Vanoss dies from hypothermia. ( -_- Seriously )
MiniCat searches for firewood.
8 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
H20CryDistrict 10
JoenossDistrict 7
JackiplierDistrict 8
Basicallyido LaddDistrict 11
TerrorLaddDistrict 9
SeaChoasDistrict 3
Basicallyido DeliriousDistrict 6
H20VanossDistrict 6
Night 1
H20Cat defeats MiniCat in a fight, but spares his life. ( Delirious has joined the threesome :3 )
EvenLily receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
PewDienoss passes out from exhaustion. ( Did Delirious run out of H20? )
Delitoonz is awoken by nightmares. ( Vanoss haunts Cartoonz for stealing Delirious away )
Moolirious fends SunCat, SeaMexican, and H20Suniza away from his fire.
WildBac0n questions his sanity.
Galty is awoken by nightmares.
ZeRoyalChoas sets up camp for the night.
RiCat kills PewDieCry with a hatchet. ( Was it Lily or Wildcat? )
H20Joenoss cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. ( NUUUU NOT THE THREESOME ;_; )
Joeirious falls into a frozen lake and drowns. ( Who was the Clumsy one? )
Day 2
Galty travels to higher ground.
MiniCat tends to H20Cat's wounds. ( Aww Mini and Wildcat helping their Uke )
ZeRoyalChoas makes a slingshot.
Moolirious is pricked by thorns while picking berries. ( Nuu babies stay strong! )
SunCat pushes H20Suniza off a cliff during a knife fight. ( Suniza you pushed Del off the cliff >:( )
Delitoonz camouflauges himself in the bushes.
RiCat overhears EvenLily and PewDienoss talking in the distance. ( Stalking much? )
WildBac0n and SeaMexican hunt for other tributes.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
PewDieCryDistrict 11
H20JoenossDistrict 1
JoeiriousDistrict 1
H20SunizaDistrict 7
Night 2
SunCat quietly hums.
Delitoonz fends H20Cat, Galty, and Moolirious away from his fire.
SeaMexican convinces MiniCat to snuggle with him. ( Aww cuties )
PewDienoss sets an explosive off, killing WildBac0n, and ZeRoyalChoas. ( Goddamni Vanoss!!! )
RiCat defeats EvenLily in a fight, but spares his life. (Vanoss or Wildcat, Who do you choose Puerto? )
Day 3
SunCat searches for firewood.
H20Cat receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. ( I wonder who it is from???? )
PewDienoss and Delitoonz work together for the day.
EvenLily practices his archery.
RiCat defeats SeaMexican in a fight, but spares his life.
Galty camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Moolirious chases MiniCat. ( How cute there playing Kill and Chase :3 )
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
WildBac0nDistrict 2
ZeRoyalChoasDistrict 5
Night 3
RiCat and Moolirious huddle for warmth. ( Hey Girl! )
EvenLily convinces MiniCat to not kill him, only to kill him instead. ( Who did it!? )
SunCat receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
SeaMexican poisons PewDienoss's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies. ( Karma is a B*tch >:3 )
H20Cat thinks about home.
Galty is awoken by nightmares.
Delitoonz attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. ( Damnit guys ;_; )
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Galty decides not to go to The Feast. ( Smart )
H20Cat severely injures RiCat and leaves him to die. ( Delirious wanted revenge for stealing his man )
SunCat sets PewDienoss on fire with a molotov. ( 0-0 Suniza did you do it? )
EvenLily and Moolirious get into a fight over raw meat, but EvenLily gives up and runs away.
Day 4
Moolirious searches for a water source.
EvenLily thinks about home.
H20Cat injures himself. ( They were to Rough ;) )
Galty stabs SunCat with a tree branch. ( 0_0 Revenge or Nahh? )
6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
MiniCatDistrict 5
SeaMexicanDistrict 12
DelitoonzDistrict 10
RiCatDistrict 8
PewDienossDistrict 4
SunCatDistrict 9
Night 4
EvenLily looks at the night sky.
Moolirious climbs a tree to rest.
Galty is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
H20Cat tries to sing himself to sleep. ( Wildcat is singing to Delirious ;D )
Day 5
Galty tracks down and kills EvenLily. ( Puerto wants Revenge! )
H20Cat tends to Moolirious's wounds. ( Aww Delirious tending to his lovers ^3^ )
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
EvenLilyDistrict 4
Night 5
H20Cat tries to treat his infection. ( NUUUU ;_; Rip in Pepperoni's )
Moolirious sets Galty on fire with a molotov. ( Flame on! )
Day 6
Moolirious shoots an arrow into Galty's head. ( Bulleye's xD )
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
MooliriousDistrict 2
H20CatDistrict 3
The winner is Moolirious from District 2!
Congratulations to MooLirious! I hope you enjoyed this Pairing Couples Games :3
I have a Bonus Round too!
The Bloodbath
MiniCat sets an explosive off, killing H20Cry, Joenoss, Jackiplier and Basicallyido Ladd.
TerrorLadd finds ZeRoyalChoas hiding in the cornucopia, but ZeRoyalChoas kills him.
Moolirious kills SeaChoas with his own weapon.
Day 1
Basicallyido Delirious cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
H20Vanoss dies from hypothermia.
Night 1
RiCat kills PewDieCry with a hatchet.
H20Joenoss cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Joeirious falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Day 2
SunCat pushes H20Suniza off a cliff during a knife fight.
Night 2
PewDienoss sets an explosive off, killing WildBac0n, and ZeRoyalChoas.
Day 3
No deaths occurred.
Night 3
EvenLily convinces MiniCat to not kill him, only to kill him instead.
SeaMexican poisons PewDienoss's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.
Delitoonz attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.
The Feast
H20Cat severely injures RiCat and leaves him to die.
SunCat sets PewDienoss on fire with a molotov.
Day 4
Galty stabs SunCat with a tree branch.
Night 4
No deaths occurred.
Day 5
Galty tracks down and kills EvenLily.
Night 5
Moolirious sets Galty on fire with a molotov.
Day 6
Moolirious shoots an arrow into H20Cat's head.
The winner is Moolirious from District 12!
Well I hope this Fabulous Pairing Games! I will have the Wattpad Users Games up and ready Tomorrow!
As always See You Next Time ^3^
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