43 ☆ The Furries Strike Back
When I woke up, I saw Tenya and Eijiro guarding the door on the outside, holding pool noodles as if they were Royal Guards. Katsuki, Shouto, and Denki were hiding in the trees, holding potato guns. Hanta, Yuga, Deku, and Mineta were crouched in a ditch with Nerf blasters pointing out.
I yawned, rubbed my eyes, then opened the door. "Guys?"
"Yes, (Y/N)?" they all responded in perfect unison.
"Aren't you takin' this a bit far?" I asked.
"Not far enough!" Katsuki yelled.
At that moment, I heard deranged furry wheezing.
"What did you do?" I interrogated.
"We did nothing."
Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll, and Tiger flailed out of their cabin, covered in shaving cream, syrup, cheese whiz, and peanut butter all over their clothes, face, and hair fur. It was like Candy Land and a parrot exploded.
"What's goin' on?" Aizawa yelled, rolling up in his sleeping bag.
"Oh." He then turned to me. "Hello, Daughter."
"Hi," I beamed.
"Do you know anything about this?"
I grinned, "I was asleep at the time."
"Why are you in the boys' cabin?" he asked.
"We were protecting her from the banshees," Yuga explained.
"I'll let the furries deal with this." Mr. Aizawa then rolled off, only to fall down a muddy hill into who-knows-where. What a great dad.
So, that was pretty much the end of the Lady GooGoo legend.
🐔 🐔 🐔
After breakfast, we were told we should "enhance" our Quirks by pushing our bodies to the limit. The Pussycats thought up things that were. . .downright torturous. How did the National Board of Education allow this!?
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Katsuki B-flated again as he plunged his arms into a bucket of boiling water. "MMMMM GONNA SWING FROM THE CHANDELIER! CH—"
"SHUT UP!" Shouto, who was suffering by sitting in a tub of boiling water, yelled.
I looked over and saw Denki electrocuting himself on a mountain, going dumb, then plummeting to the earth. Everyone else was doing bizarre things that looked pretty dangerous. How was this helpful!?
Ragdoll approached me with a sneer and said, "Whatcha doin' standin' around for?"
"I dunno what to do," I replied, poking the ground with a stick.
"You must pop out as many memes as you can like Momo—but 10x faster."
"But I don't wanna," I whimpered.
"Then why are you even here?" she jeered, scoffing like some cliche mean girl.
"No one really knows," I looked off into the winds.
She just turned up her nose and stormed off, hmphing. I guess these feline wannabes were determined to make my life miserable because I defied their stupid legend. But maybe they'd just let bygones be bygones and let it go.
. . .
So, they decided to start a rumor that I was in love with Mineta.
Tiger and Mandalay stopped behind Denki, who was recovering from his dumb state, and began to speak in a loud, robotic tone within earshot of him, "DID YOU HEAR, TIGER?"
"OH, MY," Mandalay slapped her cheek and gasped dramatically.
Denki side-eyed them, raising an eyebrow.
"WHEREVER DID YOU HEAR THAT?" she drew out her voice obnoxiously.
Mandalay then stopped and dropped her act. "Wait, but you're not a—"
But Denki cut in, "Wait just a—(Y/N) and Mineta are dating???"
They both smirked devilishly.
"Oh, yes!" Tiger lied. "They've got the hots for each other."
"Yup! Totally, irrevocably in love with each other," Mandalay added for good measure.
Denki paused in disbelief. But after a few seconds, he started choking on laughter.
"Pfft, you guys seriously think I believe that!?" he cackled. "Even I know (Y/N) has standards! You're both so full of it."
Mandalay and Tiger looked sheepish, afraid to continue.
Denki just smirked and said, "I may be an idiot, but I'm not stupid."
At that, they both stormed off in defeat. I didn't realize how lit Denki was until he actually showed something other than his Bee Movie pickup lines. Maybe he'd make a good future husband.
But Denki's superiority didn't stop Tiger and Mandalay from spreading their unrighteous rumors about moi. Instead, they went to convince another poor soul.
"WHO'S SCREAMIN' IN MAH EAR?!?!?!?" Katsuki interrupted them, since they were only two inches away from him. "CAN'T YA SEE I'M STICKIN' MY ARMS IN BOILING WATER HERE???"
"Oh! Our apologies!" Mandalay giggled. "We were just talking about. . .well, you-know-who~"
"VOLDEMORT!?!?" Katsuki assumed, whipping his arms out of the steaming tank. "WHERE IS HE?!? ALOHAMORA!!!!!"
"That's the unlocking spell. Not the killing Voldemort spell," Shouto softly corrected, while still casually hanging out in his tub of boiling water. "Besides, it's Alohomora, not 'Alohamora.' Do you even read?"
Before Katsuki could have another brain spasm, Deku screamed, "WATCH OUT!!!" And accidentally kicked Mandalay in the face with his rogue Full Cowling.
So, that was a failure.
After that clown act, I approached Eijiro and sniffled, "Shoulder to cry on, please."
He softened his Quirk immediately and opened his arms. "What'd those sack of fleas do, (Y/N)?"
I entered his embrace and bowed my head upon his shoulder. "They're telling everyone I'm dating Mineta!"
"Only a fool would believe the slanders of an idiot, princess."
"Wow, that's actually profound," I responded. "Where'd you learn that?"
"I made it up."
"Wow. . .you're so artistic."
I looked into his eyes and smiled. It had been a long time since I'd been in his arms. I forgot how sensitive he was (and stronk). I could stay in his arms until supper~
"Thanks, Eijiro."
"Anytime, princess." He then took my hands and I gazed into his eyes. "If you ever get tired of those other guys, I'm always here for you."
"Oh, Eijiro," I cooed as we held our hands higher and glittered like a shoujo anime. "I just need more time."
"Oh, princess. I'll stop my watch at this moment and wait for you to start it again~"
He then dipped me in his arms as the background faded away and transformed into pink clouds and sparkles. Harp music started to play. I leapt into his arms as if I was in zero gravity, answering, "You may not have to wait much longer~"
I wasn't sure what was in my breakfast to make me see the pink glitter sparkles around us, but it was so romantic. He spun me around in his arms as his eyes locked with mine.
"Well, until then, beautiful. Stay safe." He kissed me on the forehead and let me down. "I gotta go practice being a rock some more." He then left me.
It was like I plopped in an episode of Fruits Basket. So, before he left, I yelled out, "Eijiro!"
"(Y/N). . ." He turned his head to me.
"That moment. Real or not real?"
"Real," he velveted before turning away again.
At that, Katsuki yelled from a few yards away, "THIS PAIN IN MY HEART. REAL OR NOT REAL!?"
"SHADDUP!" Hanta yelled while snapping tape at him. "YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE IN PAIN!"
"Join the club," Fumikage said out of nowhere. "She hasn't even talked to me since the beginning of the book."
I turned to them and asked, "Katsuki! Were you spying?"
"I have to close my eyes not to spy as you mock us with your teasing," he fumed.
"Well. . .are we still gonna search for beans at 2:00 AM together?" I questioned pathetically.
"I'm not desperate like these other fools. You gotta make up your mind about you gonna be with." Katsuki then stomped off.
I sighed dramatically. If only he understood my inner turmoil. If I continued to drag out this "who-do-I-like?" angst any longer, I'd start driving away the best boys of the bunch and end up with the unhottest ones. Katsuki's patience was zero to nothing, Shouto was too emo to flirt on his own, Deku wouldn't want to "get in the way" of my relationship with a certain boy, and Eijiro would—well, actually, he'd probably wait for everyone else to give up and try to snag me then.
But the thing was, if I chose one of them, that'd leave the rest miserable and lonely! I mean, if I rejected Katsuki, he'd probably become a felon, drop out of the hero program, go to prison, then attend rehab for the rest of his life. Deku wouldn't only have his bones broken, but his heart. Denki would probably follow in the footsteps of Present Mic, and Shouto would spend the rest of his life on Dr. Phil, sorting out his daddy issues.
I wanted to save at least one of them from their horrible lifestyles!!!
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