5 ☆ Destroying Bed, Bath, and Beyond
Mr. Aizawa and I were at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I've never been to one before, and it was certainly breath-taking. I looked at all the hot furniture, and the amazing aroma candles.
"Mr. Aizawa! How much money can I spend?"
"Eh, just get what you want."
"R-Really? But won't that cost a lot of—"
"It's just money, and money causes me depression—so, yeah."
I grinned. "Alright! Thank you!"
I went over and stared at the stuff they had. A gummy bear chandelier caught my eye, along with a hand-shaped chair. Mr. Aizawa noticed this so he put them in the cart for me.
As I was scrolling through the aisle of aromatherapy, I bumped into Shouto.
"Oh! I didn't expect to see you here," I giggled.
"Candles calm me."
I smiled anxiously.
He suddenly took my hands. "You know, I was thinking."
"About what you said. . .about Shrek's dad trying to eat him—but Shrek overcame it. It really inspired me. . ."
"Oh, well, I'm uh, glad!"
"And. . .I was also thinking about you."
I stiffened. Shouto. . .was thinking of me?
"That's why—" He suddenly kneeled down on one knee, and took out a small, velvet box. Was he doing what I think he was doing!?
He popped open the fancy container to reveal a set of AirPods. How was I even supposed to react?
"This is a peace offering," he told me.
So, I accepted these off-brand AirPods.
"Thank you."
He only looked down and blushed as he rose up to his feet. Gosh, he looked so hot underneath the artificial lighting of the store.
Because of his utter hotness, it caused me to do the stupidest thing ever. So, I randomly grabbed him by his tie, pulled him toward me, and planted a stolen kiss on his lips. At first, he was surprised, but after a few seconds, he melted into my kiss. It was so magical like a Disney movie or something. I even heard harps and sparkles around us!
But of course, Katsuki and Eijiro had to show up, along with Denki. Shouto and I ended the kiss after hearing this deafening screech from Katsuki.
"GET THE ZICK-ZACK AWAY FROM MY QUEEN EXPLOSION MURDER!!!!" Katsuki launched himself in Shouto's direction with his foot out, in preparation to kick the living daylights out of him. Shouto only did a graceful triple-back flip to dodge it.
Katsuki's explosions started going off in all directions now. Several shelves toppled down—candles shattering from impact with the floor, and customers near us were fleeing for their lives. I tried getting him to stop fighting, but he wouldn't listen. Eijiro only took me in his hold—shielding my head from any danger with his own. And uh, Denki just pretty much recorded the whole thing.
Katsuki and Shouto were yeeting candles at each other, while using nearby shelves as barriers for protection.
"EIJIRO!! I GOTTA STOP THEM!" I shouted over the noise, but he didn't let me go. He was way too strong, and I was just like a piece of string cheese compared to his manly strength.
. . .Do I like Eijiro now too???
Never mind that! I had to focus on stopping the other two. So, I did the only thing I could think of.
Use my meme Quirk.
Closing my eyes, I concentrated. I attempted to spawn a Big Chungus, but the chances of that were pretty slim. He was a tough one to summon up.
But fortunately, he appeared. When he did, he shot up in the air and belly-flopped on both Katsuki and Shouto. They both crashed to the ground, being squashed by the obese rabbit.
Eijiro gasped. "(Y/N)! That was amazing! That was pretty. . .woMANLY!"
"Y-You think!?" I blushed from his compliment.
"Yup." He then took me by my shoulders. "You're woman."
Okay, this man needed to learn to work on his compliments. So, we both walked over to Big Chungus' victims.
"Only if you agree to stop fighting!" I told them.
Shouto reluctantly nodded his head. Katsuki only groaned and murmured out a 'fine'.
Once I sealed Big Chungus back into the meme dimension, the two boys stood up.
Denki spoke, "Not to pry or anything, but why were you two making out in a store where yoga moms loiter?"
"We were not making out!" Shouto cut off.
This was so awkward. I was pretty sure I had a crush on Shouto, Katsuki, Eijiro, Denki, and Izuku—but who would I actually fall in love with? Who would be the one I'd fix the tie for every morning before he went to work at McDonald's? Who would be the one to hold me in their arms and protect me from practically everythi—never mind, Eijiro does that already.
Mr. Aizawa payed for the furniture I picked out. Right now, we were strolling home.
He then asked, "What was Bakugou doing in Bed, Bath, and Beyond?"
I became nervous. "Wh-What do you mean?"
"Oh, come on. What else were those explosions from?"
"You got me there."
I was having a hard time keeping up a conversation with him since my feelings were so scatterbrained. Who did I like!? It was only the first day of school and I just—WHO DID I WANT TO BE MY FUTURE HUSBAND!?!? UGH, FINDING SOULMATES IN HIGH SCHOOL IS A PAIN.
So, I decided to get answers and advice. . .by going to McDonald's.
Walking up to the drive thru window, the employee greeted me.
"Hello, you ordered the uh, McNug—"
"No, I ordered boy advice," I interjected. "So, like—there's about eight guys I like or something, and I can't decide who I wanna be with!"
"Girl, just pick who your heart truly desires. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Who makes you feel true happiness?"
I thought about it. That was some good advice. "Thanks, I'll go see who's the best kisser now." I ran off without paying for my order.
Hopefully, I'd find my soulmate in about a day or two.
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