33 ☆ Katsuki Sings Kesha
After trying to erase what just happened from my mind, I went to go find my date. I took some chicken nuggets which were placed on the food table and called, "Katsukiiiii~! I got chicken nugggeeeetttss~!"
I remembered Deku using chicken nugget bait to find Katsuki back when he got lost in that forest—so I decided to try it out for myself. However, my search for him was interrupted by Shouto.
"Oh! Hi!" I giggled. "Where have you been these past few days? It's like you died."
"I did, but I lived."
"Makes sense."
He noticed I was carrying a plate of chicken nuggets, so he took it and began eating. "Wow, thanks for the McNuggets."
He blushed. "Also, you look really pretty. Like—hot and cool."
I grinned. "Was that a pun?"
"No, it was a compliment."
Shouto looked at the stage where Present Mic was controlling the DJ booth. "These songs are kinda lame. He's been playing 'Baby' by Justin Bieber on repeat."
I cringed, "Yeah. I just wish he changed it! We need more party-related tunes."
"Party. . .tunes?' Shouto repeated, acting as if he had no idea what I was talking about.
"Yeah! Like, songs from Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Kesha, and other singers like them."
Shouto looked like he got an idea then left, still holding the chicken nugget bait. "Be right back. . ."
I was confused. So, I took another sip of my punch and hoped no other guys would appear from out of the blue.
Katsuki finally returned after finishing up exploding people. This was the first time I noticed he wasn't in that mafia tux, and now he was in a black one with a scarlet tie.
"Wasn't Monoma wearing that?" I asked.
"Not anymore. I stole it from him earlier and stuffed him in the janitor's closet."
That sounded like something Katsuki would do, so I wasn't too surprised.
"So, uh—what happened to Mirio and the photographer?"
He responded with a somewhat proud smirk, "I decked 'em both."
Awkward silence. However, it ended once the lights went dim and a vivid spotlight landed on. . .Shouto!?
Shouto was on stage with his back turned to the audience. A familiar song played that he tapped his foot to the rhythm of. Not to mention two other boys were behind him like they were his backup dancers or something.
"Oh, great. Here come the three most emo boys in the school," scoffed Hanta.
Tamaki Amajiki? I think I saw him hanging around Mirio at some point.
"Why is Shouto on stage?" Katsuki hissed while crushing a soda can with his hand.
"I dunno. . ."
"This is dedicated to (Y/N)," Shouto spoke into the microphone. "I heard y'all like party music."
The crowd cheered. They were probably relieved that 'Baby' stopped playing on a loop. My date was screaming inside, but I blushed at Shouto's words.
Shouto flipped on a pair of dank sunglasses and stared at the floor, singing, 'Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy (Hey, what up girl?)' With Fumikage as the backup vocals. 'Grab my glasses, I'm out the door; I'm gonna hit this city (Let's go). Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack. 'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back.'
Shouto flicked his head toward the crowd, letting his beautiful hair swish around. 'I'm talking pedicure on our toes, toes! Trying on all our clothes, clothes! Girls blowing up our phones, phones.'
The three of them did a perfectly synchronized dance to the beat. The moves they were doing looked like the same ones Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley pulled off in Another Cinderella Story. The audience applauded and danced along as well.
'Drop-topping, playing our favorite CD's! Rollin' up to the parties! Trying to get a little bit tipsy. . .'
Fumikage jumped into this human cannon which Tamaki rolled out on stage, and shot out of it with confetti to the top of the ceiling. It was utter chaos.
'Don't stop, make it pop. DJ, blow my speakers up. Tonight, I'm-a fight, till we see the sunlight. Tick-tock, on the clock. But the party don't stop, no-wo-wo-wo! No-wo-wo-wo!'
"HECK, NAW! IF Y'ALL SINGIN' KESHA THEN AT LEAST DO IT RIGHT!!" Katsuki handed me his red cup of Kool-Aid, stormed the stage, stole Tamaki's microphone, then pushed him off the stage.
Now, I was worried.
Katsuki started screaming into the mic like he was a screamo singer or something. I nearly went deaf with the rest of the audience.
'Back door, cracked we don't need a key, we get in for free. No VIP sleaze.
Drink that Kool Aid follow my lead. Now you're one of us. You're coming with me!'
"KACCHAN, STOPPPPP! YOU BETTER STOPPPP!" Deku tried shouting over the clashing noise of hardcore drums and electric guitars.
Katsuki started jumping up and down, getting the audience to do the same. I felt like I was at an AC/DC concert. The people in the audience were ramming into each other like it was a bull fight.
"IT'S CALLED A MOOSH PIT!" Denki told me, screaming over the loud noise.
"I DON'T THINK IT IS, BUT OKAY," I yelled back.
Confetti filled the room and people were dancing like Sonic if he drank fifty Red Bulls. I was trying to escape the madness, but I kept getting pushed around by random people in the crowd. Katsuki and Shouto were having a dance off to Kesha while all of this was happening. Before I plunged into the darkness of the audience, someone grabbed my hand and smoothly pulled me away from the mosh pit.
I looked up and it was Eijiro.
"E-Eijiro!" I called.
He lifted me up in a princess carry and headed out of the building. He took me behind the gym and placed me on a nearby bench.
"Sorry about Bakugou! I didn't realize he'd create a death metal concert in there!" he chuckled.
I blushed and replied, "N-No biggie."
He smiled then looked into my eyes. Maybe I should have asked him to the dance instead.
"You look beautiful, by the way."
"Thanks, you too!" I smiled. "Wait, I meant uh, handsome—"
He only laughed. "I understand~"
Welp, might as well kiss him before my date shows up. So, I leaned in and planted a big kiss on Eijiro's lips. He was shocked at first, but closed his eyes and returned it with a smile. He was such a good kisser too!!!!!
"Uh, what's going on here?" asked a familiar voice.
We both looked up to see. . .oh no. . .Mr. Aizawa.
"UH—NOTHING!" I lied.
"(Y/N), are you kissing boys???"
I didn't want him to find out I've kissed about ten of them in this past few months, so I said, "No. . .he's a rock."
"I thought that Bakugou punk was your date," he reminded me.
I scoffed, "Katsuki and I kissed long before prom ever happened—I MEAN—"
"What?" Eijiro said.
"What?" Aizawa said.
"What?" some random hobo said.
I was so humiliated and mortified, I ran from them both and rushed inside the girl's locker room. I stood in there, leaning against the wall and rethinking my life choices.
I think I've kissed them all. . .but who do I like? Deku, Katsuki, Shouto, Tenya, Eijiro, Denki, Hanta, Hitoshi, or Dabi (even though I never kissed him)? What do I want? Izuku's softnesss; Katsuki's deep-suited yet kind of hot issues; Shouto's shyness and emoness; Tenya's ability to dictate over a classroom; Eijiro's protectiveness; Denki's idiocy and memes; Hanta's blandness; Hitoshi's bleh attitude; or Dabi's creepiness? Decisions, decisions. . . .
I knew I had a crush on all of them, but who was best boy? Who would I marry in the end and not feel totally ripped off? Sure, I only knew them for about a few months, but I had to marry one because I've already invested so much time in getting to know them and I was too lazy to do that with anyone else. Plus, they were hotter than burnt barbeque.
However, maybe I had to look past their looks. . .maybe I had to go deeper. This was big brain time.
So, I decided to push my responsibilities aside and head back into the gym. When I arrived, I saw that half of the people in the mosh pit were unconscious.
"Uh, what happened?" I asked.
"Katsuki really did make the place blow-oh-oh-oh," answered Deku—who raised his head up from being smushed in the floor. As soon as he finished talking, he plopped it back down.
I scanned the room and noticed that the walls were charred from explosions and banners were torn. That's when I noticed Katsuki in the middle of being handcuffed by two cops.
"You can't take me back to juvie!" he yelled.
"Sorry, son. But you've broke the guidelines of vandalizing school property too many times."
I rushed up to them and said, "Wait!! You can't arrest my date!"
The cop turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "And why not?"
"Because we haven't even gotten the prom group picture yet," I pouted. "I CAN'T BE THE ONLY GIRL WITHOUT A DATE!!!!"
"Yeah, have a heart," Katsuki growled.
"Shut up, boy. But eh, I guess he can stay a bit longer. But he only has an hour and then we're haulin' him off."
I smiled. "Thank you so much, officer!"
So, they released Katsuki. Around that time, Present Mic announced that it was time to take a group shot of everyone who attended prom. He had us all go outside to the dock on the lake underneath the sakura trees. As we headed over there, I noticed Tsuyu holding hands with. . .Tomura.
"Tsuyu? Tomura? What the heck?"
"She had to pay for a date to the prom last minute," he explained.
"Yeah, we met on a dating site called 'Hot or Not'—ribbit."
"I ended up in the 'Not' category," Tomura groaned.
"So, I got desperate."
I cringed, "Well, uh, nice."
When we arrived at the dock, Present Mic told us to stand in the middle of it. He had a photographer with him and everything. So, we all scooted to the center of it.
Deku posed like All Might; Mineta did Jennifer Lopez with one leg out; Shouto did a Wii Fit Trainer pose; and the rest did various Sailor Moon stances.
Katsuki casually leaned his elbow on my head with a poor attempt at a smile. I wasn't sure why he didn't just put his arm around my waist, but our group was so random I just went with it. I decided to do bunny ears behind his gigantic hair.
"Alright, in three. . .two. . o—"
Before he could take the photo, the wooden dock snapped from the pressure of holding everyone's bodyweight. The guys hollered as the girls clung to them for support.
"AAAAAAH!!!" I shrieked as I held onto Katsuki. He kept us afloat in the water with the help of his Quirk.
"MOMMYYYYYYY!!!!" Mineta screeched as he was being chased by some angry beta fish.
"To the bottom I go," said Eijiro before he sunk like a rock—because he was one.
Then the camera flashed. "Alright, that'll be thirty bucks," the photographer demanded.
Present Mic blinked once before handing him the cash. "THANKS, I GUESS???"
We swam to land, soaked from head to toe. My beautiful dress was ruined along with my hair and makeup.
"So much for a group picture. . ." Ochako pouted.
"We can still get one in another spot," Hanta suggested, wringing out his wet hair.
"Lookin' like Aquaman? I think not!" Katsuki fumed.
I only laughed, using a SpongeBob which I spawned to dry my hair. Around that time, prom was ending. As soon as Katsuki's hour was up, the cops came to arrest him again. But he made a break for it before they could and jumped a few fences. However, I think everything went pretty dandy in my opinion.
So, the picture we ended up with was the one of us all falling in the lake. How memorable.
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