Three men crowded the room. One struggled to hold onto Tai Yi, one was getting ready to pounce on Junseo, and Trooper Chan lay in a pool of blood on the floor. His former coach was still able to get a good kick in at Junseo's attacker. This provided just enough of an edge for Junseo to gain the upper hand. After grappling for a minute Junseo forcefully rammed the man's head through the window at the end of the bed. He left the fighter choking on the shards of glass.
Junseo turned and grabbed onto the back of the leather shirt on the man grappling with Tai Yi. He twisted the collar tighter and tighter for a very effective choke hold. At the same time Tai Yi managed to land a solid kick into the man's privates. The man dropped to his knees but Junseo kept the pressure on until he was certain the man was unconscious. Only then did he grab a belt off the pile of cloths on Tai Yi's bed to tie up the would-be kidnapper. A quick glance at the position of the man in the window, and the amount of blood running on the sill, told Junseo another tie was not necessary.
He went to help Trooper Chan and only paused for a moment when he heard Tai Yi say, "He was part of the set up. He led them here but then they turned on him."
He looked sadly at his former coach and tried to bandage the belly cut as best he could. With a cut like that he did not think the man would live long enough to stand trial. Trooper Chan moaned a bit while Junseo finished wrapping the wound.
"Stay as still as you can. Nothing to eat or drink until a healer sees to you." Junseo instructed firmly.
Trooper Chan nodded and then apologized to both boys before passing out.
"Are you okay, Tai Yi-sie?" Junseo asked.
"I will be okay, big brother." Tai Yi answered bravely as the Master-of-arms and the school's watchman arrived together and took in the carnage.
"Three live captives, one dead. Sir." Junseo gave a succinct report.
"Three?" The Master-of-Arms looked around the room.
"In the trunk in the hall. You should have passed a sword on your way here too."
"And you are responsible for all this?" the man waved his arm around indicated the bloody destruction.
"No, they turned on their mole before I go here. I was able to trap the man at the door and make use of the window while Tai Yi got the best of his attacker."
When the Master-of-Arms gave Junseo a very skeptical look Junseo grinned over at his roommate and said, "He might look small but he is mighty."
"Uh..." the Master-of-Arms still couldn't believe the scene but knew the proper authorities would need to take over.
"Do you think the Watchman could accompany us down to the kitchens where the cook might scare up some sweets and tea. It's been a bit of a shock for us and the investigators are going to be busy in here for a while." Junseo wanted to get Tai Yi away from the room and the man who had betrayed him.
"Good idea. You do that. Wen take them down to the kitchens and then go straight to the constable's office at the palace. Tell them we had a kidnap attempt."
"You should also say it is an affair of the state. Not specifics. Just an affair of the state." Tai Yi piped up.
"Right." The Master-at-arms blanched at the phrase as it sunk in just who the boy they tried to kidnap actually was.
Junseo gave Tai Yi a quick squeeze and said quietly, "Well done."
Junseo had the Watchman lead the way with Tai Yi in the middle while he brought up the rear. He doubted there were any more attackers in the building but he was not going to chance it. His scowl was enough to discourage any of the boys on the hallway from doing more that peeking out of their rooms.
When they got to the second-floor landing, he stooped down and picked up his book bag and the pile cloths he had dropped.
"Darn, I just got these back from the laundry. Now look at them."
"Yeah, well you had just fixed the window too." Tai Yi said pertly.
"Most annoying," Junseo agreed mildly and then grinned crookedly.
The cook made a proper fuss over taking care of them both. It was just the balm they both needed. Matron brought a healer to check them over. The healer heartily approved of Junseo's recommended treatment for shock then insisted on putting a couple of stitches into the cut on Junseo's hand.
"Next time try not to grab a sword with your bare hand." He recommended.
"I will keep it mind." Junseo agreed dryly.
Their conversation gave Tai Yi another fit of giggles.
"What am I supposed to do with you? You have barely been here a full day." The matron tried to scold.
"Handy thing my trunk was still in the hall though," Junseo tried to raise a smile.
"Extremely handy, we don't get our prisoners packaged up so neatly very often," observed the Palace Investigator while entering the kitchen with Headmaster Kim on his heels.
Junseo stood but had to put a hand on the table to steady himself for his bow.
"Allow me to present Lord Presumptive Jong Tai Yi of Psyonan Province." Tai Yi did not rise, instead he nodded at the Palace Investigator then watched his roommate with wide eyes.
"I am Park Junseo of Ilidan, at your service." His face went very pale as he started to feel more of his injuries.
The Investigator waved at Junseo to sit down.
"Most certainly at our service, and a very great service to your country and this young lord. It would help us a lot to have your statements. Maybe we could find an office?" He looked at the Headmaster but Matron stepped forward.
"Mine is right over here. We can bring an extra chair and some more tea." She bustled along making arrangements.
"It would probably help with getting the dinner service if we are not so underfoot." Junseo said to assure Tai Yi and then added, "Headmaster Kim can stay to monitor the interview. I don't think we need an advocate but there should be another adult in the room, if that is alright."
"It should be fine for this preliminary investigation but if it looks like I need to be involved in anything serious one of the Regents will have to be called." Tai Yi was fully aware he was issuing a serious threat with this statement.
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