50 Facts About Me Tag
Yo! I'm gonna postpone the Star Wars chapter that was scheduled for today and do this. I was tagged by BJKaplan to do this. Alright...here we go.
1.) Name
Caitlin. Megumi Raven is my role-playing name.
2.) Height
5'3...I'm slightly chibi sized, I know.
3.) Weight
That's an odd question. I don't care so I'll still answer but if I tag you, don't feel obligated. 100lbs.
4.) Age
5.) Birthday
Personal information alarm! Wee-ooh wee-ooh wee-ooh! I has supposed to be born on Halloween. Coincidence? I think not!
6.) Girl BFF
I can't choose. I pick Nicko_Heap, @aloranotgreenleaf, and Child_of_Hope.
7.) Guy BFF
What are talking to guys? I mean he's a butthole but I guess HeroofHyrule89. I'm not one to socialize, obviously.
8.) Crush
I'm doing people I fangirl about. Ooh, Avi Kaplan, Markiplier, AmazingPhil, Peter Hollens, MunchingBrotato, and Deadlox. What? I can't choose.
9.) Ever fall in love?
Ah, yes! With books of course! What else would it be?
10.) Favorite food?
Actual food wise, peanut pad Thai. It's amazing! I also am addicted to this crap that's like Reese's in peanut butter form. It's wonderful.
11.) Last text
12.) Battery percentage
13.) Eye color
Super dark brown, almost black. And they say eyes are a window a person's soul.
14.) Addiction
YouTube, video games, anime, food, and books.
15.) Favorite song
Why would you ask me that? I can't choose! I like I See Fire but also Last Goodbye and Into the West are beautiful. Peter Hollens version of course. Can you tell I'm a Tolkienite?
16.) Favorite animal
It's always been elephants.
17.) Favorite color
I like orange but I like green a lot too. Anybody who speaks the language of my friend group, don't comment on that. It just is a good color. It's also the color of my favorite t-shirts.
18.) Shoe size
6 1/2
19.) Sing in the shower?
Not anymore once I realized the vent in the bathroom makes it sound like I'm singing in every room in the house. But I never stop singing really. XD
20.) One wish
Ooh..I don't know. People to stop being stupid? Yeah, that's good. Be nice to people and stop being judgmental!
21.) Best time of my life
I have no clue. I really liked going on vacation to South Carolina when my brother moved there. That was fun.
22.) Country
Home of the people who turn against God, 'MURICA!
23.) Pets
Naoko, she's a shih tzu. I'm sure I have a picture on here of her somewhere.
24.) Plan on marriage?
If that's what I'm supposed to do, we shall see.
25.) Favorite subject
History probably.
26.) First kiss
27.) Insecure?
Geez, what kind of question is that? I mean, not really. I'm ugly and I'm proud! I do wish I could be like 9,000% less awkward.
28.) Ever self-harmed?
My goodness! Who made these questions?! No, I haven't.
29.) Who do you love?
My friends, dog, and family. And the love of my life, Markiplier. What did you think was coming next? Come on, you guys know me. And God of course!
30.) Who do you miss?
My niece, she passed away almost two years ago.
31.) Hair color
Reddish brown. Same exact color as my eyes.
32.) Relationship status
33.) Last song heard
O Come, O Emmanuel by PTX because CHRISTMAS!
34.) Biggest fear
Being kidnapped...it's pretty awful. Which is odd because I love reading and writing stories about it. I think I just found the root of my fear. XD
35.) Believe in ghosts?
36.) Something you hate
How people treat each other.
37.) Favorite TV show
I watch The Walking Dead, PLL, and The Big Bang Theory. If anime counts, FMA ALL THE WAY!
38.) Favorite movie
Series-wise, LotR and Star Wars. Otherwise, Dances with Wolves, it's AMAZING! It's a book to so go read it! Also, LotR is 9,000,000x better than Star Wars!
39.) Favorite book
40.) Jealous of...
Hm, I don't know maybe people who can do what they love for a job without a problem. Unless it's being an assassin, that's bad.
41.) Star sign
Um...that's satanic...
42.) Middle name
Time to make one up! I'll go with Aiko. I like that name.
43.) Worst habit
I have no idea. I say certain phrases a lot. Let's make this a game, comment down below which ones I'm taking about.
44.) Number of siblings
45.) Names of siblings
Brother, brother, sister, and sister.
46.) Sports you play
Cross country because it's awesome, track because it helps me do better in XC, and next year I'm starting basketball so I don't over-use any muscles and get injured...again. But don't get me wrong, I am NOT athletic in the slightest.
47.) Talents
48.) Embarrassing moment
All my daily awkward encounters, being starred at for being weird, basically just being Caitlin. Most embarrassing has to be bleeding on four chairs, there's a chapter about that on here called, "THE Embarrassing Story" The sad part is I don't ever really get embarrassed, I guess I'm just used to this by now.
49.) Future career choice
Hopefully a junior film producer at BuzzFeed meaning I make their videos and also am in a lot of them. Basically like YouTube but a legit job that you go to college for. It sounds amazing and I'd love to do that. If not then a Neuroscientist of focus specializing in human behavior. I don't want to do anything too smart so I'd conduct experiments with very little math. But even then it's probably too smart for me. Over the summer I want to work at Sephora, that's the near future but it still counts.
50.) Tag 15 people
Do I have 15 people I can tag? I know Alora won't do it but I'll still tag her.
@aloranotgreenleaf Nicko_Heap Child_of_Hope @el1za and BJKaplan
Ooh, such a rebel so not tagging 15 people XD. If you already did it, oops. If you don't want to do it, don't. If you didn't get tagged and you still want to do it, I TAG YOU!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading!
Kay thanks, byeeeeeeeeeee!!
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