Mr. Aizawa and All Might stood in the front of the classroom. Everyone was seated, listening to what they had to say.
"Today, we'll be beginning your first Hero course! Everyone here will learn Hero stuff," explained All Might.
Wow. I loved the vagueness in his sentence.
"Thank you for that, All Might," spoke Mr. Aizawa, dead on the inside.
I tapped the end of my pink, fluffy pen against the desk. I was staring down at my 'Who's the Best Kisser' notebook, thinking of what to write about Shouto. After a few seconds, I began writing down my thoughts. . .
'Shouto was a pretty decent kisser. The only thing was—I felt like I was kissing Olaf from Frozen or something, since he was so cold due to his Quirk. I think it started to activate from the shock of me kissing him so abruptly. Oh, well. I'll give him a 7ish/10.'
Closing my glittery journal, I looked up. All Might had just finished explaining everything about the Hero course. We were now going to try on our Hero costumes!
🦈 🦈 🦈
Walking out of this random tunnel, the class and I approached this arena which All Might gathered us in. Looking over at the other's costumes, I nearly choked from laughing.
"AHAHHAHA—WHAT THE HECK IS MINETA WEARING!? A TOILET SKIRT?" I jeered, pointing at him. All the others snickered.
Mineta stuck his tongue out. "YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS YOU DON'T HAVE A HOT BOD LIKE MINE!! JUST LOOK AT MY RIPPLING TWELVE-PACK!!" He gestured to his non-existent abs.
"All I see is a rippling ribcage," mocked Hanta.
After bullying Mineta, we got more information about the Hero lesson. We were going to team up in pairs apparently, and play some kind of minigame. All Might threw cards with our names on them in a hat, and had us pick one. When I picked up mine, I got. . .
Denki Kaminari.
"Where's mah homeboi, Denko at?" I asked, looking around. He approached me with a confident grin.
"Great! We'll make a nice meme team, (Y/N)!"
He then wrapped his arm around my waist, only to pull me close. I blushed from his actions. He dipped me in front of everyone which was a bit humiliating. Because of this, All Might said, "DETENTION—BOTH OF YOU AFTER SCHOOL. NO PDA IS ALLOWED—"
"I didn't even do anything!!" I shouted at him.
I cried.
"Detention? With (Y/N)~?" Denki vocalized in a daydreamy manner. This caused the other guys to groan.
"No way—" Katsuki grumbled to himself. He then asked, "Yo, if I punched Deku in the face—would I get detention too?"
". . .Yes."
Katsuki shrugged before throwing a half-hearted punch at him.
Deku held his nose and screeched, "WHAT THE HECK, KACCHAN?"
Eijiro headbutted Katsuki in the stomach in order to get detention as well.
Just as Hanta tried doing the same thing that they were doing, All Might interjected, "WE'RE ACCEPTING NO MORE DETENTIONS."
Great. I got detention with Denki, Katsuki, and Eijiro for the rest of the evening.
After that travesty, All Might said it was time for the test or whatever it was. He wanted us to play in teams of Heroes and Villains. Denki and I were playing the Villains. The two of us were going against Momo and MIieta. I cringed at the thought of being locked in a building with that little grape perv.
When our turn came, Denki and I headed to our section with the egg we had to protect. I looked at it with him.
"Wow, it's a beautiful egg."
He looked over at me, caressing his hand in my hair. "Not as beautiful as you though."
Woah, since when did he get smooth?
"(Y/N), I wanna tell you something. . ."
His suave smile was now bashful. "I'm garbage, take me out."
My eyes went starry, a tiny gasp escaping my mouth. He drew closer to me and rested his eyes—his lips looming near mine.
Unbeknownst to us, the entire class was watching. We should have figured it but screw sanity at this point.
🦈 🦈 🦈
Katsuki hissed at the monitor, while Eijiro and Hanta were trying to find a way to disconnect it. Izuku hid his eyes with his Quirk notebook, and Shouto banged his head against the wall repeatedly. Also, Tenya was sitting on the floor like a toddler, just dying. So, All Might decided to put a stop to it. He pulled a mic close and yelled, "NO KISSING, YOU HORMONAL TEENAGERS!!!"
🦈 🦈 🦈
Upon hearing this, Denki and I backed away from each other. Around that time, Mineta raced up, trying to place a hand on our egg thing.
Mineta screeched, "GOTTTT EEEEEM—OOP!" Before I tackled him to the ground using a Shrek. The Shrek headbutted into Mineta, causing him to fly out the window. Welp.
Oh, yeah. I also sent some screaming My Little Ponies after Momo, which made her resign from the competition honestly.
Denki and I won! I guess we make a pretty good meme team afterall~
As we made our way out the arena, the guys tried stampeding Denki. But he made a quick escape by doing a peace sign and fading away. Man, those were always so helpful when you needed a fast getaway.
So, I approached All Might. I just felt like introducing myself to the most famous Hero since Barack Obama with Obamacare.
"A-All Might! You're really him?" I questioned, freaking out from being in front of a global celebrity much like himself.
"AH, YES. I AM—" Once he looked down at me, he went quiet. His expression didn't change at all, but I could tell something was off. ". . ."
"Uh, All Might? You okay, my du—"
He suddenly made a break for it, avoiding our conversation for whatever reason.
"Huh. Weird." I then took some tater tots out of my pocket and placed them into my mouth. What? Using my Quirk made me hungry sometimes.
Eijiro nudged Izuku's arm. "Why does All Might act so weird around her? Like, he's purposely avoiding her or something?"
Izuku shrugged. "I don't know. It's not in character for him. . ." Of course, he started muttering about it. "Maybe it has something to do with the stress of having a student with such a powerful Quirk and maybe he feels pressured about—"
He put Eijiro to sleep pretty fast.
I was pretty bummed about having detention after school, but hey—at least I'll be with three insanely-hot guys. I mean, jawlines like theirs should be illegal. In New York, they probably would be due to how sharp they are.
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